7 research outputs found

    Strategi Inovatif Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Perkotaan (Studi Pada Bank Sampah “Sri Wilis” Perum Wilis II Kelurahan Pojok Kecamatan Mojoroto Kota Kediri)

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    : Urban Household Trash Management Innovative Strategy (Study of Bank Sampah “Sri Wilis” Perum Wilis II in Kelurahan Pojok, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota Kediri). Research in conducted to look at how far Bank Sampah “Sri Wilis” Kota Kediri can organize Household Trash Management. The activity is done by executing various innovative strategies in trash management, developing the value of trash, and socializing the impact of clean and healthy environment by increasing community participation. Result of research can be explained as follows: (1) Innovative strategy done by Bank Sampah “Sri Wilis” for house trash management is already mature. Community is empowered through socialization and trainings. Actors in this engagement include the government, the immediate citizens around Perum Wilis, outsider peoples, and some schools in Kota Kediri. To increase community participation, save-loan system is built. Economic factor is considered by such innovative strategy by givingeconomic added-value to the result of trash transaction; and (2) Some factors are influential. The suppoting factors are member participation, structure and infrastructure, participation of immediate community, and cooperation with Cleanliness and Gardening Official of Kota Kediri. The constraining factors include the unchanged mindset of community and the lack of readiness from the personnel to collect trashes from the households

    Analisis Titik Pulang Pokok USAha Budidaya Lebah Madu “Jaya Makmur” di Desa Jono Oge Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This research was supposed to know amount of acquired profit and expended cost, to know a number of manufactured products and acquired income at breaking event point, and to know margin of safety therefore honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” still got some profits. This research was coducted at honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” in Jono Oge village, District of Sigi Biromaru, and Regency of Sigi on June to July 2015. Respondens are consisted of two person; they are the owner and the employee of honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” were: (1) the acquired incomes of honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” were: (a) for product of honey 850mg in amount of IDR 2.860.000/mount with production cost IDR 1.684.267/mount which generated profit in amount of IDR 1.175.733/mount. (b) for product of honey 400mg in amount of IDR 3.055.000/mount with production cost IDR 1.699.130/mount which generated profit in amount of IDR 1.355.870/mount. (2) the break event point for product of honey 850mg were achieve at production volume in total number 111 bottles with the price in amount of IDR 130.000/bottle, thus, the value of acquired income was IDR 1.430.000/mount. The break event point for product of honey 4050mg were achieve at production volume in total number 23 bottles with the price in amount of IDR 65.000/bottle the value of acquired income was IDR 1.495.000/mount. (3) margin of safety for product of honey 850mg was amount of 50.00% and for product of honey 450mg was in amount of 51.06%, which meant the maximum limited distance of decreasing sell of the second selling product was in ratio of MoS, therefore during the selling product was not decreased more than ratio MoS that meant this cultivation receive some profit

    A review of mixed-potential type zirconia-based gas sensors

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    Redesain Meja Gambar Animasi untuk Pelajar Jurusan Multimedia di SMKN 2 Tenggarong

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    Meja tracing adalah suatu komponen yang digunakan untuk mempermudah pelajar SMK jurusan Multimedia di SMKN 2 Tenggarong dalam membuat karya. Menggambar adalah tahap awal dari proses atau produksi animasi. Alat ini dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan gambar yang lebih bersih. Dalam membuat animasi 2D, terutama secara manual dibutuhkan alat yang dinamakan meja lampu atau meja kaca, sebagai alat pendukung agar lebih mudah menggambar dalam jumlah banyak. Kemunculan meja tersebut membantu mempercepat percontohan gambar. Karena aktivitas yang dilakukan pelajar SMK jurusan Multimedia ini tidak hanya menggambar animasi, tetapi juga menggunakan komputer, yang mana dilengkapi dengan laci keyboard dan area untuk meletakkan CPU. Dengan metode perancangan yang sudah dilakukan antaranya, pengumpulan data, analisa data, konsep desain, alternatif desain, pengembangan alternatif terpilih, serta desain akhir, maka didapatka hasil akhir perancangan meja gambar dengan desain futuristik sesuai dengan karakteristik pengguna. Dengan dibuatnya meja kerja yang sesuai fungsi dan estetis diharapkan dapat membantu aktivitas harian untuk pelajar jurusan Multimedia di SMKN 2 Tenggarong, sehingga tercipta desain yang lebih baik

    Electronic Noses: From Advanced Materials to Sensors Aided with Data Processing

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