6 research outputs found

    Jurisdiction Impact of Revenue Allocation on States and Local Government Councils in Nigeria

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    This article is descriptive in nature and it tries to ascertain the variousformulas used by federal government of Nigeria to allocate Revenue from federation account and their socio-economic impact on the states and local government councils. Primary and secondary data were adequately made use of in the study. Analysis was done using simple percentages in tables, graphs and statistical tests by use of students T-Test and correlation co-efficient. Major findings in this study include; the socio-economic status of the states and local councils are not significantly influenced by the level of Revenue accruing to them from the federation account; Interest to share in the Revenues accruing to states from federation account has a strong influence on the demand for new states. Moreover, Revenue allocation has been a very contentious issue and a source of worry to every government in Nigeria. The recommendations in this study include; Since higher amounts of Revenue from federation account has not guaranteed higher socio-economic status of the States, other alternatives for improving the socio-economic status of the states should be encouraged; Diversification of Nigerian economy may allay the fear on resource control and reduce the level of dependence on federation account

    Experimental studies on the dispersions of trypanosomes in the blood of infected rats and the probability of tsetse picking up trypanosomes from the dispersions

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    Trypanosomosis is one of the major causes of livestock death that leads to drastic reduction in meat supply in Africa. In this study, three types of dispersion indices were used to detect the dispersion of trypanosomes in the blood of rats. These dispersions included regular, random and contagious dispersions. The dispersion index revealed a contagious dispersion in T. vivax and mixed infection, while T. congolense was regularly dispersed. The trypanosomes in the blood of rats were not randomly dispersed. It was observed that the probability of a tsetse fly picking up infection from the trypanosome dispersions is higher in contagious dispersion, p(5) =0.1027 than regular dispersion p(5) = 0.054. It was also noted that the dispersion of trypanosomes in the blood had direct bearing on the spread of the disease to new foci. Thus, several natural trypanosomiasis in animals arise from mixed infection, which remains economically important in animals in Nigeria as it affects the physical condition and subsequently the market value of such animals.Keywords: Trypanosomosis, tsetse fly, livestock, rat, dispersion of trypanosome

    Transhumance pastoralism as risk factor in the trypanosome infections in cattle

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    La transhumance pastorale en tant que facteur de risque d’infections à trypanosome chez le bétail a fait l’objet d’une étude en juin 2004, au sein des troupeaux sédentaires (résidents) et semi-sédentaires (de retour de transhumance), dans la l’aire de pâture de la réserve de Kachia, Etat de Kaduna, Nigeria. Le sang a été collecté au hasard sur un total de 719 bovins composés de 401 résidents et de 318 semi-sédentaires. Ladétection de trypanosomes a été effectuée grâce à la technique de culture sur couche leucocytaire ; des paramètres sanguins tels que le Volume des cellules sanguines (PCV) (volume de concentrés de globules), la numération des globules blancs (WBC), ont également été déterminés et la comparaison faite entre les infectés des deux groupes. Les résultats ont montré des taux d’infection à trypanosomes de 11% (C.I. = 0.0182, 0.1518) et de 17% (C.I = 0.1287, 0.2113) chez les résidents et le bétail semisédentaires respectivement, bien que la différence n’ait pas été importante du point de vue statistique (P>0.05). Les analyses de sang ont montré que les parasites de trypanosome provoquaient l’anémie, tel qu’en témoignent les baisses en PCV et la leucopénie. Le PCV moyen était de 19% 1,55 SD et 15% 1,40 SD chez les bovins résidents et les bovins semi-sédentaires respectivement, et la différence était importantedu point de vue statistique (P0.05). The blood picture examinations showed that trypanosome parasites produced anaemia as manifested by decreases in PCV and by leucopenia. The mean PCV were 19% 1.55 SD and 15% 1.40 SD in resident and returned cattle respectively and the difference was statistically significant (

    Prevalence of Trypanosome in sheep and goats in the Kachia grazing reserve of Kaduna state, North west of Nigeria

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    No AbstractBulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa Vol. 54 (4) 2006: pp. 306-30

    Determination of serological prevalence of animal trypanosomosis in the Kachia grazing reserve by inhibition ELISA

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    Un antigène recombinant 70/Bip hsp pour la détection de la trypanosomose bovine a été évalué comme un moyen de diagnostic terrain en utilisant des échantillons de sérum bovin dans l’aire de pâture de Kachia, au Nigéria. Les anticorps d’ anti trypanosomal circulant ont été détectés dans 359 des 545 sérums en utilisant l’inhibition ELISA chezles bovins pour une prévalence sérologique apparente de 65,9% contre 6,1% la prévalence globale en utilisant la méthode . Sur 33 échantillons de sérum provenant de bovins confirmé par le diagnostic parasitologique, 28 avaient les anticorps anti-trypanosomal circulant donnant une sensibilité de 84,8%. La spécificité apparente était de 97,3%. en plus, la spécificité de l'essai était confirmee par les résultats desanalyses effectuées sur des échantillons de sérums provenant de bovins infectés par Theileria parva, anaplasma marginale et Babesia bigemina, tous négatives dans l’essai. En outre, les troupeaux revenus de transhumance et les troupeaux résident ont eu des anticorps anti-trypanosomal et le test a été en mesure de détecter les anticorpsde trois espèces de trypanosomes ; T. vivax, T. congolense et T. b. brucei. Sur la base des résultats, le test pourrait être un outil important pour le diagnostic sérologique de la trypanosomose bovine. Toutefois, l'amélioration de la sensibilité du test et une évaluation plus approfondie de l'essai sont proposées.A recombinant hsp 70/Bip antigen for detection of bovine trypanosomosis was evaluated as a means of diagnosis using bovine field serum samples from Kachia grazing reserve, Nigeria. Circulating anti trypanosomal antibodies was detected in 359 of 545 sera using inhibition ELISA in cattle with apparent serological prevalence of 65.9% as against 6.1%prevalence overall by buffy coat method. Of 33 serum samples from cattle with parasitological confirmed diagnosis, 28 had circulating anti-trypanosomal antibodies giving an apparent sensitivity of 84.8%. The apparent specificity was 97.3%. Further specificity of the assay was based on the results of analysis performed on sera samples from cattle infected with Theileria parva, Anaplasma marginale and Babesiabigemina, which tested all negative in the assay. In addition, returned herds and resident herds had significant anti-trypanosomal antibodies and the test was able to detect antibodies of three trypanosomes species T. vivax, T. congolense and T. b. brucei. Based on the findings, the test offers promise as a useful tool in sero- diagnosis of bovine trypanosomosis. However, improvement in test sensitivity and further evaluation of the assay are suggested