104 research outputs found

    Design e valutazione di tecniche per l'anonimato di sequenze di dati personali

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    La tesi presenta due contributi: 1) design di tecniche per l'anonimato di sequenze di dati personali che preservano i pattern sequenziali ; 2) design di un framework per l'analisi della bontà di tali tecniche in termini di qualità dei dati, dei risultati di mining e privacy garantita. Il framework del punto 2 è usato per valutare le tecniche del punto 1 su query log

    Biochar as plant growth promoter: Better off alone or mixed with organic amendments?

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    Biochar is nowadays largely used as a soil amendment and is commercialized worldwide. However, in temperate agro-ecosystems the beneficial effect of biochar on crop productivity is limited, with several studies reporting negative crop responses. In this work, we studied the effect of 10 biochar and 9 not pyrogenic organic amendments (NPOA), using pure and in all possible combinations on lettuce growth (Lactuca sativa). Organic materials were characterized by 13C-CPMAS NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis (pH, EC, C, N, C/N and H/C ratios). Pure biochars and NPOAs have variable effects, ranging from inhibition to strong stimulation on lettuce growth. For NPOAs, major inhibitory effects were found with N poor materials characterized by high C/N and H/C ratio. Among pure biochars, instead, those having a low H/C ratio seem to be the best for promoting plant growth. When biochars and organic amendments were mixed, non-additive interactions, either synergistic or antagonistic, were prevalent. However, the mixture effect on plant growth was mainly dependent on the chemical quality of NPOAs, while biochar chemistry played a secondary role. Synergisms were prevalent when N rich and lignin poor materials were mixed with biochar. On the contrary, antagonistic interactions occurred when leaf litter or woody materials were mixed with biochar. Further research is needed to identify the mechanisms behind the observed non-additive effects and to develop biochar-organic amendment combinations that maximize plant productivity in different agricultural systems

    Possible Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling effects prior to the 2018 Mw = 7.5 Indonesia earthquake from seismic, atmospheric and ionospheric data

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    In this study, we analyse Lithosphere Atmosphere Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) effects to identify some phenomena that could, possibly, be linked to the preparation phase of the MW=7.5 earthquake occurred in Indonesia on September 28th, 2018, by investigating the eight months preceding the seismic event. First, we find a seismic acceleration that started two months before the mainshock. Then, studying some physical properties of the atmosphere (skin temperature, total column water vapor and aerosol optical thickness), we find two increases of atmospheric anomalies about 6 and 3.7 months before the mainshock, and the latter one is very promising as a candidate for seismic-related phenomena. Furthermore, we investigate ionospheric disturbances, by analysing the Swarm and, for the first time, China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES), magnetic and electron density data during quiet geomagnetic time. From different techniques, we find interesting anomalies concentrated around 2.7 months before the mainshock. On August 19th, 2018, Swarm and CSES showed an enhancement of the electron density during night time. We critically discuss the possibility that such phenomenon can be a possible pre-seismic-induced ionospheric effect. Finally, we performed a cumulative analysis using all detected anomalies, as a test case for a possible chain of physical phenomena that could happen before the earthquake occurrence. With this study, we support the usefulness to collect and store large Earth ground and satellite observational dataset that in the future could be useful to monitor in real time the seismic zones to anticipate earthquakes, although nowadays, there is no evidence about useful prediction capabilities.Published1040972A. Fisica dell'alta atmosferaJCR Journa

    Daily On-Line Set-Up Correction in 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy: Is It Feasible?

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    Aims and background The aim of this report was to investigate the feasibility in terms of treatment time prolongation of an on-line no-action level correction protocol, based on daily electronic portal image verification. Methods and study design The occupation of a linear accelerator (LINAC) delivering 3-D conformal treatments was monitored for two weeks (from Monday to Friday, 10 working days). An electronic portal image device I-View (Elekta, UK) was used for setup verification. Single-exposure portal images were acquired daily using the initial 8 monitor units delivered for each treatment field. Translational deviations of isocenter position larger than 5 mm or 7 mm, for radical or palliative treatments, respectively, were immediately corrected. In order to estimate the extra workload involved with the on-line protocol, the time required for isocenter check and table correction was specifically monitored. Results Forty-eight patients were treated. In all, 482 fractions had electronic portal images taken. Two hundred and forty-five setup corrections were made (50.8% of all fractions). The occupation of the LINAC lasted 106 h on the whole. Twelve h and 25 min (11.7% of LINAC occupation time) were spent for portal image verification and setup correction. On the average, 4.3 fractions per hour were carried out. Conclusions When used by trained therapists, ideally, portal imaging may be carried out before each fraction, requiring approximately 10% of LINAC occupation time

    Magnetic Field and Electron Density Data Analysis from Swarm Satellites Searching for Ionospheric Effects by Great Earthquakes: 12 Case Studies from 2014 to 2016

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    We analyse Swarm satellite magnetic field and electron density data one month before and one month after 12 strong earthquakes that have occurred in the first 2.5 years of Swarm satellite mission lifetime in the Mediterranean region (magnitude M6.1+) or in the rest of the world (M6.7+). The search for anomalies was limited to the area centred at each earthquake epicentre and bounded by a circle that scales with magnitude according to the Dobrovolsky’s radius. We define the magnetic and electron density anomalies statistically in terms of specific thresholds with respect to the same statistical quantity along the whole residual satellite track (|geomagnetic latitude| ≤ 50°, quiet geomagnetic conditions). Once normalized by the analysed satellite tracks, the anomalies associated to all earthquakes resemble a linear dependence with earthquake magnitude, so supporting the statistical correlation with earthquakes and excluding a relationship by chance.PublishedID 3711A. Geomagnetismo e PaleomagnetismoJCR Journa

    Precursory worldwide signatures of earthquake occurrences on Swarm satellite data

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    The study of the preparation phase of large earthquakes is essential to understand the physical processes involved, and potentially useful also to develop a future reliable short-term warning system. Here we analyse electron density and magnetic field data measured by Swarm three-satellite constellation for 4.7 years, to look for possible in-situ ionospheric precursors of large earthquakes to study the interactions between the lithosphere and the above atmosphere and ionosphere, in what is called the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC). We define these anomalies statistically in the whole space-time interval of interest and use a Worldwide Statistical Correlation (WSC) analysis through a superposed epoch approach to study the possible relation with the earthquakes. We find some clear concentrations of electron density and magnetic anomalies from more than two months to some days before the earthquake occurrences. Such anomaly clustering is, in general, statistically significant with respect to homogeneous random simulations, supporting a LAIC during the preparation phase of earthquakes. By investigating different earthquake magnitude ranges, not only do we confirm the well-known Rikitake empirical law between ionospheric anomaly precursor time and earthquake magnitude, but we also give more reliability to the seismic source origin for many of the identified anomalies.Publishedid 202872A. Fisica dell'alta atmosferaJCR Journa
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