8 research outputs found

    Aneurysm and Neurocysticercosis: Casual or Causal Relationship? Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Four cases of suggestive inflammatory aneurysms in patients with neurocysticercosis have been described. We report a case of a 49-year-old woman who presented with subarachnoid haemorrhage from a right middle cerebral artery bifurcation aneurysm and had a casual relationship with neurocysticercosis. At surgery, a viable cysticercus without signs of inflammation or thickened leptomeninges was found in the distal position of the aneurysm. Postoperatively, the patient received albendazole and dextrochlorpheniramine. In the subsequent three years, the patient was asymptomatic and took drugs to prevent convulsion and arterial hypertension. The relationship between NCC and the presence of cerebral aneurysm is discussed

    Sutura arterial com técnicas contínua e de pontos separados, utilizando-se os fios polipropilene e polidioxanone: estudo experimental em coelhos Arterial suture with continuous and interrupted techniques, using polypropylene and polydioxanone threads: experimental study in rabbits

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    OBJETIVO: Observar o comportamento da sutura arterial em aortas abdominais de coelhos em crescimento, comparando-se as técnicas contínua e com pontos separados, empregando-se dois tipos de fios: Polipropilene 7-0 (inabsorvível) e Polidioxanone 7-0 (absorvível). MÉTODOS: Grupos: GI - Controle (sem sutura); GII - Polipropilene, Pontos Separados; GIII - Polipropilene, Contínua; GIV - Polidioxanone, Pontos Separados e GV - Polidioxanone, Contínua. Cada grupo foi subdividido em quatro Momentos de Eutanásia: aos 7, 14, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. Foram avaliados: peso dos animais, diâmetros e pulsos arteriais, estenose, trombose, aderências, aortografia, visibilidade do fio, cicatrização e microscopia. RESULTADOS: a) após 60 dias, o local da linha de sutura cresceu de forma significativa em todos os grupos; b) a técnica de sutura com pontos separados causou menor estenose da linha de sutura, observada tanto no ato cirúrgico, como na eutanásia dos animais; c) no exame histopatológico, as diferenças encontradas entre grupos foram transitórias, não persistindo após 60 dias de pós-operatório. CONCLUSÃO: O polidioxanone mostrou ser a melhor opção, entre os dois fios, para sutura de artérias em crescimento, pois causa pouca ou nenhuma restrição ao crescimento arterial na linha de sutura, mesmo quando se emprega a técnica contínua.<br>PURPOSE: To assess the arterial suture, comparing continuous and interrupted techniques, in abdominal aorta of growing rabbbits, using two types of suture material: Polypropylene 7-0 (nonabsorbable) and Polydioxanone 7-0 (absorbable). METHODS: Groups: GI - Control, without arterial suture; GII - Polypropylene, Interrupted technique; GIII - Polipropilene, Continuous technique; GIV - Polydioxanone, Interrupted technique and GV - Polydioxanone, Continuous technique. Each group was subdivided in four Moments of Euthanasia , according with the number of days after surgery: 7 , 14 , 30 and 60 days. The following itens were assessed: weight, arterial diameters and pulse, stenosis, thrombosis, tissue adherence at the suture line, aortography, suture material visibility, suture line healling visibility and microscopic study. RESULTS: a) after 60 days, the suture line site had a significant growing in all groups; b) interrupted technique result less suture line stenosis in surgical act and in euthanasia c) the difference between groups showed in the microscopic study, was transitory, not pesisting after 60 days post surgery; CONCLUSION: Polydioxanone is better than polypropylene for suture in growing artery, not causing (or causing little) restriction to the growing of the suture line, even though using continuous technique

    Efeito da heparina sódica e da enoxaparina na consolidação de fratura da tíbia no rato: avaliação clínica e anatomopatológica e biomecânica

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    Foi realizado estudo experimental em ratos para avaliar o efeito do anticoagulante na consolidação óssea, conforme critérios clínicos, anatomopatológicos e biomecânicos. Manualmente, após perfuração do osso, foi produzida fratura aberta, na diáfise da tíbia direita, mantida sem imobilização, em 72 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, com 60 dias de idade e peso médio de 242 gramas. Doze horas após a fratura, foi iniciado tratamento anticoagulante, mantido por 28 dias. Via subcutânea, um grupo recebeu heparina sódica na dose de 200UI/Kg de 12 em 12 horas, enquanto outro, recebeu enoxaparina na dose de 1mg/Kg de 12 em 12 horas, doses preconizadas para tratamento do tromboembolismo em humanos. O terceiro grupo, controle, recebeu água destilada. Durante o experimento, os animais foram avaliados clinicamente e após 28 dias, sacrificados. Nos animais dos três grupos, a evolução clínica foi semelhante. Mediante análise anatomopatológica efetuada por estudo descritivo e quantitativo, foi observada presença de fibrose, cartilagem e osso igualmente nos três grupos, sempre com predomínio de tecido ósseo. O estudo biomecânico, realizado por intermédio de ensaios de flexão, demonstrou coeficiente de rigidez e carga máxima semelhantes nos três grupos. Nenhuma diferença clínica, anatomopatológica e biomecânica foi encontrada, resultando todas as fraturas em consolidação de acordo com os critérios adotados, concluindo-se, portanto, que a heparina sódica e a enoxaparina nas doses, via e tempo de administração utilizados não interfiriram na consolidação da fratura da tíbia do rato.An experimental study in rats was accomplished to evaluate the effect of anticoagulant on fracture union, according to clinical, anatomopathological, and biomechanical approaches. Manually, after bone perforation, fracture was produced in the diaphysis of the right tibia, and maintained without immobilization in 72 male rats of Wistar lineage, each 60 days in age with a medium weight of 242 grams. Twelve hours after the fracture, anticoagulant treatment was initiated, and maintained for 28 days. One group received subcutaneous heparin-sodium in a dose of 200 UI/kg every 12 hours, while another group received enoxaparin in a dose of 1mg/kg every 12 hours, doses preconized for treatment of thromboembolism in humans. The third group, the control, received distilled water. During the experiment, the animals were clinically evaluated and after 28 days, sacrificed. In the animals of the three groups, the clinical evolution was similar. By means of anatomopathological analysis made by descriptive and quantitative study, the presence of fibrosis, cartilage, and bone was homogeneous among in the three groups, always with a prevalence of osseous tissue. The biomechanical study, accomplished through a flexion test, demonstrated a stiffness rate and maximum load similar in the three groups. No clinical, anatomopathological, or biomechanical differences were found, resulting in consolidation of all the fractures in agreement with the adopted approaches, concluding that the heparin-sodium and the enoxaparin in these doses, method, and time of administration used did not interfere with the consolidation of tibia fracture in the rat

    Morphological aspects of rabbit masseter muscle after cervical sympathectomy

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    The objective of this paper was to study the effect of sympathetic innervation on morphological and histochemical aspects of skeletal muscle tissue. Rabbit masseter muscle was studied using histochemical and immunohistochemical methods for periods of up to 18 months post-sympathectomy. The morphological and enzymatic characteristics of control masseter muscles were similar on both the left and right sides. The main features were muscle fibres with a mosaic pattern and a predominance of type IIa fibres, followed by type I. Type IIb fibres showed very low frequency. Sympathectomized animals showed varying degrees of metabolic and morphological alterations, especially 18 months after sympathectomy. The first five groups showed a higher frequency of type I fibres, whilst the oldest group showed a higher frequency of type lib fibres. In the oldest group, a significant variation in fibre diameter was observed. Many fibres showed small diameter, atrophy, hypertrophy, splitting, and necrosis. Areas with fibrosis were observed. Thus cervical sympathectomy induced morphological alterations in the masseter muscles. These alterations were, in part, similar to both denervation and myopathy. These findings indicate that sympathetic innervation contributes to the maintenance of the morphological and metabolic features of masseter muscle fibres

    Miopatia do multicore: Análise histoquímica de uma família

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    In this paper the authors describe three cases of multicore myopathy in the same family. Case J was a white 77-year-old patient with proximal muscular atrophy and weakness, global hypotonia and global hypoactive deep tendon reflexes. Motor and sensory conduction studies were normal in all limbs. EMG examination showed a myopathic pattern with frequent spontaneous activity consisting of fibrillations and positive sharp waves. Histochemical reactions showed typical oxidative alterations of multicore myopathy. Cases 2 and 3 were the son and the daughter of case 1 respectively. They were both non-symptomatic patients with minimal EMG and histochemical alterations. These three patients illustrated the great clinical variability of this condition