34 research outputs found

    Treated Unconventional Waters Combined with Different Irrigation Strategies Affect 1 H NMR Metabolic Profile of a Monovarietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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    none8noThe agricultural sector is facing a decrease in water supply and water quality at a global level and this is a problem that strictly affects all the Mediterranean olive growing areas. The aim of this work was to evaluate, for the first time, by NMR Spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis the metabolic profiling of the oils produced under different irrigation schemes. Arbosana olive oils were obtained from the use of saline reclaimed water (RW) and treated municipal wastewater (DW), combined with: full irrigation (FI) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI). The results show a higher relative content of saturated fatty acids in EVOOs obtained from RDI strategy, regardless of the water source. Moreover, an increase in unsaturated fatty acids, a ω6/ω3 ratio content was observed in EVOOs obtained from RW when compared with DW water. Furthermore, the RW–RDI showed an increase in secoiridoid derivatives and hydroperoxides with respect to DW–RDI. A sustainable irrigation management, by combining a deficit irrigation strategy and saline reclaimed water source, could be crucial in order to overcome the problem of water scarcity and to guarantee the olive oil nutraceutical properties. The1 H NMR-based metabolomic approach proved a powerful and versatile tool for this specific investigation.openAngile F.; Vivaldi G.A.; Girelli C.R.; Del Coco L.; Caponio G.; Lopriore G.; Fanizzi F.P.; Camposeo S.Angile, F.; Vivaldi, G. A.; Girelli, C. R.; Del Coco, L.; Caponio, G.; Lopriore, G.; Fanizzi, F. P.; Camposeo, S

    1H-NMR metabolite fingerprinting analysis reveals a disease biomarker and a field treatment response in xylella fastidiosa subsp. Pauca-infected olive trees

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    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca is a xylem-limited bacterial phytopathogen currently found associated on many hectares with the “olive quick decline syndrome” in the Apulia region (Southern Italy), and the cultivars Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò result in being particularly sensitive to the disease. In order to find compounds showing the capability of reducing the population cell density of the pathogen within the leaves, we tested, in some olive orchards naturally-infected by the bacterium, a zinc-copper-citric acid biocomplex, namely Dentamet®, by spraying it to the crown, once per month, during spring and summer. The occurrence of the pathogen in the four olive orchards chosen for the trial was molecularly assessed. A 1H NMR metabolomic approach, in conjunction with a multivariate statistical analysis, was applied to investigate the metabolic pattern of both infected and treated adult olive cultivars, Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò trees, in two sampling periods, performed during the first year of the trial. For both cultivars and sampling periods, the orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) gave good models of separation according to the treatment application. In both cultivars, some metabolites such as quinic acid, the aldehydic form of oleoeuropein, ligstroside and phenolic compounds, were consistently found as discriminative for the untreated olive trees in comparison with the Dentamet®-treated trees. Quinic acid, a precursor of lignin, was confirmed as a disease biomarker for the olive trees infected by X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca. When treated with Dentamet®, the two cultivars showed a distinct response. A consistent increase in malic acid was observed for the Ogliarola salentina trees, whereas in the Cellina di Nardò trees the treatments attenuate the metabolic response to the infection. To note that in Cellina di Nardò trees at the first sampling, an increase in γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was observed. This study highlights how the infection incited by X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca strongly modifies the overall metabolism of olive trees, and how a zinc-copper-citric acid biocomplex can induce an early re-programming of the metabolic pathways in the infected trees

    Progress towards sustainable control of xylella fastidiosa subsp. Pauca in olive groves of salento (apulia, italy)

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    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca is the causal agent of “olive quick decline syndrome” in Salento (Apulia, Italy). On April 2015, we started interdisciplinary studies to provide a sustainable control strategy for this pathogen that threatens the multi-millennial olive agroecosystem of Salento. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorescence quantification showed that a zinc-copper-citric acid biocomplex—Dentamet® —reached the olive xylem tissue either after the spraying of the canopy or injection into the trunk, demonstrating its effective systemicity. The biocomplex showed in vitro bactericidal activity towards all X. fastidiosa subspecies. A mid-term evaluation of the control strategy performed in some olive groves of Salento indicated that this biocomplex significantly reduced both the symptoms and X. f. subsp. pauca cell concentration within the leaves of the local cultivars Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò. The treated trees started again to yield. A1 H-NMR metabolomic approach revealed, upon the treatments, a consistent increase in malic acid and γ-aminobutyrate for Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò trees, respectively. A novel endotherapy technique allowed injection of Dentamet® at low pressure directly into the vascular system of the tree and is currently under study for the promotion of resprouting in severely attacked trees. There are currently more than 700 ha of olive groves in Salento where this strategy is being applied to control X. f. subsp. pauca. These results collectively demonstrate an efficient, simple, low-cost, and environmentally sustainable strategy to control this pathogen in Salento

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: The polarization-sensitive ACTPol instrument

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    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) is designed to make high angular resolution measurements of anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at millimeter wavelengths. We describe ACTPol, an upgraded receiver for ACT, which uses feedhorn-coupled, polarization-sensitive detector arrays, a 3 degree field of view, 100 mK cryogenics with continuous cooling, and meta material anti-reflection coatings. ACTPol comprises three arrays with separate cryogenic optics: two arrays at a central frequency of 148 GHz and one array operating simultaneously at both 97 GHz and 148 GHz. The combined instrument sensitivity, angular resolution, and sky coverage are optimized for measuring angular power spectra, clusters via the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signals, and CMB lensing due to large scale structure. The receiver was commissioned with its first 148 GHz array in 2013, observed with both 148 GHz arrays in 2014, and has recently completed its first full season of operations with the full suite of three arrays. This paper provides an overview of the design and initial performance of the receiver and related systems

    Relative Alignment between the Magnetic Field and Molecular Gas Structure in the Vela C Giant Molecular Cloud Using Low- and High-density Tracers

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    We compare the magnetic field orientation for the young giant molecular cloud Vela C inferred from 500 μm polarization maps made with the BLASTPol balloon-borne polarimeter to the orientation of structures in the integrated line emission maps from Mopra observations. Averaging over the entire cloud we find that elongated structures in integrated line-intensity or zeroth-moment maps, for low-density tracers such as 12CO and 13CO J → 1 – 0, are statistically more likely to align parallel to the magnetic field, while intermediate- or high-density tracers show (on average) a tendency for alignment perpendicular to the magnetic field. This observation agrees with previous studies of the change in relative orientation with column density in Vela C, and supports a model where the magnetic field is strong enough to have influenced the formation of dense gas structures within Vela C. The transition from parallel to no preferred/perpendicular orientation appears to occur between the densities traced by 13CO and by C18O J → 1 – 0. Using RADEX radiative transfer models to estimate the characteristic number density traced by each molecular line, we find that the transition occurs at a molecular hydrogen number density of approximately 103 cm−3 . We also see that the Centre Ridge (the highest column density and most active star-forming region within Vela C) appears to have a transition at a lower number density, suggesting that this may depend on the evolutionary state of the cloud

    First insight into nutraceutical properties of local salento cichorium intybus varieties: Nmr-based metabolomic approach

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    Background: Plants of genus Cichorium are known for their therapeutic and nutraceutical properties determined by a wealth of phytochemical substances contained in the whole plant. The aim of this paper was to characterize the metabolic profiles of local Salento chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) varieties (“Bianca”, “Galatina”, “Leccese”, and “Otranto”) in order to describe their metabolites composition together with possible bioactivity and health beneficial properties. Methods: The investigation was performed by1 H-NMR spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis (MVA), by which the metabolic profiles of the samples were easily obtained and compared. Results: The supervised Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) analysis showed as “Bianca” and “Galatina” samples grouped together separated by “Leccese” and “Otranto” varieties. A different content of free amino acids and organic acids was observed among the varieties. In particular a high content of cichoric and monocaffeoyl tartaric acid was observed for the “Leccese” variety. The presence of secondary metabolites adds significant interest in the investigation of Cichorium inthybus, as this vegetable may benefit human health when incorporated into the diet. Conclusions: The1 H-NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy) based characterization of Salento chicory varieties allowed us to determine the potential usefulness and nutraceutical properties of the product, also providing a method to guarantee its authenticity on a molecular scale

    Olive cultivars susceptible or tolerant to xylella fastidiosa subsp. Pauca exhibit mid-term different metabolomes upon natural infection or a curative treatment

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    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca, is a bacterial phytopathogen associated with the “olive quick decline syndrome” (OQDS) causing severe economic losses to olive groves in Salento area (Apulia, Italy). In a previous work, we analyzed by1 H-NMR the metabolic pattern of naturally infected Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò susceptible cultivars untreated and treated with a zinc-copper citric acid biocomplex and we observed the treatment related variation of the disease biomarker quinic acid. In this study, we focused also on the Leccino cultivar, known to exhibit tolerance to the disease progression. The1 H-NMR-based metabolomic approach was applied with the aim to characterize the overall metabolism of tolerant Leccino in comparison with the susceptible cultivars Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò under periodic mid-term treatment. In particular, we studied the leaf extract molecular patterns of naturally infected trees untreated and treated with the biocomplex. The metabolic Leccino profiles were analyzed for the first time and compared with those exhibited by the susceptible Cellina di Nardò and Ogliarola salentina cultivars. The study highlighted a specificity in the metabolic response of the tolerant Leccino compared to susceptible cultivars. These differences provide useful information to describe the defensive mechanisms underlying the change of metabolites as a response to the infection, and the occurrence of different levels of disease, season and treatment effects for olive cultivars

    Soil and leaf ionome heterogeneity in xylella fastidiosa subsp. Pauca-infected, non-infected and treated olive groves in apulia, italy

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    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca is responsible for the “olive quick decline syndrome” (OQDS) in Salento (Apulia). The main epidemiological aspects of the syndrome are related to the pathogen spread and survival in the area, and to the biology of the insect vector. The assessment of the macro and microelements content (i.e., ionome) in soil and leaves could provide basic and useful information. Indeed, knowledge of host ionomic composition and the possibility of its modification could represent a potential tool for the management of diseases caused by X. fastidiosa. Therefore, soil and leaf ionomes of naturally infected, not infected, and zinc–copper–citric acid biocomplex treated trees of different areas of Apulia and the bordering Basilicata regions were compared. We observed that soil and leaf ionomic composition of olive farms growing in the pathogen-free areas north of the Salento Barletta-Andria-Trani BAT (Apulia) and Potenza PZ (Basilicata, Apulia bordering region) provinces is significantly different from that shown by the infected olive groves of the Salento areas (LE, BR, TA provinces). In particular, a higher content of zinc and copper both in soil and leaves was found in the studied northern areas in comparison to the southern areas. This finding could partly explain the absence of OQDS in those areas. In the infected Salento areas, the leaf ionomic profile resulted as being markedly different for the biocomplex treated compared to the untreated trees. A higher zinc content in leaves characterized treated with respect to untreated trees. On the other hand, among the not-infected trees, Xylella-resistant Leccino showed higher manganese content when compared with the higher pathogen sensitive Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò. According to these results, soil and olive leaf ionome could provide basic information for the epidemiologic study and possible control of X. f. subsp. pauca in Apulia

    1h-nmr profiling shows as specific constituents strongly affect the international evoo blends characteristics: The case of the italian oil

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    Considering the growing number of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) producers in the world, knowing the influence of olive oils with different geographical origins on the characteristics of the final blend becomes an interesting goal. The present work is focused on commercial organic EVOO blends obtained by mixing multiple oils from different geographical origins. These blends have been studied by1H-NMR spectroscopy supported by multivariate statistical analysis. Specific characteristics of commercial organic EVOO blends originated by mixing oils from Italy, Tunisia, Portugal, Spain, and Greece were found to be associated with the increasing content of the Italian component. A linear progression of the metabolic profile defined characteristics for the analysed samples—up to a plateau level—was found in relation to the content of the main constituent of the Italian oil, the monocultivar Coratina. The Italian constituent percentage appears to be correlated with the fatty acids (oleic) and the polyphenols (tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and derivatives) content as major and minor components respectively. These results, which highlight important economic aspects, also show the utility of1H-NMR associated with chemometric analysis as a powerful tool in this field. Mixing oils of different national origins, to obtain blends with specific characteristics, could be profitably controlled by this methodology

    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca on olive in Salento (Southern Italy): Infected trees have low in planta micronutrient content

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    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca is associated with the olive quick decline syndrome in Salento (Apulia region, Southern Italy). The first outbreak of the disease was noticed in the Gallipoli district, from where it subsequently reached nearby areas. To date, no specific study has verified if abnormal soil or leaf micronutrients is associated with the disease. Soil and leaf samples were taken from 23 olive farms showing symptoms of the syndrome located in Gallipoli and nearby areas. Each sample was analyzed for magnesium and micronutrients content using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Real-time PCR indicated that X. f. subsp. pauca was present in each sampled tree. There is a general lack of molybdenum in soil and low bioavailability of copper and molybdenum in tree leaves. Low content of manganese in soil was also found in some farms located in Gallipoli, Galatone and Trepuzzi. Olive trees grown in Gallipoli area also had low content of boron. Principal component analysis showed that soil and leaf samples from this area had lower micronutrient contents compared with other areas. General copper depletion in leaves was uncommon and has not been previously recorded in Italy in a large area. This could indicate that X. f. subsp. pauca infection causes a depletion of copper within olive leaves. Reduced copper content has been previously recorded in leaves infected with X. f. subsp. multiplex and for other bacterial pathogens. The role of copper in relation to X. fastidiosa infection is discussed