7 research outputs found
In vitro microhardness of glass ionomer cements
This study evaluated the surface microhardness of four glass ionomer cements and a composite resin (Fuji IX, Ketac Molar, Vidrion R, Vitromolar and Z 250). Ten specimens of each glass ionomer cement with 8.0 mm diameter and 5.0 mm high dimensions were made and Vicker's microhardness measurements were taken at 1 day and 1 week after initial setting reaction. The results were analyzed using Student's T test and Tukey test (p < 0.05) and demonstrated that the values of microhardness increased after 1 week, with the exception of Fuji IX. Resin composite Z250 presented the greatest values for microhardness
Molar incisor hypomineralisation: Possible aetiological factors in children from urban and rural areas
Aim: To analyse factors potentially associated with molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) development. METHODS: A population-based study was carried out with 903 children aged from 6-12 years old, born and residing in rural and urban areas of the town of Botelhos, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Their mothers completed a structured medical history questionnaire, from pregnancy to the child's 3rd year of life. Two examiners evaluated children for MIH according to criteria suggested by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry. Descriptive analyses of the data and odds ratios (OR) with 95% test-based confidence intervals (CI) were estimated. Chisquare test was used to evaluate the differences between groups. RESULTS: The prevalence of MIH in children from rural area (RA) was significantly higher than those from the urban area (UA) (24.9% versus 17.8%, p= 0.01). In urban children, neither significant associations with MIH nor medical problems were found. In rural children, however, MIH was significantly more common among those whose mothers had experienced medical problems during pregnancy (OR=2.11; 1.01-4.37 CI 95%; p=0.04), who had throat infections (OR=2.93; 1.47-5.87 CI 95%; p=0.01), who had high fever (OR=1.91; 1.07-3.39 CI 95%; p=0.02), and who had used amoxicillin associated with other antibiotics (OR=1.92; 1.02-3.62 CI 95%; p=0.04) during the first 3 years of life. CONCLUSION: This study suggests a link between MIH and health problems during pregnancy, as well as environmental factors
Aetiology of molar-incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) in Brazilian children
Aim: To determine the potential aetiological factors related to molar-incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) in Brazilian children. Methods: A total of 1,151 children aged 7-12 years (mean 8.86 ± 1.28), born and living in the urban area of Araraquara, Brazil, were examined by two examiners evaluating the presence of MIH according to criteria suggested by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (2003). Their mothers completed a structured questionnaire about medical history, from pregnancy to the first 3 years of the children's life. Descriptive analyses of data and odds ratios (OR) with 95 % test-based confidence intervals (CI) were estimated. Chi-square test was used to evaluate the differences between groups. Results: The prevalence of MIH in the children was 12.3 %. The interviewing response rate was 90.4 %. The prevalence of miscarriage history (25 vs. 15.4 %; OR = 1.21; 95 % CI 0.30-4.92) and occurrence of anaemia (23 vs. 12.4 %; OR = 2.07; 95 % CI 0.50-8.63) were higher in mothers from MIH group than those from non-MIH group. However, these associations were not statically significant. In the children's medical history, rhinitis, bronchitis (56.5 vs. 52.5 %; OR = 1.17; 95 % CI 0.82-1.68), and high fever (20.4 vs. 18.2 %; OR = 1.14; 0.73-1.76) were more prevalent in MIH group, but there were no significant differences between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: No possible aetiological factor investigated was associated with MIH. Prospective studies are needed to define the aetiological factors involved with MIH. © 2013 European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
Bruxismo na infância: um sinal de alerta para odontopediatras e pediatras Childhood bruxism: a warning sign to pediatric dentists and pediatricians
OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma revisão de literatura sobre o bruxismo na infância, abordando os fatores etiológicos, as características clínicas, os sinais e sintomas, a importância do diagnóstico por parte dos pediatras e odontopediatras e o tratamento multidisciplinar desta condição parafuncional. FONTES DE DADOS: Foram selecionados os artigos mais relevantes sobre o tema publicados desde 1907 até 2007, com pesquisa realizada no Medline, na Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia (BBO) e em livros de Odontologia. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: O bruxismo é definido como um hábito não funcional do sistema mastigatório, caracterizado pelo ato de ranger ou apertar os dentes, podendo ocorrer durante o dia e durante o sono. A etiologia é multifatorial e a literatura sugere vários fatores associados: dentário, fisiológico, psicológico e neurológico. As forças exercidas pelo bruxismo podem provocar distúrbios em diferentes graus nos dentes e nos tecidos de suporte, na musculatura e na articulação têmporo-mandibular. O sinal mais comum é o desgaste nas faces incisais dos dentes anteriores e oclusais nos posteriores, além de mobilidade e hipersensibilidade dentárias, fratura de cúspides e restaurações e hipertonicidade dos músculos mastigatórios. CONCLUSÃO: O conhecimento dos fatores etiológicos e das características clínicas do bruxismo na infância é fundamental para que o diagnóstico seja precoce, permitindo que pediatras, odontopediatras e psicólogos possam estabelecer um tratamento multidisciplinar e favoreçam o desenvolvimento integral da criança para a promoção de saúde e bem-estar individual.<br>OBJECTIVE: To present a review of literature on childhood bruxism, including etiological factors, clinical characteristics, signs and symptoms, the importance of the diagnosis by pediatric dentists and pediatricians and the multidisciplinary management of this parafunctional condition. DATA SOURCE: The most relevant articles published on the subject from 1907 to 2007 were selected, from Medline and Brazilian Bibliography on Odontology databases as well as dentistry books. DATA SYNTHESIS: Bruxism is defined as a non-functional habit of the stomatognatic system, characterized by the act of grinding or squeezing the teeth, with occurrences during the day or sleep. The etiology is multifactorial with contribution of several factors (dental, physiological, psychological and neurological variables). The forces produced by bruxism can harm the teeth, their supporting tissues, muscles and temporomandibular articulation. Common clinical signs are: attrition on the incisal faces of the anterior teeth and occlusal faces in the posterior teeth, as well as dental hypermobility and hypersensibility, cusp and restoration fracture and muscle hypertonicity. CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge on the etiological factors and the clinical characteristics of childhood bruxism is important to establish early diagnosis and treatment, with a multidisciplinary approach that should include pediatricians, pediatric dentists and psychologists in order to provide adequate infant development focused on health promotion and individual well-being