1,780 research outputs found

    The thermodynamic limit for fractional exclusion statistics

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    I discuss Haldane's concept of generalised exclusion statistics (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 67}, 937, 1991) and I show that it leads to inconsistencies in the calculation of the particle distribution that maximizes the partition function. These inconsistencies appear when mutual exclusion statistics is manifested between different subspecies of particles in the system. In order to eliminate these inconsistencies, I introduce new mutual exclusion statistics parameters, which are proportional to the dimension of the Hilbert sub-space on which they act. These new definitions lead to properly defined particle distributions and thermodynamic properties. In another paper (arXiv:0710.0728) I show that fractional exclusion statistics manifested in general systems with interaction have these, physically consistent, statistics parameters.Comment: 8 page

    Development and validation of Triticum phytobiological method as an alternative procedure for investigating in vivo acute toxicity on mice

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    The goal of this study was to validate an alternative method for determining in vivo acute toxicity using vegetal material instead of laboratory animals, starting from the phytobiological method known also as the Triticum technique. We set out to demonstrate that vegetal cells have similar sensitivity to some toxic agents as animal cells, in which case a statistical correlation could be established. A series of new compounds synthesized by the Romanian National Institute for Chemical Pharmaceutical Research and Development as potential β3 adrenergic receptors agonists were tested for their acute toxicity using classic animal exposure models, before investigating possible anti-diabetic and anti-obesity effects. We then determined whether similar conclusions might be reached exposing vegetal material to the same agents. We successfully demonstrated that plants are affected in a very similar way as animals when exposed to some potentially toxic agents, providing new possibilities for ending unethical animal experiments

    Condensation in ideal Fermi gases

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    I investigate the possibility of condensation in ideal Fermi systems of general single particle density of states. For this I calculate the probability wN0w_{N_0} of having exactly N0N_0 particles in the condensate and analyze its maxima. The existence of such maxima at macroscopic values of N0N_0 indicates a condensate. An interesting situation occurs for example in 1D systems, where wN0w_{N_0} may have two maxima. One is at N0=0N_0=0 and another one may exist at finite N0N_0 (for temperatures bellow a certain condensation temperature). This suggests the existence of a first order phase transition. % The calculation of wN0w_{N_0} allows for the exploration of ensemble equivalence of Fermi systems from a new perspective.Comment: 8 pages with 1 figure. Will appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. Changes (minor): I updated Ref. [9] and its citation in the text. I introduced citation for figure 1 in the tex

    Malignant tumor with different localisation after klatskin tumor succesfully resected

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    Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Clinica Chirurgie Generală și Transplant Hepatic “Dan Setlacec”, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Prezentare de caz: tumora Klatskin IIIb rezecată cu evoluția postoperatorie bună, diagnosticat la 3 ani cu tumoră gastrică.Case report: IIIb Klatskin tumor successfully resected with good postoperative outcome is diagnosed 3 years later with a gastric tumor

    Universal behaviour of ideal and interacting quantum gases in two dimensions

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    I discuss ideal and interacting quantum gases obeying general fractional exclusion statistics. For systems with constant density of single-particle states, described in the mean field approximation, the entropy depends neither on the microscopic exclusion statistics, nor on the interaction. Such systems are called {\em thermodynamically equivalent} and I show that the microscopic reason for this equivalence is a one-to-one correspondence between the excited states of these systems. This provides a method, different from the bosonisation technique, to transform between systems of different exclusion statistics. In the last section the macroscopic aspects of this method are discussed. In Appendix A I calculate the fluctuation of the ground state population of a condensed Bose gas in grandcanonical ensemble and mean field approximation, while in Appendix B I show a situation where although the system exhibits fractional exclusion properties on microscopic energy intervals, a rigorous calculation of the population of single particle states reveals a condensation phenomenon. This also implies a malfunction of the usual and simplified calculation technique of the most probable statistical distributions.Comment: About 14 journal pages, with 1 figure. Changes: Body of paper: same content, with slight rephrasing. Apendices are new. In the original submission I just mentioned the condensation, which is now detailed in Appendix B. They were intended for a separate paper. Reason for changes: rejection from Phys. Rev. Lett., resubmission to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    There are Two Karl Marxes!

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    Critical analysis of the Barre-Plan

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    Integer Partitions and Exclusion Statistics

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    We provide a combinatorial description of exclusion statistics in terms of minimal difference pp partitions. We compute the probability distribution of the number of parts in a random minimal pp partition. It is shown that the bosonic point p=0 p=0 is a repulsive fixed point for which the limiting distribution has a Gumbel form. For all positive pp the distribution is shown to be Gaussian.Comment: 16 pages, 4 .eps figures include