7 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The analysis of organic matter components was carried out for 3 soil subtypes, identified and diagnosed in Harghita Mountains, namely a Stagnic Luvosol, a Histic and a Histic-Skeletic Prepodzol. The purpose of our research was to identify some qualitative and quantitative differentiations within the organic matter. In this respect, the organic matter accumulation is high and it correlates with altitude and land cover. The lowest degree of humification characterises the stagnic Luvosol, while the highest is present in the histic-scheletic Prepodzol. The polymerization degree of humic acids reveals the dominant formation of fulvic acids (among which, the aggressive fraction dominates in the lower half of the soil profile). The non-extractible fraction has the highest values in the case of the stagnic Luvosol (which does not provide favourable conditions for the development of microbial flora) and the lowest ones in the case of the histic skeletic Prepodzol

    Sulfatul de magneziu ca neuroprotector în naşterea prematură

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    În acest articol noi am studiat literatura de specialitate, în ceea ce priveşte utilizarea MgSO4 la prematuri cu scop de neuroprotecţie fetală. Autorii din studiile sus menţionate, au recomandat fără echivoc utilizarea antenatală a sulfatului de magneziu pentru neuroprotecţie fetală, la femeile considerate la un risc crescut de naştere prematură, iar acest lucru a fost aprobat de către autorităţile diverselor ţări. Luând în vederea diversitatea părerilor şi lipsa unui consens în ceea ce priveşte utilizarea sulfatului de magneziu, socotim că este raţional de a efectua studii în acest domeniu, pentru a dezvolta orientări specifice, în ceea ce privesc criteriile de includere, regimuri de tratament, tocoliza concomitentă şi monitorizarea materno-fetală. Acest lucru ar trebui să încurajeze mai mult, utilizarea pe scară largă a acestui drog uşor disponibil, cu intenţia de bază de a reduce riscul, pentru rezultatele neurologice adverse în acest grup vulnerabil de pacienţi

    Classic and modern aspects in evaluation of the heart innervation

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    Catedra Anatomia Omului USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The organ and tissue transplantation is widely used in contemporary surgery. Taking into consideration the nervous interorganic connections there have been studied in details the principles that are on the base of the repercussion reactions, which can appear as a result of surgical interventions on the thoracic and abdominal cavities. O răspândire largă în chirurgia contemporană revine transplantului de organe şi ţesuturi. Prin prisma conexiunilor nervoase interorganice au fost studiate detaliat principiile ce stau la baza dezvoltării reacţiilor de repercusiune, care pot surveni în rezultatul intervenţiilor chirurgicale în cavitatea abdominală şi toracică


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    The analysis of organic matter components was perfomed for 4 soil subtypes, which were identified and diagnosed in Gurghiu Mountains: one andic, histic Districambosol (830 m altitude), one cambic Andosol (1200 m altitude), one cambic-histic Andosol (1495 m altitude) and one typic Prepodzol (1725 m altitude). The research aimed to identify qualitative and quatitative differences in organic matter. The results show that the organic matter accumulation is high and it correlates with soil subtype, altitude and vegetation. The cambic Andosol presents high organic matter contents throughout the profile. The highest degree of humification characterizes the typic Prepodzol, while the other analysed soils present lower and comparable values. The polymerization degree of humic acids shows the dominant formation of fulvic acids, excepting the cambic-histic Andosol, in which case the ratio between the two types of acids is close to one

    Organization of the didactic process using different forms of instruction and evaluation of knowledge performed at the Human Anatomy Department

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    Catedra Anatomia omuluiOrganization of the didactic process using different forms of instruction and evaluation of knowledge performed at the Human Anatomy Department The article reflects principles of organization of the teaching process and new methods of training and evaluation of students’ knowledge which were elaborated and implemented at the Human anatomy Department of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”. The main goal of elaborated methods was to correspond to the international rigors and standards concerning preparation of high qualified medical specialists. În lucrare sunt expuse principiile de organizare a procesului didactic şi metodele noi de instruire şi evaluare a cunoştinţelor studenţilor elaborate şi implementate la catedra Anatomia Omului USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” în scopul corespunderii rigorilor şi standardelor internaţionale în misiunea de a pregăti specialişti-medici de înaltă calificare

    The morphofunctional characteristics of elements in the funiculotesticular complex that regulate haemodynamics in the male genital gland

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „NicolaeTestemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Știinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată сentenarului profesorului B.Z. Perlin, Chişinău, 20-22 septembrie 2012Using macromicroscopic and microscopic methods of investigation, we have determined numerous extra- and intravascular morphological elements. These elements play an important role in the regulation of blood supply to the testis, such as; the formation of the muscular system by striped and smooth muscle fascicles, the spiral and reticular basic principle of structure of the cremaster muscle and conjunctive tissue formations, and para- and perivassal formations, which adhere to the adventitia of the blood and lymph vessels oriented according to the action of the extension forces in the muscular fascicles, different endothelial prominences, sphincters, and anastomoses. The capacity of adaptation of the vascular and lymphatic systems depends on the degree of development of the muscular system and paravassal elements