19 research outputs found

    Usporedba proteina sirutke i liposolubilnih vitamina između četiri pasmine krava držane u intenzivnim sustavima proizvodnje

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    The aim of the study was to determine the content of whey proteins and fat-soluble vitamins in milk samples of four cow breeds maintained in Poland, i.e. Holstein-Friesian, Montbéliarde, Jersey and Simmental. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of certain whey protein fractions, i.e. α-lactalbumin (α-La), β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg), bovine albumin serum (BSA), lactoferrin and lysozyme, and lipophilic vitamins (A, D3 and E) were performed using a RP-HPLC method. According to the obtained results, the breed of cow significantly affected the level of whey proteins and lipophilic vitamins in milk. The lowest amounts of these nutrients were found in milk produced by the Holstein-Friesian cows. Milk of Simmental cows contained the statistically significant and highest levels of antioxidant substances, i.e. vitamins A - 0.465 mg L-1, E - 1.302 mg L-1 and D3 - 0.653 µg L-1 at P≤0.05, as well as β-lactoglobulin (3.28 g L-1 at P≤0.01). In addition, Simmental cow milk was also characterized by higher content of antimicrobial proteins - lactoferrin and lysozyme (respectively: 121.23 mg x L-1 at P≤0.01 and 9.66 µg x L-1 at P≤0.05) if compared with other cow breeds.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti sadržaj proteina sirutke i vitamina topljivih u mastima u uzorcima mlijeka za četiri pasmine krava koje se uzgajaju u Poljskoj, t.j. holstein-frizijske, Montbéliarde, Jersey i simentalske. Kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza određenih frakcija proteina sirutke, odnosno α-laktalbumina (α-La), β-laktoglobulina (β-Lg), albumina goveđeg seruma (BSA), laktoferina i lizozima te liposolubilnih vitamina (A, D3 i E) provedena je pomoću metode RP-HPLC. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, pasmina krava značajno je utjecala na razinu proteina sirutke i liposolubilnih vitamina u mlijeku. Najniže količine tih hranjivih tvari utvrđene su u mlijeku kojeg su proizvele krave pasmine holstein-friesian. Mlijeko simentalskih krava sadržavalo statistički najznačajnije i najviše razine antioksidativnih tvari, odnosno vitamina A - 0,465 mg L-1, E - 1,302 mg L-1 i D3 - 0,653 µg L-1 (P≤0,05), kao i β-laktoglobulin (3,28 g L-1, P≤0,01). Osim toga, kravlje mlijeko simentalca također odlikuje visokim sadržajem antimikrobnih proteina - laktoferina i lizozima (odnosno: 121,23 mg L-1, P≤0,01 i 9,66 µg L-1, P≤0,05) u usporedbi s drugim pasminama krava

    Antioksidacijski potencijal mlijeka holštajn-frizijskih krava s obzirom na redoslijed i stadij laktacije

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    The aim of the research was to assess the content of components showing antioxidant activity in the milk of Holstein-Friesian cows and changes in the total antioxidant status during subsequent lactations and their stages. The material for analysis consisted of milk collected from 90 cows (30 for each analysed lactation number: I - primaparous; II - multiparous in second lactation; III - multiparous in third lactation) during three periods: 1 - up to 100 days of lactation, 2 - 101-200 days of lactation, and 3 - 201-305 days of lactation. The basic chemical composition, casein content, somatic cell counts, selected whey proteins and fat-soluble vitamins were determined in the milk. The total antioxidant status (TAS) of milk was also measured. With the subsequent lactation, the content of components with antioxidant properties, i.e. vitamins A and E, and albumins (α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin), decreased significantly (p≤0.01). Simultaneously, a decrease in the level of TAS in milk was noted. The lactation phase had a minor effect on the antioxidant potential of milk. The obtained high correlation coefficients between the value of the TAS and the content of vitamins A, E and β-lactoglobulin indicate that the content of these compounds largely determines the antioxidant potential of milk. On the other hand, the obtained negative correlations between the level of antioxidant potential and the daily milk yield (r = -0.347, p≤0.05) suggest that the high productivity of cows negatively affects the antioxidant value of milk.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koncentraciju sastojaka koji pokazuju antioksidativno djelovanje u mlijeku holštajnfrizijskih krava i promjene ukupnog antioksidacijskog statusa s obzirom na redoslijed i stadij laktacije. U svrhu istraživanja korišteni su uzorci mlijeka prikupljeni od 90 krava (po 30 za svaki analizirani laktacijski broj: I - prvotelke; II – višetelke u drugoj laktaciji; III - višetelke u trećoj laktaciji) u tri razdoblja: 1 - do 100 dana laktacije, 2 - 101-200 dana laktacije, a 3 - 201-305 dana laktacije. U mlijeku je određen osnovni kemijski sastav, broj somatskih stanica, udio kazeina, odabranih proteina sirutke i vitamina topljivi u mastima. Također je izmjeren i ukupni antioksidacijski status (TAS) mlijeka. S obzirom na redoslijed laktacije značajno se smanjivala (p≤0,01) koncentracija sastojaka s antioksidacijskim svojstvima, tj. vitamina A i E, te albumina (α-laktalbumin i β-laktoglobulin). Istovremeno je zabilježen i pad vrijednosti TAS u mlijeku. Stadij laktacije imao je manji učinak na antioksidacijski potencijal mlijeka. Visoki koeficijenti korelacije između vrijednosti TAS i koncentracije vitamina A, E i β-laktoglobulina ukazuju da udio ovih spojeva uvelike određuje antioksidacijski potencijal mlijeka. S druge strane, negativne korelacije dobivene između vrijednosti antioksidacijskog potencijala i dnevnog prinosa mlijeka (r=-0,347, p≤0,05) upućuju na to da visoka proizvodnja mlijeka negativno utječe na antioksidacijsku vrijednost mlijeka

    Świadomość pracowników gastronomii na temat zarządzania alergenami

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    The aim of the research was to assess the awareness of catering staff about allergen management. The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of 25 questions, addressed to employees of catering establishments of the nutritional type (restaurant) and supplementary (cafeteria) and closed network (school canteen). It was shown that many employees, regardless of the type of plant, did not have even elementary knowledge about the allergens present in the dishes and did not know the applicable procedures and provisions concerning the provision of information on allergens to consumers.Celem badań była ocena świadomości pracowników gastronomii na temat zarządzania alergenami. Narzędziem badawczym była ankieta składająca się z 25 pytań, skierowana do pracowników zakładów gastronomicznych typu żywieniowego (restauracja) i uzupełniającego (kawiarnia) oraz sieci zamkniętej (stołówka szkolna). Wykazano, że wielu pracowników, niezależnie od typu zakładu, nie posiadało nawet elementarnej wiedzy na temat alergenów obecnych w potrawach i nie znało obowiązujących procedur i przepisów dotyczących przekazywania konsumentom informacji o alergenach

    Organic milk production sector in Poland: driving the potential to meet future market, societal and environmental challenges

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    During the pandemic, health and environmental issues were re-evaluated stimulating interest in organic food. Organic milk is more beneficial than conventional milk in terms of the health-promoting substances (e.g. vitamins, fatty acids), particularly regarding protein fraction and lipid fraction. Poland is the main producer of cow's milk in the EU, but only 0.2% of this production is organic. To identify the antecedents and obstacles to increasing organic milk pro-duction in Poland, the aim of this study is to explore the low level of organic cow’s milk output in Poland compared with sector leaders in the EU. We analyzed statistics on milk production, in-cluding unpublished data collected by Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection, Poland with the use of descriptive statistics and frequency distributions. Over the period 2010-2020, the number of farms producing and selling organic milk and the number of farms with organic pastures and meadows decreased significantly in Poland. Limited number of certified farms sell their milk as organic. If all production of organic milk was sold as organic, the supply would have increased by 56% in 2020. Organic milk processing is highly concentrated which is an obstacle to the de-velopment of organic milk farming. Due to high instability and spatial differences in the locations of sellers (producers) and buyers (processors) and inconsistent production volumes, the supply of organic cows’ raw milk does not meet the demand from Polish dairies. Cooperation between producers and processors is essential. Providing organic dairy farms with production and mar-ket advice and technical support is crucial for the development of farms and organic milk sector as a whole as is to a certain extent evidenced by Austria. The specific nature of the raw milk mar-ket requires the procurement of organic milk on a lasting basis regarding guarantees of purchase and farmgate prices. In this way, the continuity of organic raw milk supply would be secured and the sector of organic dairy products should grow

    Kvaliteta otvorenog konzumnog mlijeka tijekom hladnog skladištenja u kućanstvu

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    Aim of the study was to determine the effect of the duration of storage of opened drinking milk (pasteurized, micro-filtered and UHT) under home refrigeration conditions on indicators of its freshness (acidity and TBC), nutritional value (contents of fat, protein, lactose, dry matter, nondenatured whey proteins and free fatty acids) and organoleptic characteristics. Refrigeration was found to ensure that opened micro-filtered and pasteurized milk was suitable for consumption for 4 days and UHT milk for at least 7 days. Significant changes in the quality characteristics of protein and fat fractions were not observed until the 7th day of storage. The greatest changes in the content of whey proteins were observed in micro-filtered milk, expressed as decrease of individual proteins of about 20 % each. Pasteurized milk was the most susceptible to lipolysis that resulted in the greatest quantity of saturated free fatty acids. Lipolytic changes affected the acidity of product and thereby led to slight changes in its odor and flavor.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinak trajanja skladištenja otvorenog konzumnog mlijeka (pasterizirano, mikrofiltrirano i UHT) u uvjetima hlađenja u kućanstvu na pokazatelje njegove svježine (kiselost, ukupan broj bakterija), nutritivnu vrijednost (sadržaj masti, proteina, laktoze, suhe tvari, ne-denaturiranih proteina sirutke i slobodnih masnih kiselina) i organoleptička svojstva. Hlađenje je pokazalo da je otvoreno mikrofiltrirano i pasterizirano mlijeko prikladno za konzumaciju 4 dana, a UHT mlijeko najmanje 7 dana. Značajne promjene u svojstvima kvalitete proteina i frakcija masti nisu bile utvrđene do 7. dana skladištenja. Najveće promjene u sadržaju proteina sirutke utvrđene su u mikrofiltriranom mlijeku, što se očitovalo kroz smanjenje udjela pojedinih frakcija proteina u iznosu od 20 %. Pasterizirano mlijeko bilo je najosjetljivije na lipolizu, što je rezultiralo najvećom količinom slobodnih zasićenih masnih kiselina. Lipolitičke promjene utjecale su na kiselost proizvoda i time dovele do neznatnih promjena u njezinom mirisu i okusu

    Effect of the feeding system and the production season on the protein fraction content in milk

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati sadržaj proteinske frakcije mlijeka, s posebnim naglaskom na protein sirutke, ovisno o sustavu hranidbe krava (grupa 1 - ekstenzivni, 2 - djelomično intenzivni, 3 - intenzivni) kao i sezoni laktacije (proljeće-ljeto i jesen-zima). Kemijske analize krmiva bile su temelj za izračun dostatnosti energije i proteina u dnevnom unosu nutrijenata. Ukupno je ispitano 1133 uzorka mlijeka (550 zimi i 583 ljeti), a određivani su ukupan broj somatskih stanica (SCC), osnovni kemijski sastav, te udjeli kazeina i proteina sirutke - α-laktalbumin, β-laktoglobulin, albumin krvnog seruma (BSA), laktoferin i lizozim. Viši udio ukupnih proteina, uključujući kazein, utvrđen je u mlijeku krava s farmi s djelomično intenzivnim i intenzivnim sustavom hranidbe. Međutim, neovisno o sezoni laktacije, najveće koncentracije proteina sirutke utvrđene su u mlijeku krava svrstanih u grupu 1, čija se hranidba temeljila na kontinuiranoj ispaši (ljeti - ispaša i sijeno; zimi - sijeno i silaža). Porastom udjela silaže i industrijskih krmiva u hranidbi, udjel proteina sirutke (prije svega β-laktoglobulina i laktoferina) je padao, što je potvrđeno i dobivenim negativnim koeficijentima korelacije.The objective of the present research was to analyse the protein fraction content in milk, with particular regard to whey proteins, in dependence on the cows’ feeding system (group 1 - extensive, 2 - semi-intensive, 3 - intensive) and production season (spring-summer and autumn-winter). Chemical analysis of the fodder was the base for calculation of energy and protein coverage of nutritional dose. A total of 1,133 milk samples were evaluated (550 in winter and 583 in summer). The milk samples were examined for the somatic cell count (SCC), the basic chemical composition, casein and whey proteins: α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), lactoferrin and lysozyme. Higher content of crude protein, including casein, was noticed in milk obtained from cows coming from semi-intensive and intensive farms. However, milk taken from cows fed according to the group 1, which was based on fodder from permanent grasslands, had the highest concentration of major whey proteins - both in the summer (pasture and hay) and winter (hay and haylage) seasons. With the increase of silage and industrial fodder in the feed ration, the content of whey proteins - mainly β-lactoglobulin and lactoferrin - decreased, which was confirmed by the obtained negative correlation coefficients

    Nutritional value and coagulation properties of milk from local cow breeds, including the selected macro- and micronutrients and trace elements

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti prehrambenu vrijednost mlijeka na osnovu kemijskog sastava i sadržaja odabranih mineralnih tvari, te sposobnost koagulacije sirovog mlijeka izvornih pasmina - poljsko crvenih i bijelo-crnih, lokalno uzgojenih simentalskih krava, uzimajući u obzir utjecaj sezone. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 418 uzoraka mlijeka uzetih tijekom proljeća/ljeta (travanj do rujan) odnosno jeseni/zime (listopad do ožujak). Uzorcima su određivani kemijski sastav, energijska vrijednost, sposobnost koagulacije (RCT - vrijeme zgrušavanja, A30 - čvrstoća gruša, K20 - vrijeme potrebno za postizanje odgovarajuće čvrstoće gruša), prinos sira te sadržaj K, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni i Co. Također je određeno u kojem postotku konzumacija 250 mL testiranih uzoraka mlijeka pokriva dnevni preporučeni unos Ca i Mg za djecu, adolescente i odrasle. Mlijeko pasmine poljsko crveno sadržavalo je najviše koncentracije osnovnih nutrijenata (1 kg mlijeka imalo je energijsku vrijednost od 823,98 kcal) i imalo je najbolju sposobnost koagulacije mlijeka (najkraće vrijeme zgrušavanja (16:09 min, p≤0,01) i najčvršći gruš (30,74 mm)). Ovaj uzorak mlijeka imao je bolji nutritivni profil budući da je sadržavao najviši postotak preporučenih dnevnih unosa za Ca i Mg. Sirovo mlijeko dobiveno u sezoni ispaše imalo je bolje parametre sposobnosti koagulacije. Sadržaj mineralnih tvari nije bio uvjetovan pasminom ni sezonom proizvodnje. To je vjerojatno posljedica većih udjela ovih nutrijenata u stočnoj hrani, što je povezano s njihovim sadržajem u tlu kao i sa stupnjem fertiliziacije.The aim of the study was to assess the nutritional value of milk based on its chemical composition and content of selected minerals and to determine the coagulation properties of raw milk from native Polish breeds, i.e. the Polish Red and the White-backed, as well as locally raised Simmental cows, taking into account the production season. The research material consisted of 418 milk samples taken during the spring/summer season (April to September) and autumn/winter season (October to March). The following parameters were determined in the samples: chemical composition, energetic value, coagulation properties (RCT - rennet clotting time, A30 - curd firmness, K20 - curd firming time), cheese yield, and content of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni and Co. The percentage of the daily allowance for Ca and Mg in children, adolescents and adults from 250 mL of milk was determined. The milk of Polish Red cows had the highest concentration of basic nutrients (1 kg of milk provided 823.98 kcal) and the best coagulation parameters (the shortest clotting time (16:09 min, p≤0.01) and firmest curd (30.74 mm). This milk had a more beneficial nutritional profile, as it contained the highest percentage of the recommended daily allowances of Ca and Mg among all groups. The raw milk obtained in the pasture season showed more favourable coagulation properties. The content of minerals in milk is not clearly determined by the cow breed or the season. It is probably due to the higher levels of these nutrients in the feed, which in turn results from their content in the soil and the degree of fertilization

    Antioxidant potential of milk obtained from Holstein-Friesian cows with regard to the subsequent lactations and stage of lactation

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    The aim of the research was to assess the content of components showing antioxidant activity in the milk of Holstein-Friesian cows and changes in the total antioxidant status during subsequent lactations and their stages. The material for analysis consisted of milk collected from 90 cows (30 for each analysed lactation number: I - primaparous; II - multiparous in second lactation; III - multiparous in third lactation) during three periods: 1 - up to 100 days of lactation, 2 - 101-200 days of lactation, and 3 - 201-305 days of lactation. The basic chemical composition, casein content, somatic cell counts, selected whey proteins and fat-soluble vitamins were determined in the milk. The total antioxidant status (TAS) of milk was also measured. With the subsequent lactation, the content of components with antioxidant properties, i.e. vitamins A and E, and albumins (α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin), decreased significantly (p≤0.01). Simultaneously, a decrease in the level of TAS in milk was noted. The lactation phase had a minor effect on the antioxidant potential of milk. The obtained high correlation coefficients between the value of the TAS and the content of vitamins A, E and β-lactoglobulin indicate that the content of these compounds largely determines the antioxidant potential of milk. On the other hand, the obtained negative correlations between the level of antioxidant potential and the daily milk yield (r = -0.347, p≤0.05) suggest that the high productivity of cows negatively affects the antioxidant value of milk