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    Anggi Miladi Shulhiyyah 14121320232. PATTERN OF PHONOLOGY IN CHILDREN’S NURSERY RHYME The study of phonological pattern is a crucial system in pronunciation English language, especially for young EFL Learners. Phonological patterns in each language will have differences. It creates various intonation related to meaning inside. This present study are interested to conduct the research of intonation pattern and meaning is created in five children’s nursery rhymes, are: Humpty Dumpty, Hey Diddle Diddle, Jack and Jill, One Two Three Four and Five I Caught a Fish Alive, and Finger Family. Nursery rhyme has been widely used as a media of language learning. Especialy, in English language learning of young EFL learners. Children who are familiar with a variety of nursery rhymes when they are between the age of three and six years old have increased literacy abilities in the three years that follow. Besides that, a nursery rhyme appear to help children; learn the intonations patterns of a language, learn new words and concepts, understand the basic of learning to read and write, gain appreciation of poetry. Thus, young children’s nursery rhyme knowledge is a powerful predictor of their growing skills in phonological awareness. This research also takes a qualitative method in analyzing data where the data is taken from you-tube. There are some steps to analyze the data. The researcher analyzed the clause construction that consists of dependent and independent clause. Then, analyzed the tonality system that consists of tone group, markedness of tonality (neutral and marked). Then, the researcher analyzed the tonicity system that markedness (neutral and marked) of tonicity. Further, the researcher analyzed the tone system based on Speech Analyzer that will be connected to the interpersonal meaning based on three primary system of intonation. The result of this analysis shows that In five nursery rhymes there are total 76 clauses. In tonality, 76 clauses chunked into 113 tone unit. There are 50 marked tonality and 26 neutral tonality. In five nursery rhymes the researcher found 71 marked tonicity and 42 neutral tonicity. There are four types of tone that found in the show; fall, rise, fall-rise, and rise-fall. The biggest percentage goes with rise-fall tone that placed 39 tone unit or 34, 5% from all tone units. Rise tone has percentage 32%. Then, falling tone presents 22%. The lowest tone is fall-rise tone, that is only has 11, 5% from 100% tone. The researcher had seen the interpersonal meaning from pattern of intonation choices that uses by the singer in five nursery rhymes. It can be clearly concluded that the intonation patterns interrelated with the three primary system of intonation. Key words: Nursery Rhyme, Tonality, Tonicity, Tone, Interpesonal Meaning