63 research outputs found

    Multimedia Communication

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    Multimedia communication presents information in an interesting, creative way that helps many different types of learners internalize the data. Info graphics are a common example of multimedia communication. These large images are set up like posters and have text, statistics, graphs, charts and images that provide information. Visual learners who need these graphs, charts and images are able to get just as much from the info graph as learners who focus on numbers who, for instance, hone in on the statistics. Websites are also prime examples of multimedia communication. Websites can include all of the different types of media to present a single topic or idea, and they are interactive so that the user can easily find the information and navigate the pages. Many informative websites include videos that offer succinct, engaging clips

    Radiation Effects and Optimum Radiation

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    Radiation from computers, televisions is an important issue in today?s world. It directly affects human health and mind. This paper focuses on measurement of radiation based on three control parameters such as : 1. Distance, 2. Flux and 3. Angle of measurement. Levels fixed are two in number. A Taguchi design of it is made and tested and results are plotted. Based on Taguchi model, optimum condition is obtained

    Car Traffic Sign Annunciator

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    Automatic detection and recognition of traffic signs is an essential part of automated driver assistance systems which contribute to the safety of the drivers, pedestrians and vehicles. This paper presents the advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) based on Raspberry pi for traffic sign detection, recognition and annunciation. Such a system presents a vital support for driver assistance in an intelligent automotive. The proposed algorithm is implemented in a real time embedded system using OpenCV library. Proposed method introduced a new method for detection and recognition of traffic signs. Firstly, Potential traffic signs regions are detected by colour segmentation method, then classified using HOG features and a linear SVM classifier to identify the traffic sign class. The proposed system shows good recognition rate under complex challenging lighting and weather conditions. Experimental results on the accuracy of the road sign detection are reported in this paper

    Automated Mobility and Orientation System for Blind Person

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    This paper is intended to provide a model for object detection and real time assistance via Global Positioning System (GPS).This paper aims at the development of an Electronic Travelling Aid (ETA) kit to help the blind people to find obstacle free path. This ETA is fixed to the wheel chair. When the object is detected near to the blind it alerts them with the help of voice play talkto which speakers are connected . Ultrasonic sensors are used to evaluate distance of the objects around the blind person and to guide the user towards the secure and available path. The hardware of entire system contains ARM7 (LPC2148),ultrasonic sensors and voice input kit, speakers, Global positioning system (GPS) module and Global System for Mobile (GSM) modul

    Maternal thyroid hormone status in pre-eclampsia: a tertiary care hospital based study

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    Background: The objective of the study was to study the association between thyroid hormone status with preeclampsia and correlate it with severity of pre-eclampsia.Methods: In this case control study, 200 women attending tertiary care hospital between the study period September 2012 to August 2014 were recruited in the study in which 100 women were cases (diagnosed as preeclampsia) and 100 were taken as control (healthy normotensive women). Assessment of thyroid status of cases and control was done. Association was studied between thyroid hormone status and pre-eclampsia and co-related with severity of preeclampsia.Results: There was a significant association between pre-eclampsia and thyroid hypofunction (overt and sub clinical hypothyroidism) with P-value being 0.0406. Odds-ratio indicates that preeclampsia group have chance of higher TSH (>4.8 mIU/L) by 2.19 times. (95% confidence intervals= 1.0223 –4.6934). The association between severity of pre-eclampsia and thyroid hypofunction (subclinical and overt hypothyroidism) was found to be statistically significant (p= 0.02717). Odds ratio indicates that severe preeclampsia group have 2.87 times more chance of thyroid hypofunction.Conclusions: In the present study a positive association was found between thyroid hypofunction and pre-eclampsia and it was found to be statistically significant. With regards to the results of the present study, “the measurement of serum levels of FT3, FT4 and TSH” can be suggested as a criterion for prediction of pre-eclampsia

    Integration of Microfluidic Devices and Smart Phones for Water Monitoring –A Review

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    Microfluidic innovation permits analytical system to be scaled down and incorporated into lab-on-a-chip devices, minimizing the volume of reagents consumed and of waste created, and permitting the utilization of low-fueled pumping system. Here, in this survey we will ponder the microfluidic sensors able to do quick, multiplexed detection. Electrochemical detection in a microfluidic stage offers numerous focal points, for example, compactness, insignificant utilization of instrumentation, and simple integration with electronics. In numerous parts of the world, be that as it may, the required gear for detection through electrochemical sensors is either not available or inadequately compact, and administrators may not be prepared to utilize these sensors and translate results, at last keeping its wide adoption. Presently a days, step by step the versatile innovation is growing quick. Joining these sort of versatile electrochemical procedures with such quickly developing advances will give advantage to the community. Toward a solution to water quality interventions, individuals have effectively demonstrate a microfluidic electrochemical sensor joined with a portable interface that identifies the different water contaminants and contaminations, appropriate for quick, reasonable, and point-of-care water monitoring. In this survey, we will first give the general foundation of microfluidic-based detection, versatile innovations available in combination with microfluidic sensors, and their integration

    Orientation System for Blind Person

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    This paper is intended to provide a model for object detection and assistance system via Global Positioning System (GPS).This paper provide the development of an Electronic Travelling Aid (ETA) kit to help the blind people to find obstacle free path. This ETA is fixed to the wheel chair. When the object is detected near to the blind it alerts them with the help of voice play talk kit to which speakers are connected . Ultrasonic sensors are used to evaluate distance of the objects around the blind person and to guide the user towards the secure path. The hardware of entire system contains ARM7 (LPC2148),ultrasonic sensors and voice input kit, speakers, Global positioning system (GPS) module and Global System for Mobile (GSM) modul

    Healthcare Monitoring System

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    The proposed model enables users to improve health related risks and reduce healthcare costs by collecting, recording, analyzing and sharing large data streams in real time and efficiently. In a hospital health care monitoring system it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient’s physiological parameters. For example a pregnant woman parameters such as blood pressure (BP) and heart rate of the woman and heart rate and movements of fetal to control their health condition. The idea of this project came so to reduce the headache of patient to visit to doctor every time he need to check his blood pressure, heart beat rate, temperature etc. With the help of this proposal the time of both patients and doctors are saved and doctors can also help in emergency scenario as much as possible. This system can detect the abnormal conditions, issue an alarm to the patient and send a information to the physician. The proposed outcome of the project is to give proper and efficient medical services to patients by connecting and collecting data information through health status monitors which would include patient’s heart rate, blood pressure and sends an emergency alert to patient’s doctor with his current status and full medical information

    Awareness regarding Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram among pregnant women of Marathwada, Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Government of India has launched “Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram” on 1st July 2011, to assure free and cashless services (including free transport) to all pregnant women and sick neonates accessing public health institutions.  The objective of the study was to find out level of awareness regarding JSSK entitlement in pregnant women and to examine the association between different socio-demographic factors and awareness level.Methods: This was a cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad involving 1000 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic between September 2015 to March 2016. Questionnaire was given to assess the awareness about JSSK entitlements and if it was known to them, then the source of information was noted. Information regarding socio-demographic characteristics was noted. The study subject was considered as aware of the scheme, if she had heard about the scheme and had knowledge about certain key points of the scheme. One point each was given to all the correctly answered questions and mean was calculated. Subjects whose correctly answered questions were more than the mean value were considered to have good awareness level. Analysis was done usingSPSS version 20. Chi-square test for association between awareness level and different socio-demographic factors. Significance level was considered at p value <0.05.Results: Among 1000 antenatal women, good awareness level regarding JSSK entitlements was seen in only 472 (47.2%) study subjects. Maximum awareness regarding JSSK entitlements was noted to be for Free vaginal delivery in 869 (86.90%) followed by free drugs and consumables to mother (73.4%) and free treatment for sick infants 662 (66.2%) and least awareness was noted for free drop back of sick infant from health facility to home (9%) and free caesarean section (9.6%). Not even a single woman answered all the 17 entitlements correctly. Only 13 (1.3%) women were able to answer 16 questions correctly. Advancing age, increasing level of education, member of nuclear family, increasing number of conception (gravidity) and advanced gestational age are significantly associated with the level of awareness. However, religion, socioeconomic status and occupation did not have any statistical significant association with the level of awareness regarding various entitlements of JSSK in antenatal women. Regarding the source of information, the most common source of information was from health personnel, followed by friends and family. None of the women reported that Radio, TV, Newspaper had contributed as a source of information.Conclusions: Awareness level of JSSK entitlements in the pregnant women in our study is low. Maximum awareness was noticed for the provision of free vaginal delivery whereas awareness for provisions like free caesarean section, free drop back facility to home, free provision of blood is very low. Further efforts are needed to increase the overall awareness of various entitlements of JSSK among pregnant women to increase the utilization of the benefits of the scheme and thus indirectly helping in reducing MMR and IMR

    Review Paper on Healthcare Monitoring System

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    The proposed model enables users to improve health related risks and reduce healthcare costs by collecting, recording, analyzing and sharing large data streams in real time and efficiently. The idea of this project came so to reduce the headache of patient to visit to doctor every time he need to check his blood pressure, heart beat rate, temperature etc. With the help of this proposal the time of both patients and doctors are saved and doctors can also help in emergency scenario as much as possible. The proposed outcome of the project is to give proper and efficient medical services to patients by connecting and collecting data information through health status monitors which would include patient?s heart rate, blood pressure and sends an emergency alert to patient?s doctor with his current status and full medical information. In simple terms, i.e. ?Smart? objects which use various sensors and actuators that are able to perceive their context, and via built in networking capabilities they could communicate to each other, access the open source Internet services and interact with the human world. This not only makes the world connected but also robust and comfortable. It consists of a system that communicates between network connected systems, apps and devices that can help patients and doctors to monitor, track and record patients? vital data and medical information. Some of the devices include smart meters, wearable health bands, fitness shoes, RFID based smart watches and smart video cameras. Also, apps for smart phones also help in keeping a medical record with real time alert and emergency services
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