11 research outputs found
Epidemiological and cytological aspects of the cervix in women from the Diourbel region (Senegal) cervical smear screening
Background: Objectives of the study were to record the results of uterine cervical smear tests of women in the Diourbel region to compare epidemiological data with the results of uterine cervical smear tests.Methods: This was a retrospective study of 201 satisfactory cervical smears performed in the period from 01 December 2018 to 01 December 2019 at the laboratory of the regional hospital Henrich Lubcke of Diourbel. All women with a satisfactory smear were included in our study, so we classified patients according to age and parity.Results: The mean age of the patients was 38.41 years with a standard deviation of 11.51 years. The extremes were 15 and 64 years. The age group (30-40 years) was in the majority at 32.34%. Multiparous patients were in the majority, accounting for 43.28%. The cervix was macroscopically healthy in 61.19% of patients and inflammatory in 12.94%. There was 18.41% low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) accounted for 1% of smears. A statistically significant relationship existed between parity and smear result with p˂0.01.Conclusions: Cervical cancer is one of the most fatal cancers in women and the smear remains the safest and most effective means of prevention
NLRP7 and the Genetics of Postmolar Choriocarcinomas in Senegal
Gestational choriocarcinomas are malignant tumors of trophoblastic cells that affect 5 to 25% of women with sporadic hydatidiform moles depending on countries and studies. NLRP7 is a major gene responsible for recurrent hydatidiform moles and recently mutations in this gene have also been shown in 13% women with sporadic, non-recurrent, moles. To investigate the role of NLRP7 in the genetic susceptibility for the malignant degeneration of moles, we sequenced its 11 exons in 43 Senegalese patients with post molar choriocarcinomas. We report the presence of three novel NLRP7 variants that were found only in patients but not in 100 controls from the Senegalese general population, 100 controls from the Tunisian general population, and 100 controls from the Canadian population. In addition, this analysis revealed significant differences in the frequencies of four non-synonymous NLRP7 variants between European and Senegalese controls with the biggest difference being for variant G487E present at a minor allele frequency of 3.5% in Europeans, 18.1% in Tunisians, and 45.6% in Senegalese. Comparing human NLRP7 and its paralog, NLRP2, with their mammalian counterparts revealed that allele E at position 487 is most likely the ancestral allele that was acquired in Africa but driven to low frequencies in Europeans and Asians due to migration, population bottlenecks, and selective pressures. This study is the first attempt to investigate the role of NLRP7 in choriocarcinomas and highlights the higher frequencies of NLRP7 variants in the general Senegalese and Tunisian populations both known to have higher frequencies of moles and choriocarcinomas
Genome-wide high-resolution aCGH analysis of gestational choriocarcinomas.
Eleven samples of DNA from choriocarcinomas were studied by high resolution CGH-array 244 K. They were studied after histopathological confirmation of the diagnosis, of the androgenic etiology and after a microsatellite marker analysis confirming the absence of contamination of tumor DNA from maternal DNA. Three cell lines, BeWo, JAR, JEG were also studied by this high resolution pangenomic technique. According to aCGH analysis, the de novo choriocarcinomas exhibited simple chromosomal rearrangements or normal profiles. The cell lines showed various and complex chromosomal aberrations. 23 Minimal Critical Regions were defined that allowed us to list the genes that were potentially implicated. Among them, unusually high numbers of microRNA clusters and imprinted genes were observed
(a)<p>CK, p = primary choriocarcinoma; CK, vm = vaginal metastasis from choriocarcinoma; CK, cl = choriocarcinoma cell line.</p>(b)<p>A = andromonospermic, AD = , B = , U =  unknown.</p
FISH on choriocarcinomas.
<p>A = M176 Xq10 r & Yq10 g : left nucleus with 3Xq10, right ones with 5 spots. B = M232 Xq10 r & Yq10 g : only one Xq10 spot for each cell. C = M176 14q32 g & 16q23 r : 2 to 3 green spots (14q) and 1 to 2 red ones(16q). D = JAR 16q22 CBFB r+g : 3 to 4 spots for 16q. E = JEG 16q22 CBFB r+g : 4 spots for 16q. F = BEWO 16q22 CBFB r+g: 4 spots for 16q and a cell with eigth spots; these two types of cells are not distinct by aCGH. G = JEG BCL2 r+g : only one spot of 18q. H = BeWo BCL2 r+g : three spots of BCL2 per cell, that are considered as a small loss compared to JEG. I = BeWo Xq10 r & Yq10 g : two Xq10 and one Yq10 spots. J & K = JAR 12p12 ETV6 r+g : ETV6 is amplified ×8 in the right nucleus of picture J and, on picture K, this amplification is located on a marker chromosome while 3 copies are sitting on probably normal 12p. L = JAR 12q10 r & 12q15 MDM2 g. An amplification of MDM2 is observed (green) from 6 copy on a der(12) with one (or 2) chromosome 12 centromere(s); 3 copies of MDM2 seem present on apparently normal chromosomes 12.</p
aCGH choriocarcinomas M26, M176, M232.
<p>Respectively, loss of 18q, gain of 14q and loss of X. The vertical lines along the chromosomes indicate losses on the left, gains on the right side of chromosomes.</p
aCGH choriocarcinoma cell lines BeWo, JEG, JAR.
<p>Recurrent gain of 5q, 12p, 14q, 20q and loss of 8, 18q, Xp. The CNAs following optimal normalization for the X (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0029426#s3" target="_blank">results</a>) are indicated in blue along the X chromosomes in the three cell lines.</p
FISH studies in cell lines.
<p>*The number of X or Y is based from the centromere number.</p><p>**Numbers of cells out 100 cells counted.</p
Genotype profile obtained with an automated sequencing apparatus of choriocarcinoma M176 with msat 9A from the PMP22 locus on 17p.
<p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0029426#pone.0029426-Latour1" target="_blank">[<b>18</b>]</a><b>.</b> A Patient/mother genotype with a 154 bp and a 180 bp 9 A alleles ; B father genotype with a 159 bp and a 169 bp 9 A alleles; C Tumor M176 : only a single 159 bp paternal allele is detected. Its absence in the mother allowed us to conclude that it is an andromonospermic tumor; sz = size in base pairs; ar = area; ht = height.</p
Representative images of IHC.
<p><b>MMP-2</b>: (A) Normal placenta 12 weeks = no labeling. (B) CK M176 = strong cytoplasm and membrane labeling of the of CTB cells and MEC. <b>SERPINB2</b>: C) Placenta 9 weeks = immunostaining of cytoplasm STB cells and microvillosities. D) CK M176 = no labeling.</p