2 research outputs found

    Konflik Penguasaan Tanah Oleh Tentara Nasional Indonesa Dan Dampak Terhadap Masyarakat Lekok, Pasuruan

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    This thesis is a research report discussing about the conflict between the Lekok Residents in Pasuruan and the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) in a land dispute that occurred in Alas Tlogo Village, Lekok Pasuruan. This study focuses on the conflict between the residents and the TNI, the sources and dynamics of conflict. Theoretically, the conflict arena of the village is related to land disputes that have occurred, how the compensation process that has not been heard. In this research, the writer uses a qualitative descriptive by utilizing secondary data and primary data. The primary data were obtained through in - depth interviews with existing residents and also within the community, both formal and informal. From the research results conducted using ethnography through journals and news available. The conflicts arise between villagers and the TNI, which have a source of conflict, are due to the lack of clarity about land dispute settlement issues and also the interests of the TNI who require facilities on the residents' land. Conflicts are identified from the various attempts of each group between small groups such as the community against TN that have strong influence. Furthermore, it raises the protracted land conflict issues