189 research outputs found

    The Inuence of Cross-Section Shape of the Car Roof Rail on the Quqsi-Dynamic Buckling Modes

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    This paper presents the results of numerical analysis of the aluminium profiles subjected to dynamic, of different time duration impulse loading. The analysis includes the change in cross–section of the roof rail, ranging from the open ”C profile”, through closed ”Rectangular” to hybrid ”Tandem with brackets”. The main aim of this study is to model the dynamic response of the car roof rail to impulse loading, which may appear in case of collision

    The Viscoplastic Effect in the Heat–Treated, Thin–Walled AL–6060 Alloy Profiles Subjected to Compressive Axial Impact.

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    This paper will highlight the influence of the strain rate effect occurring during pulse loading on dynamic stability of aluminium profiles. Current work is the development of the analysis carried in [1]. The C–channel cross–section beams/columns are made of 6060 T4, T5, T6 and T66 aluminium alloy. The rectangular–shape compressing pulse is analysed. The static material characteristics had been obtained from the experimental tensile tests and afterwards modified for dynamic response according to Perzyna viscoplastic model. The results of the numerical computations are presented whereas the critical load and DLF (Dynamic Load Factor) basing on the selected dynamic buckling criterion is determined

    Stability Analysis of a Plane, Rectangular, Boron-epoxy Laminated Plate Basing on Strength Properties Determined by Different Methods

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    This paper presents the examples of practical applications of composite materials in mechanical engineering and methods in determining of micromechanical properties of a laminate, corresponding to a plate, made of epoxy matrix strengthened with longitudinal boron fibres, including: 1. Strength of Materials equations 2. Halphin-Tsai equations 3. Theory of elasticity Basing on determined micromechanical properties, numerical analysis of stability ( of rectangular, composite plate, simply supported on all edges, axially compressed) using Finite Element Method (Ansys program) is carried through. First four buckling modes are presented and compared to the corresponding ones for isotropic model (steel)

    Komentarz do artykułu R.K. Yantiss i R.D. Odze

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    The influence of cross-section shape of the car roof rail on the quasi-dynamic buckling modes

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    This paper presents the results of numerical analysis of the aluminium profiles subjected to dynamic, of different time duration impulse loading. The analysis includes the change in cross–section of the roof rail, ranging from the open ”C profile”, through closed ”Rectangular” to hybrid ”Tandem with brackets”. The main aim of this study is to model the dynamic response of the car roof rail to impulse loading, which may appear in case of collision

    Czego oczekuje endoskopista od histopatologa, a czego histopatolog od endoskopisty — zasady współpracy w zakresie oceny materiałów pochodzących z biopsji endoskopowej przewodu pokarmowego

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    Właściwa współpraca endoskopisty z patomorfologiem stanowi podstawę rozpoznania choroby, a następnie wdrożenia odpowiedniego postępowania klinicznego. Lekarz wykonujący badanie endoskopowe zobowiązany jest pobrać, prawidłowo zabezpieczyć i oznaczyć materiał tkankowy i wysłać go do pracowni patomorfologicznej. Biopsja endoskopowa wymaga szczególnej uwagi i zachowania zasad opracowania ze względu na stosunkową małą objętość tkanki. Patolog, przygotowując raport, musi stosować znane klinicyście klasyfikacje i przedyskutowane formy opisu. W miarę dostępności materiału należy uzupełnić diagnozę o ocenę istotnych czynników prognostycznych i predykcyjnych. W artykule przedstawiono zasady współpracy endoskopisty i patomorfologa w zakresie pobierania i opracowania materiału biopsyjnego z badań endoskopowych przewodu pokarmowego

    State-of-the-art approach towards magnetic resonance imaging of the nervous system structures in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices

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    Introduction: MRI generated forces are the source of potential complications in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED). The technological progress, and growing clinical evidence concerning the operation of the contemporary MR non-conditional CIEDs during MRI, have started to significantly change our every-day clinical practice. Nevertheless, a lot of patients who could have an MRI performed safely, still have been refused the examination. State-of-the-art: In many clinical situations, an MRI examination in a patient with a CIED is reasonable, and is linked to a negligible risk of complications if performed under strict precautions. The MagnaSave Registry that evaluated the influence of nonthoracic MRI on the function of MR non-conditional CIEDs, and numerous studies involving thoracic and nonthoracicMRIs in patients with legacy CIEDs, have confirmed the feasibility and safety of such examinations. In this article, practical tips aimed towards improving the safety of MRI in MR conditional and non-conditional CIED patients are largely based on the very recently released (2017) HRS expert consensus statement. Clinical implications: Clinical data emphasize the necessity of making the MRI more accessible to CIED patients, also in the case of MR non-conditional systems or when the thorax MR imaging is clinically reasonable. This goal should be achieved by increasing the number of centers complying with respective recommendations and applying protocols that would guarantee the highest safety level. Future directions: Further studies are warranted to assess safety issues related to the main current contraindication to MRI, i.e., the presence of abandoned leads

    Pod wspólnym niebem : narody dawnej Rzeczypospolitej

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    Zbiór tekstów opisujących grupy etniczne i religijne zamieszkujące Rzeczpospolitą Obojga Narodów, czyli Litwinów, Białorusinów, Ukraińców, Niemców, Żydów, Ormian, Tatarów, Karaimów, Cygan-Romów, Włochów, Szkotów i holenderskich Menonitów.Michał Kopczyński - WSTĘP; Andrzej Rachuba - LITWINI; Oleg Łatyszonek - BIAŁORUSINI; Mirosław Nagielski - UKRAIŃCY; Igor Kąkolewski - NIEMCY; Andrzej Żbikowski - ŻYDZI; Krzysztof Stopka - ORMIANIE; Jan Tyszkiewicz TATARZY; Anna Klimowicz - KARAIMI; Lech Mróz - CYGANIE-ROMOWIE; Wojciech Tygielski - WŁOSI; Jacek Wijaczka - SZKOCI; Edmund Kizik - MENNONICI; Wojciech Tygielski - A GDZIE POLACY? BIOGRAMY AUTORÓW.Agnieszka Uziębł