56 research outputs found

    Hybrid example-based SMT: the best of both worlds?

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    (Way and Gough, 2005) provide an indepth comparison of their Example-Based Machine Translation (EBMT) system with a Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) system constructed from freely available tools. According to a wide variety of automatic evaluation metrics, they demonstrated that their EBMT system outperformed the SMT system by a factor of two to one. Nevertheless, they did not test their EBMT system against a phrase-based SMT system. Obtaining their training and test data for English–French, we carry out a number of experiments using the Pharaoh SMT Decoder. While better results are seen when Pharaoh is seeded with Giza++ word- and phrase-based data compared to EBMT sub-sentential alignments, in general better results are obtained when combinations of this 'hybrid' data is used to construct the translation and probability models. While for the most part the EBMT system of (Gough & Way, 2004b) outperforms any flavour of the phrasebased SMT systems constructed in our experiments, combining the data sets automatically induced by both Giza++ and their EBMT system leads to a hybrid system which improves on the EBMT system per se for French–English

    Hybridity in MT: experiments on the Europarl corpus

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    (Way & Gough, 2005) demonstrate that their Marker-based EBMT system is capable of outperforming a word-based SMT system trained on reasonably large data sets. (Groves & Way, 2005) take this a stage further and demonstrate that while the EBMT system also outperforms a phrase-based SMT (PBSMT) system, a hybrid 'example-based SMT' system incorporating marker chunks and SMT sub-sentential alignments is capable of outperforming both baseline translation models for French{English translation. In this paper, we show that similar gains are to be had from constructing a hybrid 'statistical EBMT' system capable of outperforming the baseline system of (Way & Gough, 2005). Using the Europarl (Koehn, 2005) training and test sets we show that this time around, although all 'hybrid' variants of the EBMT system fall short of the quality achieved by the baseline PBSMT system, merging elements of the marker-based and SMT data, as in (Groves & Way, 2005), to create a hybrid 'example-based SMT' system, outperforms the baseline SMT and EBMT systems from which it is derived. Furthermore, we provide further evidence in favour of hybrid systems by adding an SMT target language model to all EBMT system variants and demonstrate that this too has a positive e®ect on translation quality

    Example-based machine translation of the Basque language

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    Basque is both a minority and a highly inflected language with free order of sentence constituents. Machine Translation of Basque is thus both a real need and a test bed for MT techniques. In this paper, we present a modular Data-Driven MT system which includes different chunkers as well as chunk aligners which can deal with the free order of sentence constituents of Basque. We conducted Basque to English translation experiments, evaluated on a large corpus (270, 000 sentence pairs). The experimental results show that our system significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches according to several common automatic evaluation metrics

    Contextual bitext-derived paraphrases in automatic MT evaluation

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    In this paper we present a novel method for deriving paraphrases during automatic MT evaluation using only the source and reference texts, which are necessary for the evaluation, and word and phrase alignment software. Using target language paraphrases produced through word and phrase alignment a number of alternative reference sentences are constructed automatically for each candidate translation. The method produces lexical and lowlevel syntactic paraphrases that are relevant to the domain in hand, does not use external knowledge resources, and can be combined with a variety of automatic MT evaluation system

    Wrapper syntax for example-based machine translation

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    TransBooster is a wrapper technology designed to improve the performance of wide-coverage machine translation systems. Using linguistically motivated syntactic information, it automatically decomposes source language sentences into shorter and syntactically simpler chunks, and recomposes their translation to form target language sentences. This generally improves both the word order and lexical selection of the translation. To date, TransBooster has been successfully applied to rule-based MT, statistical MT, and multi-engine MT. This paper presents the application of TransBooster to Example-Based Machine Translation. In an experiment conducted on test sets extracted from Europarl and the Penn II Treebank we show that our method can raise the BLEU score up to 3.8% relative to the EBMT baseline. We also conduct a manual evaluation, showing that TransBooster-enhanced EBMT produces a better output in terms of fluency than the baseline EBMT in 55% of the cases and in terms of accuracy in 53% of the cases

    A syntactic skeleton for statistical machine translation

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    We present a method for improving statistical machine translation performance by using linguistically motivated syntactic information. Our algorithm recursively decomposes source language sentences into syntactically simpler and shorter chunks, and recomposes their translation to form target language sentences. This improves both the word order and lexical selection of the translation. We report statistically significant relative improvementsof 3.3% BLEU score in an experiment (English!Spanish) carried out on an 800-sentence test set extracted from the Europarl corpus

    OpenMaTrEx: a free/open-source marker-driven example-based machine translation system

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    We describe OpenMaTrEx, a free/open-source example based machine translation (EBMT) system based on the marker hypothesis, comprising a marker-driven chunker, a collection of chunk aligners, and two engines: one based on a simple proof-of-concept monotone EBMT recombinator and a Moses-based statistical decoder. OpenMaTrEx is a free/open-source release of the basic components of MaTrEx, the Dublin City University machine translation system

    Dublin City University at CLEF 2004: experiments with the ImageCLEF St Andrew's collection

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    For the CLEF 2004 ImageCLEF St Andrew's Collection task the Dublin City University group carried out three sets of experiments: standard cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) runs using topic translation via machine translation (MT), combination of this run with image matching results from the VIPER system, and a novel document rescoring approach based on automatic MT evaluation metrics. Our standard MT-based CLIR works well on this task. Encouragingly combination with image matching lists is also observed to produce small positive changes in the retrieval output. However, rescoring using the MT evaluation metrics in their current form significantly reduced retrieval effectiveness

    Ptu-024 - photometric stereo reconstruction for surface analysis of mucosal tissue

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    This paper provides a novel approach for real-time detection of polyps. Using a photometric stereo sensor for endoscopy imaging in a porcine model, the 3D surface geometry of a porcine gut is recovered. Shape features are extracted from the 3D surface data and analysed to detect and identify regions that are locally spherical, suggestive of polyps to aid polyp detection

    When less is more in neural quality estimation of machine translation. An industry case study

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    Quality estimation (QE) of machine translation (MT), the task of predicting the quality of an MT output without human references, is particularly suitable in dynamic translation workflows, where translations need to be assessed continuously with no specific reference provided. In this paper, we investigate sentence-level neural QE and its applicability in an industry use case. We assess six QE approaches, which we divide into two-phase and one-phase approaches, based on quality and cost. Our evaluation shows that while two-phase systems perform best in terms of the predicted QE scores, their computational costs suggest that alternatives should be considered for large-scale translation production