27 research outputs found

    Fluorescent protein markers to tag collagenous proteins: The paradigm of procollagen VII

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    Fluorescent proteins are powerful markers allowing tracking expression, intracellular localization, and translocation of tagged proteins but their effects on the structure and assembly of complex extracellular matrix proteins has not been investigated. Here, we analyzed the utility of fluorescent proteins as markers for procollagen VII, a triple-helical protein critical for the integrity of dermal-epidermal junction. DNA constructs encoding a red fluorescent protein-tagged wild type mini-procollagen VII α chain and green fluorescent protein-tagged α chains harboring selected mutations were genetically engineered. These DNA constructs were co-expressed in HEK-293 cells and the assembly of heterogeneous triple-helical mini-procollagen VII molecules was analyzed. Immunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer assays demonstrated that the presence of different fluorescent protein markers at the C-termini of individual α chains neither altered formation of triple-helical molecules nor affected their secretion to the extracellular space. Our study provides a basis for employing fluorescent proteins as tags for complex structural proteins of extracellular matrix

    Reducing the effects of intracellular accumulation of thermolabile collagen II mutants by increasing their thermostability in cell culture conditions.

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    Mutations in collagen II are associated with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, a group of heritable diseases whose common features include aberrations of skeletal growth. The mechanisms through which mutations in collagen II affect the cartilaginous tissues are complex and include both intracellular and extracellular processes. One of those mechanisms involves cellular stress caused by excessive accumulation of misfolded collagen II mutants. We investigated whether stabilizing the structure of thermolabile R789C and R992C collagen II mutants would improve their secretion from cells, thereby reducing cellular stress and apoptosis. Employing glycerol and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), chemicals that increase the thermostability of collagen triple helices, we demonstrated that those compounds function as chaperones and stabilize the R789C and R992C mutants, accelerate their secretion, and improve cell survival. Our study provides a scientific basis for considering misfolded triple helices of collagen mutants a target for reducing the deleterious effects caused by their excessive intracellular accumulation

    R992C (p.R1192C) Substitution in collagen II alters the structure of mutant molecules and induces the unfolded protein response.

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    We investigated the molecular bases of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED) associated with the R992C (p.R1192C) substitution in collagen II. At the protein level, we analyzed the structure and integrity of mutant molecules, and at the cellular level, we specifically studied the effects of the presence of the R992C collagen II on the biological processes taking place in host cells. Our studies demonstrated that mutant collagen II molecules were characterized by altered electrophoretic mobility, relatively low thermostability, the presence of atypical disulfide bonds, and slow rates of secretion into the extracellular space. Analyses of cellular responses to the presence of the mutant molecules showed that excessive accumulation of thermolabile collagen II was associated with the activation of an unfolded protein response and an increase in apoptosis of host cells. Collectively, these data suggest that molecular mechanisms of SED may be driven not only by structural changes in the architecture of extracellular collagenous matrices, but also by intracellular processes activated by the presence of mutant collagen II molecules

    Corneal Wound Healing in the Presence of Antifibrotic Antibody Targeting Collagen Fibrillogenesis: A Pilot Study

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    Highly organized collagen fibrils interlacing with proteoglycans form the crucial architecture of the cornea and facilitate its transparency. Corneal scarring from accidental injury, surgery, or infection alters this highly organized tissue, causing severe consequences, including blindness. There are no pharmacological or surgical methods to effectively and safely treat excessive corneal scarring. Thus, we tested the anticorneal scarring utility of a rationally designed anticollagen antibody (ACA) whose antifibrotic effects have already been demonstrated in nonocular models. Utilizing a rabbit model with an incisional corneal wound, we analyzed ACA’s effects on forming collagen and proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrices in scar neotissue. We used microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to quantify these components and measure crucial parameters characterizing the structure and organization of collagen fibrils. Moreover, we analyzed the spatial distribution of collagen and proteoglycans in normal and healing corneas. Our study demonstrated significant changes in the quality and quantity of the analyzed molecules synthesized in scar neotissue. It showed that these changes extend beyond incision margins. It also showed ACA’s positive impact on some crucial parameters defining proper cornea structure. This pilot study provides a stepping stone for future tests of therapeutic approaches that target corneal extracellular scar matrix assembly

    Scar Formation in the Presence of Mitomycin C and the Anti-fibrotic Antibody in a Rabbit Model of Glaucoma Microsurgery: A Pilot Study

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    Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the utility of a rationally engineered antibody that directly blocks collagen fibrillogenesis to reduce scar tissue formation associated with subconjunctival glaucoma surgery. Material and methods: Fourteen eyes of 7 adult rabbits underwent glaucoma filtering surgery using XEN 45 Gel Stent. The rabbits’ eyes were divided randomly into three treatment groups: (i) treated with the antibody, (ii) treated with mitomycin C, and (iii) treated with the antibody and mitomycin C. Following surgeries, the intraocular pressure and bleb appearance were evaluated in vivo. The rabbits were sacrificed 8 weeks after the surgery, and their eyes were harvested and processed for tissue analysis. Subsequently, tissue samples were analyzed microscopically for fibrotic tissue and cellular markers of inflammation. Moreover, the collagen-rich fibrotic tissue formed around the stents was analyzed using quantitative histology and infrared spectroscopy. The outcomes of this study were analyzed using the ANOVA test. Results: This study demonstrated no significant differences in intraocular pressure, bleb appearance, or presence of complications such as bleb leak among the treatment groups. In contrast, we observed significant differences among the subpopulations of collagen fibrils formed within scar neo-tissue. Based on the spectroscopic analyses, we determined that the relative content of mature collagen cross-links in the antibody-treated group was significantly reduced compared to other groups. Conclusions: Direct blocking of collagen fibrillogenesis with the anti-collagen antibody offers potentially beneficial effects that may reduce the negative impact of the subconjunctival scarring associated with glaucoma filtering surgery

    Tendinosis develops from age- and oxygen tension-dependent modulation of Rac1 activity.

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    Age-related tendon degeneration (tendinosis) is characterized by a phenotypic change in which tenocytes display characteristics of fibrochondrocytes and mineralized fibrochondrocytes. As tendon degeneration has been noted in vivo in areas of decreased tendon vascularity, we hypothesized that hypoxia is responsible for the development of the tendinosis phenotype, and that these effects are more pronounced in aged tenocytes. Hypoxic (1% O2 ) culture of aged, tendinotic, and young human tenocytes resulted in a mineralized fibrochondrocyte phenotype in aged tenocytes, and a fibrochondrocyte phenotype in young and tendinotic tenocytes. Investigation of the molecular mechanism responsible for this phenotype change revealed that the fibrochondrocyte phenotype in aged tenocytes occurs with decreased Rac1 activity in response to hypoxia. In young hypoxic tenocytes, however, the fibrochondrocyte phenotype occurs with concomitant decreased Rac1 activity coupled with increased RhoA activity. Using pharmacologic and adenoviral manipulation, we confirmed that these hypoxic effects on the tenocyte phenotype are linked directly to the activity of RhoA/Rac1 GTPase in in vitro human cell culture and tendon explants. These results demonstrate that hypoxia drives tenocyte phenotypic changes, and provide a molecular insight into the development of human tendinosis that occurs with aging

    The impact of cholesterol deposits on the fibrillar architecture of the Achilles tendon in a rabbit model of hypercholesterolemia.

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    BACKGROUND: Increased tendon pain and tendon damage is a significant complication related to hyperlipidemia. Unlike the well-established pathogenesis associated with increased serum concentrations of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, the role of hyperlipidemia in promoting tendon damage remains controversial and requires mechanistic clarity. METHODS: In this study, we analyzed the consequences of hypercholesterolemia on the integrity of the collagen-based architecture of the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendons from rabbits fed with normal-cholesterol (nCH) and high-cholesterol (hCH) diets were analyzed. We studied the morphology of tendons, distribution of lipids within their collagen-rich milieu, the relative amounts of fibrillar collagen I and collagen III, and selected biomechanical parameters of the tendons at the macroscale and the nanoscale. RESULTS: Histological assays of hCH tendons and tenosynovium demonstrated hypercellular areas with increased numbers of macrophages infiltrating the tendon structure as compared to the nCH tendons. While Oil Red staining revealed lipid-rich deposits in the hCH tendons, hybridization of tendon tissue with the collagen hybridizing peptide (CHP) demonstrated damage to the collagen fibers. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra showed the presence of distinct peaks consistent with the presence of cholesterol ester. Additionally, the hCH tendons displayed regions of poor collagen content that overlapped with lipid-rich regions. The hCH tendons had a substantial fourfold increase in the collage III to collagen I ratio as compared to the nCH tendons. Tendons from the hCH rabbits showed poor biomechanical characteristics in comparison with control. The biomechanical changes were evident at the macrolevel and the nanolevel of tendon structure. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the hypothesis that hypercholesterolemia coincides with the weakening of the tendons. It is likely that the intimate contact between collagen fibrils and cholesterol deposits contributes to the weakening of the fibrillar structure of the tendons

    Evaluating the Efficacy of a Thermoresponsive Hydrogel for Delivering Anti-Collagen Antibodies to Reduce Posttraumatic Scarring in Orthopedic Tissues.

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    Excessive posttraumatic scarring in orthopedic tissues, such as joint capsules, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and peripheral nerves, presents a significant medical problem, resulting in pain, restricted joint mobility, and impaired musculoskeletal function. Current treatments for excessive scarring are often ineffective and require the surgical removal of fibrotic tissue, which can aggravate the problem. The primary component of orthopedic scars is collagen I-rich fibrils. Our research team has developed a monoclonal anti-collagen antibody (ACA) that alleviates posttraumatic scarring by inhibiting collagen fibril formation. We previously established the safety and efficacy of ACA in a rabbit-based arthrofibrosis model. In this study, we evaluate the utility of a well-characterized thermoresponsive hydrogel (THG) as a delivery vehicle for ACA to injury sites. Crucial components of the hydrogel included N-isopropylacrylamide, poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate, and hyaluronic acid. Our investigation focused on in vitro ACA release kinetics, stability, and activity. Additionally, we examined the antigen-binding characteristics of ACA post-release from the THG in an in vivo context. Our preliminary findings suggest that the THG construct exhibits promise as a delivery platform for antibody-based therapeutics to reduce excessive scarring in orthopedic tissues

    Prospects and limitations of improving skeletal growth in a mouse model of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia caused by R992C (p.R1192C) substitution in collagen II.

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    Skeletal dysplasias form a group of skeletal disorders caused by mutations in macromolecules of cartilage and bone. The severity of skeletal dysplasias ranges from precocious arthropathy to perinatal lethality. Although the pathomechanisms of these disorders are generally well defined, the feasibility of repairing established aberrant skeletal tissues that developed in the presence of mutant molecules is currently unknown. Here, we employed a validated mouse model of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED) that enables temporal control of the production of the R992C (p.R1192C) collagen II mutant that causes this disease. Although in our earlier studies we determined that blocking the expression of this mutant at the early prenatal stages prevents a SED phenotype, the utility of blocking the R992C collagen II at the postnatal stages is not known. Here, by switching off the expression of R992C collagen II at various postnatal stages of skeletal development, we determined that significant improvements of cartilage and bone morphology were achieved only when blocking the production of the mutant molecules was initiated in newborn mice. Our study indicates that future therapies of skeletal dysplasias may require defining a specific time window when interventions should be applied to be successful