21 research outputs found

    Enhancement of plant extracts use for pest control and growth promotion of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

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    A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyFor smallholder farmers, suitable plants for pest management and as foliar feed are obtained with ease, and when successfully exploited, could contribute to local income generation through commercialization. However, with extensive research on their efficacy, toxicity and availability, the use of plant extracts is not widely adopted especially for smallholder farmers in rural settings. This study focused on evaluating factors that can foster extensive use of plant extracts among smallholder farmers. Questionnaires and focus group discussion were used to assess the perception of farmers towards using pesticidal plants, highlighting possible challenges, benefits and future enabling aspects for sustainable bean crop production. Plots of 5m 2 were established by farmers where an evaluation of the efficacy of Tephrosia vogelii, Tithonia diversifolia and Lantana camara was done to ascertain their potential for common bean insect pest management and impacts on beneficial arthropods. Additionally, the study evaluated spatio-temporal variability in bioactive phytochemicals of the most effective plant (T. vogelii), as well as the contribution of T. vogelii and T. diversifolia towards growth promotion and yield of common beans. Results showed that high per cent (99%, n=67) of smallholder farmers had pest challenge and that only (39.7%, n= 27) reported using plant extracts. Likewise, farmers reported a lack of working tools and motivation from researchers and extension officers as a challenge hindering the use of plant extracts. Plant extracts showed efficacy in pest management compared with untreated control whereby T. vogelii significantly reduced abundance of aphids (0.06 ± 0.02) and foliage beetles (0.17±0.03 compared with untreated (0.4 ± 0.05 and 0.5 ± 0.04 respectively). Again, the increased grain yield was recorded on plots treated with T. vogelii (3.8 ± 0.23) and T. diversifolia (3.3 ± 0.23) compared with untreated beans (1.5 ± 0.16), when applied as a foliar spray (2.7 ± 0.20) compared with soil drench (2.1 ± 0.16). Phytochemical variation was noted in T. vogelii where an additional chemotype 3 was first recorded. Hence, under smallholder farming conditions, plant extracts can contribute to sustainable bean crop production if practical implementation that involves smallholder farmers is a priority

    Elements of agroecological pest and disease management

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    The development of large-scale monocropped agrisystems has facilitated increased problems with pests and diseases, perpetuating the reliance of farmers on synthetic pesticides. The economic success of synthetic inputs has, however, been achieved at a high cost to the environment through the loss of biodiversity, depletion of soil quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and disrupting the ecosystem services that can otherwise help mitigate losses caused by pests and diseases. Environmentally benign alternatives for pest and disease management are urgently needed and are now widely recognized as essential for sustainable food and agriculture. The Food and Agriculture Organization, for example, has published the 10 elements of agroecology as a framework for the transformation of agriculture. Agroecology combines ecological and social concepts and principles to develop sustainable food and agricultural systems by harnessing nature-based solutions that are tailored to farmers’ needs. Plant-based biopesticides, for example, offer an alternative to synthetic pesticides that are less harmful to the environment and nonpersistent, yet effective at managing pests and have a long tradition of use among farmers so are more socially acceptable. Here, we provide a critical assessment of how nature-based approaches to pest and disease management comply with the 10 elements of agroecology and show how they integrate with other ecosystem services through farmer participatory research. We conclude that the adoption of nature-based solutions for pest management addresses all 10 elements of agroecology and provides an entry point to promote sustainable farming practices among farmers more widely

    Qualitative cost-benefit analysis of using pesticidal plants in smallholder crop protection

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    Assessing the potential drivers of farmers using pesticidal plants for crop protection is essential for wider adoption. However, few studies have focused on collaborative assessments of the underlying trade-offs when using pesticidal plant extracts for pest control. Smallholder farmers in northern Tanzania involved in farmer driven research assessing pesticidal plants evaluated the costs, benefits, trade-offs and areas for future investment. A questionnaire was used to collect demographic information from 77 farmers and their views on pest problems and crop protection in common bean production. This was followed by small focus group discussions (n = 9) using a participatory framework to elucidate the costs and benefits of adopting pesticidal plant technology. A multiple correspondence analysis showed that pesticidal plant use was associated with men greater than 50 years old, and synthetic pesticide use was associated with younger aged farmers and women. Farmers who used synthetics generally did not report the presence of common pest species found in common bean production, whereas farmers who used pesticidal plants were associated with more frequent reports of pest species. This participatory cost–benefit analysis highlighted that tools and processing challenges were the main costs to using pesticidal plants. The main benefit reported when using pesticidal plants was a general improvement to family health. Farmers expressed overall a positive outcome when using pesticidal plants for crop protection and recommended that future investments focus on improving access to tools and education regarding plant processing and extraction to improve uptake of the technology by smallholder farmers

    Indigenous vegetables: a sustainable approach to improve micronutrient adequacy in Tanzanian women of childbearing age

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    This research article was published by Springer Nature in 2021Background/objectives Increasing dietary diversity is a viable strategy for addressing micronutrient malnutrition in women of childbearing age (WCA) from low-income countries. Recently, it has been demonstrated that some indigenous vegetables (IV) with high nutrient density may help to ameliorate micronutrient’s intake. The Minimum Dietary Diversity index for Women (MDD-W) could be considered as a proxy to describe one important dimension of women’s diet quality. This cross-sectional study aimed at exploring aspects contributing to micronutrients adequacy in Tanzanian WCA, with a focus on IV consumption and other socio-demographic factors. Subjects/methods Data collection was conducted among urban and peri-urban women in Arusha city, Tanzania. Socio-demographic factors were collected using a structured interview. Information on IV consumption and MDD-W calculation were obtained using a 24-h recall. Results One-hundred and forty-one women aged 14–49 years were interviewed. Sixteen per cent of the sample consumed at least one portion of IV/day. The total median MDD-W was 4.0 (IQR. 3.0–5.0) and it was adequate in the 44% of the sample. Women who consumed IV had MDD-W 0.66 points (95% CI: 0.02–1.30, p = 0.046) higher than those who did not; consuming IV had an odds ratio of more than three times concerning women not consuming IV (OR: 3.30, 95% CI: 1.24–8.81, p = 0.017). Conclusions The IV consumption is positively associated with micronutrient adequacy and its absence from the diet can be an indicator of micronutrient deficiencies in vulnerable people such as WCA. For that reason, this study suggests that IV consumption may improve micronutrient deficiency in WCA

    Understanding farmer knowledge and site factors in relation to soil-borne pests and pathogens to support agroecological intensification of smallholder bean production systems

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    Introduction: Pests and diseases limit common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) production in intensifying smallholder farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Soil-borne pests and diseases (SPD) are particularly challenging for farmers to distinguish and manage in cropping systems that vary in terms of soils, farmer knowledge, and management factors. Few studies have examined soil drivers of SPD in smallholder systems, integrated with farmers’ perceptions and management practices. Methods: In Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, we assessed farmer knowledge and SPD management for common bean alongside soil type and soil quality. Focus group discussions and field survey findings including farmer observations and soil nutrient balances were integrated with soil analyses of farmers’ fields. Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) assessed relationships among farmer demographics, pests and diseases, soil characteristics, and management practices. Results and discussion: Surveys revealed that 100% of farmers knew of the bean foliage beetle (Ootheca bennigseni) but few recognized the soilborne pest Ophiomyia spp. or bean fly despite it being more destructive. About a third of farmers knew of root rot diseases caused by Pythium spp. and Fusarium spp. Synthetic pesticides were used by 72% of farmers to control pests, while about half that (37%) used pesticidal plants, particularly Tephrosia vogelii extracts sprayed on foliage. Regarding SPD, 90% of farmers reported that their management practices were ineffective. Meanwhile, synthetic fertilizers were used by nearly all farmers in beans intercropped with maize (Zea mays), whilst very few farmers used manure or compost. Soil available phosphorus was low but showed a balance between inputs and outputs regardless of whether fields were owned. Field nitrogen balances were more negative when fields were owned by farmers. An MCA showed that older farmers employed a greater number of pest control practices. The PCA showed that field variability was dominated by soil organic matter, elevation, and soil pH. Higher organic matter levels were also associated with less stunting and wilting of beans observed by farmers. Our results suggest that research and farmer learning about SPD ecology are key gaps, alongside recycling of organic residues to soils. Cost-effective and sustainable practices to manage bean SPDs for smallholders are also needed

    Botanical biopesticides have an influence on tomato quality through pest control and are cost-effective for farmers in developing countries

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    This research article was published by plos one,2023Synthetic insecticides heavily applied to manage agricultural pests are highly hazardous to the environment and non-target organisms. Their overuse through repeated treatments in smallholder farming communities is frequent. Botanical biopesticides are ideal for sustainable pest management in agricultural environments by keeping synthetic insecticide use at a minimum. Here we evaluated a locally prepared neem seed extract (NSE) alongside emamectin benzoate against both lepidopteran pests Helicoverpa armigera (HĂŒbner) and Spodoptera exigua (HĂŒbner) on tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill under natural field conditions in Pakistan. We compared pest severity, fruit injury, quality, marketability, and cost:benefit ratio (CBR) between treatments. The concentration of azadirachtin A in the NSE was 26.5 ppm. NSE at 2% (20 mL/L) and the emamectin benzoate at the recommended field rate in Pakistan were sprayed weekly throughout the fruiting stage. The pest larvae were significantly more abundant on fruits than on flowers and leaves. Fruit injury and losses were significantly more important in untreated control compared to NSE and emamectin benzoate treatments. NSE efficacy varied with respect to the cultivars used and the seasons. Cultivar Eden harboured more pests than Adventa, and emamectin benzoate suppressed more pest individuals than NSE. Both the insecticidal treatments were comparable in terms of marketable yield productions as well as unmarketable, uninjured, and recovered fruit yields. NSE generated a higher CBR (1: 9.26) than emamectin benzoate (1: 3.23). NSE suppressed pests by acting as an antifeedant, similar to its synthetic counterpart. Smallholder growers can thus use NSE as a cost-effective solution in tomato pest management in Pakistan

    Phytochemical analysis of Tephrosia vogelii across East Africa reveals three chemotypes that influence its use as a pesticidal plant

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    Tephrosia vogelii is a plant species chemically characterized by the presence of entomotoxic rotenoids and used widely across Africa as a botanical pesticide. Phytochemical analysis was conducted to establish the presence and abundance of the bioactive principles in this species across three countries in East Africa: Tanzania, Kenya, and Malawi. Analysis of methanolic extracts of foliar parts of T. vogelii revealed the occurrence of two distinct chemotypes that were separated by the presence of rotenoids in one, and flavanones and flavones that are not bioactive against insects on the other. Specifically, chemotype 1 contained deguelin as the major rotenoid along with tephrosin, and rotenone as a minor component, while these compounds were absent from chemotype 2, which contained previously reported flavanones and flavones including obovatin‐3‐O‐methylether. Chemotype 3 contained a combination of the chemical profiles of both chemotype 1 and 2 suggesting a chemical hybrid. Plant samples identified as chemotype 1 showed chemical consistency across seasons and altitudes, except in the wet season where a significant difference was observed for samples in Tanzania. Since farmers are unable to determine the chemical content of material available care must be taken in promoting this species for pest management without first establishing efficacy. While phytochemical analysis serves as an important tool for quality control of pesticidal plants, where analytical facilities are not available simple bioassays could be developed to enable extension staff and farmers to determine the efficacy of their plants and ensure only effective materials are adopted

    Extracts of common pesticidal plants increase plant growth and yield in common bean plants

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    Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is an important food and cash crop in many countries. Bean crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa are on average 50% lower than the global average, which is largely due to severe problems with pests and diseases as well as poor soil fertility exacerbated by low-input smallholder production systems. Recent on-farm research in eastern Africa has shown that commonly available plants with pesticidal properties can successfully manage arthropod pests. However, reducing common bean yield gaps still requires further sustainable solutions to other crop provisioning services such as soil fertility and plant nutrition. Smallholder farmers using pesticidal plants have claimed that the application of pesticidal plant extracts boosts plant growth, potentially through working as a foliar fertiliser. Thus, the aims of the research presented here were to determine whether plant growth and yield could be enhanced and which metabolic processes were induced through the application of plant extracts commonly used for pest control in eastern Africa. Extracts from Tephrosia vogelii and Tithonia diversifolia were prepared at a concentration of 10% w/v and applied to potted bean plants in a pest-free screen house as foliar sprays as well as directly to the soil around bean plants to evaluate their contribution to growth, yield and potential changes in primary or secondary metabolites. Outcomes of this study showed that the plant extracts significantly increased chlorophyll content, the number of pods per plant and overall seed yield. Other increases in metabolites were observed, including of rutin, phenylalanine and tryptophan. The plant extracts had a similar effect to a commercially available foliar fertiliser whilst the application as a foliar spray was better than applying the extract to the soil. These results suggest that pesticidal plant extracts can help overcome multiple limitations in crop provisioning services, enhancing plant nutrition in addition to their established uses for crop pest management

    Blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate RH5.1/Matrix-M in healthy Tanzanian adults and children; an open-label, non-randomised, first-in-human, single-centre, phase 1b trial

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    Background: A blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum malaria vaccine would provide a second line of defence to complement partially effective or waning immunity conferred by the approved pre-erythrocytic vaccines. RH5.1 is a soluble protein vaccine candidate for blood-stage P falciparum, formulated with Matrix-M adjuvant to assess safety and immunogenicity in a malaria-endemic adult and paediatric population for the first time. Methods: We did a non-randomised, phase 1b, single-centre, dose-escalation, age de-escalation, first-in-human trial of RH5.1/Matrix-M in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. We recruited healthy adults (aged 18–45 years) and children (aged 5–17 months) to receive the RH5.1/Matrix-M vaccine candidate in the following three-dose regimens: 10 ÎŒg RH5.1 at 0, 1, and 2 months (Adults 10M), and the higher dose of 50 ÎŒg RH5.1 at 0 and 1 month and 10 ÎŒg RH5.1 at 6 months (delayed-fractional third dose regimen; Adults DFx). Children received either 10 ÎŒg RH5.1 at 0, 1, and 2 months (Children 10M) or 10 ÎŒg RH5.1 at 0, 1, and 6 months (delayed third dose regimen; Children 10D), and were recruited in parallel, followed by children who received the dose-escalation regimen (Children DFx) and children with higher malaria pre-exposure who also received the dose-escalation regimen (High Children DFx). All RH5.1 doses were formulated with 50 ÎŒg Matrix-M adjuvant. Primary outcomes for vaccine safety were solicited and unsolicited adverse events after each vaccination, along with any serious adverse events during the study period. The secondary outcome measures for immunogenicity were the concentration and avidity of anti-RH5.1 serum IgG antibodies and their percentage growth inhibition activity (GIA) in vitro, as well as cellular immunogenicity to RH5.1. All participants receiving at least one dose of vaccine were included in the primary analyses. This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04318002, and is now complete. Findings: Between Jan 25, 2021, and April 15, 2021, we recruited 12 adults (six [50%] in the Adults 10M group and six [50%] in the Adults DFx group) and 48 children (12 each in the Children 10M, Children 10D, Children DFx, and High Children DFx groups). 57 (95%) of 60 participants completed the vaccination series and 55 (92%) completed 22 months of follow-up following the third vaccination. Vaccinations were well-tolerated across both age groups. There were five serious adverse events involving four child participants during the trial, none of which were deemed related to vaccination. RH5-specific T cell and serum IgG antibody responses were induced by vaccination and purified total IgG showed in vitro GIA against P falciparum. We found similar functional quality (ie, GIA per ÎŒg RH5-specific IgG) across all age groups and dosing regimens at 14 days after the final vaccination; the concentration of RH5.1-specific polyclonal IgG required to give 50% GIA was 14·3 ÎŒg/mL (95% CI 13·4–15·2). 11 children were vaccinated with the delayed third dose regimen and showed the highest median anti-RH5 serum IgG concentration 14 days following the third vaccination (723 ÎŒg/mL [IQR 511–1000]), resulting in all 11 who received the full series showing greater than 60% GIA following dilution of total IgG to 2·5 mg/mL (median 88% [IQR 81–94]). Interpretation: The RH5.1/Matrix-M vaccine candidate shows an acceptable safety and reactogenicity profile in both adults and 5–17-month-old children residing in a malaria-endemic area, with all children in the delayed third dose regimen reaching a level of GIA previously associated with protective outcome against blood-stage P falciparum challenge in non-human primates. These data support onward efficacy assessment of this vaccine candidate against clinical malaria in young African children. Funding: The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership; the UK Medical Research Council; the UK Department for International Development; the National Institute for Health and Care Research Oxford Biomedical Research Centre; the Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; the US Agency for International Development; and the Wellcome Trust