14 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Patterns of Homozygosity Reveal the Conservation Status in Five Italian Goat Populations

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    The application of genomic technologies has facilitated the assessment of genomic inbreeding based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In this study,we computed several runs of homozygosity (ROH) parameters to investigate the patterns of homozygosity using Illumina Goat SNP50 in five Italian local populations: Argentata dell’Etna (N = 48), Derivata di Siria (N = 32), Girgentana (N = 59), Maltese (N = 16) andMessinese (N = 22). The ROH results showed well-defined differences among the populations. A total of 3687 ROH segments >2 Mb were detected in the whole sample. The Argentata dell’Etna and Messinese were the populations with the lowest mean number of ROH and inbreeding coefficient values, which reflect admixture and gene flow. In the Girgentana, we identified an ROH pattern related with recent inbreeding that can endanger the viability of the breed due to reduced population size. The genomes of Derivata di Siria and Maltese breeds showed the presence of long ROH (>16 Mb) that could seriously impact the overall biological fitness of these breeds. Moreover, the results confirmed that ROH parameters are in agreement with the known demography of these populations and highlighted the different selection histories and breeding schemes of these goat populations. In the analysis of ROH islands, we detected harbored genes involved with important traits, such as formilk yield, reproduction, and immune response, and are consistentwith the phenotypic traits of the studied goat populations. Finally, the results of this study can be used for implementing conservation programs for these local populations in order to avoid further loss of genetic diversity and to preserve the production and fitness traits. In view of this, the availability of genomic data is a fundamental resource

    Phage biodiversity in artisanal cheese wheys reflects the complexity of the fermentation process

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    Dairy fermentations constitute a perfect “breeding ground” for bacteriophages infecting starter cultures, particularly strains of Lactococcus lactis. In modern fermentations, these phages typically belong to one of three groups, i.e., the 936, P335, and c2 phage groups. Traditional production methods present fewer chemical and physical barriers to phage proliferation compared to modern production systems, while the starter cultures used are typically complex, variable, and undefined. In the current study, a variety of cheese whey, animal-derived rennet, and vat swab samples from artisanal cheeses produced in Sicily were analysed for the presence of lactococcal phages to assess phage diversity in such environments. The complete genomes of 18 representative phage isolates were sequenced, allowing the identification of 10 lactococcal 949 group phages, six P087 group phages, and two members of the 936 group phages. The genetic diversity of these isolates was examined using phylogenetic analysis as well as a focused analysis of the receptor binding proteins, which dictate specific interactions with the host-encoded receptor. Thermal treatments at 63 °C and 83 °C indicate that the 949 phages are particularly sensitive to thermal treatments, followed by the P087 and 936 isolates, which were shown to be much less sensitive to such treatments. This difference may explain the relatively low frequency of isolation of the so-called “rare” 949 and P087 group phages in modern fermentations

    Microbiological and physicochemical profile of sugar added ewe’s Ricotta during storage

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    The microbiological and physicochemical traits of fresh ewe’s Ricotta made with (40% w/w) and without sucrose were investigated. Sugar added Ricotta (SAR) andcontrol Ricotta (CTR) were packaged and stored at 4°C for 90 d. Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes,Escherichia coli, coagulase positive staphylococci, Enterobacteriaceae, total coliforms, Pseudomonas, yeasts, moulds and clostridia were undetectable during the entire monitoring. Total mesophilic and psychrotrophic microorganisms and mesophilic cocci lactic acid bacteria increased over time,but their development was limited in SAR production. The acidificationwas observed only for CTR. Water activity was consistently low(0.897 on average) in SAR that were also characterized by the highest percentage of dry matter (45.27 – 47.36%). Fat, protein and salt contents were in the range typical for ewe’s Ricotta. The results provided evidences on a 40-d shelf life for SAR product

    Identification of Copy Number Variations and Genetic Diversity in Italian Insular Sheep Breeds

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    Copy number variants (CNVs) are one of the major contributors to genetic diversity and phenotypic variation in livestock. The aim of this work is to identify CNVs and perform, for the first time, a CNV-based population genetics analysis with five Italian sheep breeds (Barbaresca, Comisana, Pinzirita, Sarda, and Valle del BelĂŹce). We identified 10,207 CNVs with an average length of 1.81 Mb. The breeds showed similar mean numbers of CNVs, ranging from 20 (Sarda) to 27 (Comisana). A total of 365 CNV regions (CNVRs) were determined. The length of the CNVRs varied among breeds from 2.4 Mb to 124.1 Mb. The highest number of shared CNVRs was between Comisana and Pinzirita, and only one CNVR was shared among all breeds. Our results indicated that segregating CNVs expresses a certain degree of diversity across all breeds. Despite the low/moderate genetic differentiation among breeds, the different approaches used to disclose the genetic relationship showed that the five breeds tend to cluster in distinct groups, similar to the previous studies based on single-nucleotide polymorphism markers. Gene enrichment was described for the 37 CNVRs selected, considering the top 10%. Out of 181 total genes, 67 were uncharacterized loci. Gene Ontology analysis showed that several of these genes are involved in lipid metabolism, immune response, and the olfactory pathway. Our results corroborated previous studies and showed that CNVs represent valuable molecular resources for providing useful information for separating the population and could be further used to explore the function and evolutionary aspect of sheep genome

    Effect of grape pomace from red cultivar 'Nero d'Avola' on the microbiological, physicochemical, phenolic profile and sensory aspects of ovine Vastedda-like stretched cheese

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    Aims: The purpose of this study was to functionalize an ovine stretched cheese belonging to 'Vastedda' typology with red grape pomace powder (GPP) of Nero d’Avola cultivar and to characterize the microbiological, physicochemical, phenolic profile and sensory characteristics of the final cheeses. Methods and Results: Before cheeses production, GPP was characterized for its microbiological profile, antibacterial activity and polyphenolic content. No colonies of bacteria and yeasts were detected in the GPP. GPP showed a large inhibition spectrum against spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. Three classes of polyphenolic compounds belonging to flavan-3-ols, flavonol and phenolic acids were identified. Two cheeses [0 and 1% (w w−1) of GPP] were produced with pasteurized ewe's milk and commercial starter cultures. Plate counts and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis demonstrated the ability of the starter strains to drive the fermentation process in the presence of GPP. GPP enrichment resulted in an increase of protein, phenolic compounds, sensory traits and reduced fat. Conclusions: GPP addition to cheese represents an optimal strategy for the valorization of winemaking by-products and to obtain polyphenol-enriched cheese. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study allowed to achieve an ovine cheese with specific physicochemical, nutraceutical and sensorial characteristics able to enlarge the functional dairy product portfolio

    Genome wide analyses reveal the population distinctiveness of the ‘Nera del Mela’ sheep

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    Italy has a long history of sheep breeding and counts several local populations that may represent a unique source of genetic diversity. Among these, Nera del Mela is a sheep genetic resource historically reared in Sicily but not officially recognised as a breed. In this study, we genotyped 36 individuals of Nera del Mela using the OvineSNP50K array, in order to estimate the genetic diversity and evaluate the population structure and relatedness with other Italian sheep breeds. Genetic diversity indices, and inbreeding estimated from runs of homozygosity (FROH) revealed a moderate level of variability. Runs of homozygosity islands mapped candidate genes involved in the adaptation to local environment and immune response. Population genetic analyses using different approaches highlighted the hypothesis that this sheep possesses a defined genetic structure, especially if compared with other recognised breeds, despite the influence of other populations such as the Sicilian breeds. Overall, our findings represent a starting point for the possible official acknowledgement of this population, for the creation of a conservation plan, and thus for preserving this genomic heritage.HIGHLIGHTS Nera de Mela sheep can be considered as a reservoir of genetic diversity. The results indicated a clear genetic differentiation from other populations and moderate level of genetic variability. Our findings represent a starting point for the creation of conservation plans

    Genomic Tools for the Characterization of Local Animal Genetic Resources: Application in <i>Mascaruna</i> Goat

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    Italy contains a large number of local goat populations, some of which do not have a recognized genetic structure. The “Mascaruna” is a goat population reared for milk production in Sicily. In this study, a total of 72 individuals were genotyped with the Illumina Goat_IGGC_65K_v2 BeadChip with the aim to characterize the genetic diversity, population structure and relatedness with another 31 Italian goat populations. The results displayed a moderate level of genetic variability for Mascaruna, in concordance with the estimated values for Italian goats. Runs of homozygosity islands are linked to genes involved in milk production, immune response and local adaptation. Population structure analyses separated Mascaruna from the other goat populations, indicating a clear genetic differentiation. Although they are not conclusive, our current results represent a starting point for the creation of monitoring and conservation plans. Additional analyses and a wider sampling would contribute to refine and validate these results. Finally, our study describing the diversity and structure of Mascaruna confirms the usefulness of applied genomic analyses as valid tools for the study of the local uncharacterized genetic resources