21 research outputs found

    Logisztika 4.0 - Intelligens megoldások az elosztási logisztika optimalizálására – Intelligens elosztási logisztikai rendszerek : Logistics 4.0 – Intelligent designs in distribution logistics

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    Industry 4.0 and as a relation Logistics 4.0 is a popular and trending topic in these days – be it researches or business aspects for companies. As distribution logistics is also one of the most important and continuously optimized process of the market players there are significant advantages to be derived of using intelligent designs in it. To be able to make the right choices and decisions about utilizing these resources and optimizing the neccessary, expectable outcome it is inevitable to have the proper and comprehensive knowledge – whether it is a market leader who has the best knowledge and resources to use the relevant tools and technologies in their daily operation or a small player who has limited capabilities and only able to follow these. This gave me the reason to take a deep look into it. Kivonat Népszerű és sok lehetőséget rejtő téma napjainkban az Ipar 4.0 és az ehhez kapcsolódó Logisztika 4.0 – mind kutatási, mind hatékonyságnövelési szempontból a vállalatok részéről. Mivel az elosztási logisztika a legtöbb piaci szereplő számára egy kulcsfontosságú és folyamatosan optimalizált folyamat, jelentős előnyök származtathatók a releváns intelligens rendszerek alkalmazásából. Ahhoz, hogy egy vállalat – legyen szó piacvezető, fenti technológiákat alkalmazó vagy kisebb, éppen csak azokkal ismerkedő piaci szereplőről – megfelelő döntést tudjon hozni ezen lehetőségek kiaknázásáról elengedhetetlen azok ismerete, a befektetett erőforrások és a várható előnyök optimalizálása. Kulcsszavak: Ipar 4.0, elosztási logisztika, digitalizáció, intelligens logisztika. &nbsp

    Trends in route planning with the tools of intelligent distribution logistics

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    The basic purpose of the article is to provide a sufficiently detailed and comprehensive overview about route planning concepts, logics, trends and opportunities for the relevant companies in the sector. Lack of resources or the strategic point of view or some other certain reasons are often obstruct the small and medium-sized companies to have a deep-dive validation of these factors - causing significant competitive disadvantages in terms of strategy and planning. If we do not see through properly the to-do tasks, possibly areas for development, managed by the operation we can significantly make harder decision-making process at any level. However, in the knowledge of all these, strategy of development or a possible system introduction – including methodology and required toold - can easily be determined

    Dynamic interaction of genetic risk factors and cocaine abuse in the background of Parkinsonism - a case report.

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    Parkinsonism is a complex multifactorial neurodegenerative disorder, in which genetic and environmental risk factors may both play a role. Among environmental risk factors cocaine was earlier ambiguously linked to Parkinsonism. Former single case reports described Parkinsonism in chronic cocaine users, but an epidemiological study did not confirm an increased risk of Parkinson's disease. Here we report a patient, who developed Parkinsonism in young age after chronic cocaine use, in whom a homozygous LRRK2 risk variant was also detected.The patient was investigated because of hand tremor, which started after a 1.5-year period of cocaine abuse. Neurological examination suggested Parkinsonism, and asymmetrical pathology was confirmed by the dopamine transporter imaging study. The genetic investigations revealed a homozygous risk allele in the LRRK2 gene. After a period of cocaine abstinence, the patient's symptoms spontaneously regressed, and the dopamine transporter imaging also returned to near-normal.This case report suggests that cocaine abuse indeed might be linked to secondary Parkinsonism and serves as an example of a potential gene-environmental interaction between the detected LRRK2 risk variant and cocaine abuse. The reversible nature of the DaTscan pathology is a unique feature of this case, and needs further evaluation, whether this is incidental or can be a feature of cocaine related Parkinsonism

    GBA-associated Parkinson’s disease in Hungary: clinical features and genetic insights

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    Introduction: Parkinson’s disease (PD) has a complex genetic background involving both rare and common genetic variants. Although a small percentage of cases show a clear Mendelian inheritance pattern, it is much more relevant to identify patients who present with a complex genetic profile of risk variants with different severity. The ß-glucocerebrosidase coding gene (GBA1) is recognized as the most frequent genetic risk factor for PD and Lewy body dementia, irrespective of reduction of the enzyme activity due to genetic variants. Methods: In a selected cohort of 190 Hungarian patients with clinical signs of PD and suspected genetic risk, we performed the genetic testing of the GBA1 gene. As other genetic hits can modify clinical features, we also screened for additional rare variants in other neurodegenerative genes and assessed the APOE-ε genotype of the patients. Results: In our cohort, we identified 29 GBA1 rare variant (RV) carriers. Out of the six different detected RVs, the highly debated E365K and T408M variants are composed of the majority of them (22 out of 32). Three patients carried two GBA1 variants, and an additional three patients carried rare variants in other neurodegenerative genes (SMPD1, SPG11, and SNCA). We did not observe differences in age at onset or other clinical features of the patients carrying two GBA1 variants or patients carrying heterozygous APOE-ε4 allele. Conclusion: We need further studies to better understand the drivers of clinical differences in these patients, as this could have important therapeutic implications. © 2023, The Author(s)

    Az örökletes Parkinson-kór mint a POLG-gén károsodásának új klinikai megjelenési formája

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    A nukleárisan kódolt POLG-gén fehérjeterméke kulcsszerepet játszik a mitokondriális DNS replikációjának fenntar- tásában, és hibája különböző súlyosságú, több szervrendszert érintő betegségeket okoz. A klinikai spektrum rendkí- vül tág, a leggyakrabban előforduló tünetek közé tartozik többek között a ptosis, a myoclonus, az epilepszia, a myopathia, a szenzoros ataxia, a parkinsonizmus, a kognitív hanyatlás és az infertilitás is. Ma már ismert, hogy a Parkinson-kór kialakulása során a mitokondriális diszfunkció is nagy jelentőséggel bír a substantia nigra dopaminerg sejtjeinek elhalásában. Ezért a POLG-génben bekövetkező változások befolyásolhatják a különböző örökletes neuro- degeneratív betegségeknek, így a monogénes parkinsonizmusnak a kialakulását is. A Parkinson-kór és a POLG kap- csolatáról azonban még kevés az elérhető információ, és ez idáig a magyar populációra vonatkozó adatok sem álltak rendelkezésünkre. Vizsgálatunk során 67 magyar, a parkinsonizmus tüneteit mutató páciens esetében újgenerációs szekvenálást végeztünk, és a POLG-génben található, potenciálisan káros variánsokat elemeztük. 3 beteg esetében azonosítottunk potenciálisan kóroki eltérést. Közleményünkkel arra szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet, hogy a parkinso- nizmus differenciáldiagnózisa során az esetleges POLG genetikai érintettségét is figyelembe kell venni. Különösen olyan plusztünetek jelenlétekor, mint az ophthalmoparesis, a nem vascularis típusú fehérállományi laesiók, a pszichi- átriai komorbiditás és a tünetek viszonylag korai indulása. Korábbi irodalmi adatok és saját tapasztalataink alapján összefoglaltuk a POLG-asszociált parkinsonizmus lehetséges diagnosztikai megközelítését is

    The Role of Genetic Testing in the Clinical Practice and Research of Early-Onset Parkinsonian Disorders in a Hungarian Cohort: Increasing Challenge in Genetic Counselling, Improving Chances in Stratification for Clinical Trials

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    The genetic analysis of early-onset Parkinsonian disorder (EOPD) is part of the clinical diagnostics. Several genes have been implicated in the genetic background of Parkinsonism, which is clinically indistinguishable from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. The identification of patient’s genotype could support clinical decision-making process and also track and analyse outcomes in a comprehensive fashion. The aim of our study was to analyse the genetic background of EOPD in a Hungarian cohort and to evaluate the clinical usefulness of different genetic investigations. The age of onset was between 25 and 50 years. To identify genetic alterations, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (n = 142), Sanger sequencing of the most common PD-associated genes (n = 142), and next-generation sequencing (n = 54) of 127 genes which were previously associated to neurodegenerative disorders were carried out. The genetic analysis identified several heterozygous damaging substitutions in PD-associated genes (C19orf12, DNAJC6, DNAJC13, EIF4G1, LRRK2, PRKN, PINK1, PLA2G6, SYNJ1). CNVs in PRKN and SNCA genes were found in five patients. In our cohort, nine previously published genetic risk factors were detected in three genes (GBA, LRRK2, and PINK1). In nine cases, two or three coexisting pathogenic mutations and risk variants were identified. Advances of sequencing technologies make it possible to aid diagnostics of PD by widening the scope of analysis to genes which were previously linked to other neurodegenerative disorders. Our data suggested that rare damaging variants are enriched versus neutral variants, among PD patients in the Hungarian population, which raise the possibility of an oligogenic effect. Heterozygous mutations of multiple recessive genes involved in the same pathway may perturb the molecular process linked to PD pathogenesis. Comprehensive genetic assessment of individual patients can rarely reveal monogenic cause in EOPD, although it may identify the involvement of multiple PD-associated genes in the background of the disease and may facilitate the better understanding of clinically distinct phenocopies. Due to the genetic complexity of the disease, genetic counselling and management is getting more challenging. Clinical geneticist should be prepared for counselling of patients with coexisting disease-causing mutations and susceptibility factors. At the same time, genomic-based stratification has increasing importance in future clinical trials

    Broadening the phenotype of the TWNK gene associated Perrault syndrome

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    Perrault syndrome is a genetically heterogenous, very rare disease, characterized clinically by sensorineural hearing loss, ovarian dysfunction and neurological symptoms. We present the case of a 33 years old female patient with TWNK-associated Perrault syndrome. The TWNK gene is coding the mitochondrial protein Twinkle and currently there are only two reports characterizing the phenotype of TWNK-associated Perrault syndrome. None of these publications reported about special brain MRI alterations and neuropathological changes in the muscle and peripheral nerves.Our patients with TWNK-dependent Perrault syndrome had severe bilateral hypoacusis, severe ataxia, polyneuropathy, lower limb spastic paraparesis with pyramidal signs, and gonadal dysgenesis. Psychiatric symptoms such as depression and paranoia were present as well. Brain MRI observed progressive cerebellar hyperintensive signs associated with cerebellar, medulla oblongata and cervical spinal cord atrophy. Light microscopy of the muscle biopsy detected severe neurogenic lesions. COX staining was centrally reduced in many muscle fibers. Both muscle and sural nerve electron microscopy detected slightly enlarged mitochondria with abnormal cristae surrounded by lipid vacuoles. In the sural nerve, dystrophic axons had focally uncompacted myelin lamellae present. Genetic investigation revealed multiple mtDNA deletion and compound heterozygous mutations of the TWNK gene (c.1196 A > G, c.1358 G > A).This study demonstrates that TWNK associated Perrault syndrome has a much broader phenotype as originally published. The coexistence of severe hypoacusis, spastic limb weakness, ataxia, polyneuropathy, gonadal dysgensia, hyperintense signals in the cerebellum and the presence of the mtDNA multiple deletion could indicate the impairment of the TWNK gene. This is the first report about pyramidal tract involvement and cerebellar MRI alteration associated with TWNK-related Perrault syndrome