72 research outputs found

    Good practice in occupational health services – Certification of stroke as an accident at work. Need for secondary prevention in people returning to work after acute cerebrovascular events

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    The classification of an acute vascular episode, both heart infarct and stroke, as an accident at work poses difficulties not only for post accidental teams, but also to occupational health professionals, experts and judges at labor and social insurance courts. This article presents the case of a 41-year-old office worker, whose job involved client services. While attending a very aggressive customer she developed solid stress that resulted in symptoms of the central nervous system (headache, speech disturbances). During her hospitalisation at the neurological unit ischemic stroke with transient mixed type aphasia was diagnosed. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the head revealed subacute ischemia. After an analysis of the accident circumstances, the employer’s post accidental team decided that ischemic stroke had been an accident at work, because it was a sudden incident due to an external cause inducing work-related traumatic stroke. As a primary cause tough stress and emotional strain due to the situation developed while attending the customer were acknowledged. During control medical check up after 5 months the patient was found to be fit for work, so she could return to work. However, it should be noted that such a check up examination of subjects returning to work after stroke must be holistic, including the evaluation of job predispositions and health education aimed at secondary prevention of heart and vascular diseases with special reference to their risk factors. Med Pr 2015;66(4):595–59

    Hypercholesterolemia and prevention of cardiovascular diseases in the light of preventive medical examinations of employees in Poland

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    Long-term exposure to hypercholesterolemia is the cause of atherosclerosis, which in turn causes cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. In developed countries, including Poland, vascular diseases are the main cause of death. They affect an ever younger part of the population, including the working population. The authors address the problem of epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, unsatisfactory detection and treatment, economic consequences for the health care system, and the possibilities of using occupational medicine services in the prevention of this health problem. Due to the fact that the early detection of diseases caused by high blood cholesterol levels is relatively low in Poland, obligatory occupational medicine examinations seem to be a key element of the second-line prevention. Therefore, it seems natural to consider the idea of extending the scope of obligatory examinations and introducing tests that allow lipid disorders to be detected at an early stage. This can contribute to a general improvement of the health of the population, and to economic benefits, such as a decrease in the costs of treatment of the disorders that have been detected too late. Broadening the scope of occupational examinations is also important from the perspective of public health and epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, thus being an element of prevention of civilization diseases. It means improving health and building health awareness, and it should translate into regular health examinations. The performance of these examinations should result not only from the obligation, but also from the patient’s conviction about the importance of early detection of disorders, including lipid disorders, for an effective therapy

    Independent predictors of early mortality after coronary artery bypass grafting in a single centre experience — does gender matter?

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    Wstęp: Powszechnie uważa się, że kobiety poddawane izolowanemu pomostowaniu aortalno-wieńcowemu (CABG) są obarczone większym ryzykiem okołooperacyjnych powikłań i zgonu. Cel: Celem badania była ocena wpływu płci jako czynnika ryzyka wczesnych powikłań i śmiertelności po izolowanym CABG w krążeniu pozaustrojowym oraz ocena profilu ryzyka warunkowanego przez płeć pacjenta. Metody: Analizie poddano dane pochodzące z wszystkich 2194 zabiegów wykonanych w Klinice Kardiochirurgii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi w okresie między styczniem 2009 a marcem 2011 roku. Dla celów badania skonstruowano bazę danych opartą na retrospektywnej analizie zmiennych zawartych w formularzach Krajowego Rejestru Operacji Kardiochirurgicznych. Wyniki: Izolowane CABG w krążeniu pozaustrojowym wykonano u 1303 pacjentów (59,4% wszystkich zabiegów). Kobiety stanowiły mniejszość (24,2%) i były starsze od mężczyzn (średni wiek 67,3 vs. 62,8 roku; p < 0,001). Istotnie częściej chorowały na cukrzycę (43,1% vs. 33,41%, p = 0,003), charakteryzowały się gorszą funkcją nerek (mediana eGFR 88,5 vs. 95,0 ml/min/1,73 m2; p < 0,001) oraz rzadziej paliły tytoń (54,1% vs. 83,0%; p < 0,001). Tętnicę piersiową wewnętrzną rzadziej wykorzystywano jako pomost w grupie kobiet (84,8% vs. 95,0%; p < 0,001). Kobiety były obarczone wyższym ryzykiem wystąpienia ostrego zawału pooperacyjnego (5,5% vs. 2,9%; p = 0,03) oraz rzadziej wymagały reoperacji (4,5% vs. 8,1%; p = 0,04). Wśród kobiet zaobserwowano wyższą śmiertelność 30-dniową (7,6% vs. 2,8%; p < 0,001), a płeć żeńska w analizie wieloczynnikowej regresji logistycznej okazała się niezależnym predyktorem zgonu (OR = 1,8; 95% CI 1,2–2,7). Wnioski: Kobiety poddawane izolowanemu CABG charakteryzują się wyższą śmiertelnością 30-dniową. Płeć żeńska jest niezależnym czynnikiem ryzyka zgonu po izolowanym CABG. Należy przeprowadzić kolejne badania w celu identyfikacji przyczyn odmienności w rokowaniu wśród kobiet.Background: It is commonly believed that women undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) are subject to a higher risk of perioperative complications and death. Aim: To evaluate the effect of sex as a risk factor on early complications and mortality after isolated CABG performed with cardiopulmonary bypass, and to evaluate the profile of the risk determined by the patient’s sex. Methods: Data derived from 2,194 surgical procedures performed in the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the Medical University of Lodz between January 2009 and March 2011 was analysed. The database was constructed on the basis of retrospective analysis of variables contained in a form of the National Registry of Cardiac Surgery. Results: Isolated CABG with cardiopulmonary bypass was carried out in 1,303 patients (59.4% of all procedures). Women constituted the minority of patients (24.2%), and were significantly older (mean age 67.3 vs. 62.8 years, p < 0.001). They more often suffered from concomitant diabetes (43.1% vs. 33.41%, p = 0.003), had impaired renal function (median eGFR 88.5 vs. 95.0 mL/min1/1.73 m2, p < 0.001), and had a history of smoking in fewer cases (54.1% vs. 83.0%, p < 0.001). Internal mammary artery was more rarely used as arterial graft in the group of women (84.8% vs. 95.0%, p < 0.001). Women were subject to a higher risk of recent postoperative myocardial infarction (5.5% vs. 2.9%, p = 0.03) and required reoperation more rarely than men (4.5% vs. 8.1%, p = 0.04). Higher 30-day mortality was observed among women (7.6% vs. 2.8%, p < 0.001) and female sex appeared to be an independent predictor of death in the multiple logistic regression analysis (OR = 1.8; 95% CI 1.2–2.7). Conclusions: Women undergoing isolated CABG are subject to higher 30-day mortality. Female sex is an independent risk factor for death after isolated CABG. Further studies are necessary to identify causes of differences in prognoses among women

    Analysis of tasks of occupational health services accomplished in Poland, 1997–2014. Do we exploit the full potential of prophylactic examinations of workers?

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    Background: Mandatory medical reports can be used to evaluate the scope of activity of occupational health services (OHS), including the number and kind of services. Material and Methods: The analysis comprised data for the period 1997–2014, derived from mandatory reports MZ-35A submitted by OHS units. Results: During the analyzed period the number of occupational medicine physicians decreased from 8507 to 6741, while the number of OHS units – responsible for prophylactic care – increased from 4967 to 6261. In the years under report 3,961 million mandatory health check-ups were performed, of which 99.3% resulted in issuing fitness for work certificates. Pre-employment examinations made 38.8%, while periodical ones – 52.8% and control ones – 6.7% of all check-ups. Moreover, 336 700 examinations of apprentices, students, vocational courses attendants and Ph.D. students were performed to evaluate any contradictions for vocational training. In 2014, there were 1871 workers provided with preventive care per 1 occupational physician. It was estimated that despite legal obligation, only 22.2% of employers had signed agreements with OHS units. Conclusions: The analysis of the number and kind of services provided by OHS units revealed high but not fully exploited potential for efficient prophylaxis of both directly occupational work-related and indirectly work-exacerbated diseases. Med Pr 2017;68(1):105–11

    Challenges to occupational medicine in view of the problem of work-related diseases and the aging of workforce. Directions for further development and intentional changes in preventive care of employees in Poland

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    The system of occupational health care in Poland, based on occupational medicine service, takes care of almost 12.5 million employees subjected to over 4.5 million obligatory periodic medical check ups. This form of providing prophylactic care comes down to examinations dictated by legal regulations, whose scope is not oriented towards a comprehensive workers’ health assessment, but to the examination of the systems and organs critical to work-related dangers. Simultaneously, epidemiological data indicate a large number of chronic diseases, which may influence the professional activity, like hypertension or diabetes and a high percentage of patients not aware of their illness. Since patients participating in obligatory examinations usually feel healthy and do not use health care services on a daily basis, an occupational medicine physician has a unique opportunity to detect health disorders at an early stage, which can prevent the development of health complications affecting the condition of the patient, limiting their professional activity, but also causing additional costs of the health care system. The authors have proven the need to involve occupational medicine services in the prevention of chronic diseases and the need to introduce additional sources of financing for procedures enabling early detection of diseases the patient may not be aware of or control of the effectiveness of already diagnosed illnesses. They addressed the need to change the current legal form of establishing and announcing the range of examinations and directives for certifying the lack or presence of health contraindications to work to the specified and updated standards prepared by scientific research institutes and occupational medicine societies. Med Pr 2016;67(5):691–70

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm is a potent inducer of phagocyte hyperinflammation

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    Objective Pseudomonas aeruginosa effectively facilitate resistance to phagocyte killing by biofilm formation. However,b the cross talk between biofilm components and phagocytes is still unclear. We hypothesize that a biofilm provides a concentrated extracellular source of LPS, DNA and exopolysaccharides (EPS), which polarize neighbouring phagocytes into an adverse hyperinflammatory state of activation. Methods We measured the release of a panel of mediators produced in vitro by murine neutrophils and macrophages exposed to various biofilm components of P. aeruginosa cultures. Results We found that conditioned media from a high biofilm-producing strain of P. aeruginosa, PAR5, accumulated high concentrations of extracellular bacterial LPS, DNA and EPS by 72 h. These conditioned media induced phagocytes to release a hyperinflammatory pattern of mediators, with enhanced levels of TNFαTNF-\alpha, IL-6, IL12p40, PGE2PGE_{2} and NO. Moreover, the phagocytes also upregulated COX-2 and iNOS with no influence on the expression of arginase-1. Conclusions Phagocytes exposed to biofilm microenvironment, called by us biofilm-associated neutrophils/macrophages (BANs/BAMs), display secretory properties similar to that of N1/M1-type phagocytes. These results suggest that in vivo high concentrations of LPS and DNA, trapped in biofilm by EPS, might convert infiltrating phagocytes into cells responsible for tissue injury without direct contact with bacteria and phagocytosis

    Night shift work and modifiable lifestyle factors

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    Objectives: Night shift work has been linked to some chronic diseases. Modification of lifestyle by night work may partially contribute to the development of these diseases, nevertheless, so far epidemiological evidence is limited. The aim of the study was to explore association between night shift work and lifestyle factors using data from a cross-sectional study among blue-collar workers employed in industrial plants in Łódź, Poland. Material and Methods: The anonymous questionnaire was self-administered among 605 employees (236 women and 369 men, aged 35 or more) - 434 individuals currently wor­king night shifts. Distribution of the selected lifestyle related factors such as smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, body mass index (BMI), number of main meals and the hour of the last meal was compared between current, former, and never night shift workers. Adjusted ORs or predicted means were calculated, as a measure of the associations between night shift work and lifestyle factors, with age, marital status and education included in the models as covariates. Results: Recreational inactivity (defined here as less than one hour per week of recreational physical activity) was associated with current night shift work when compared to never night shift workers (OR = 2.43, 95% CI: 1.13-5.22) among men. Alcohol abstinence and later time of the last meal was associated with night shift work among women. Statistically significant positive relationship between night shift work duration and BMI was observed among men (p = 0.029). Conclusions: This study confirms previous studies reporting lower exercising among night shift workers and tendency to increase body weight. This finding provides important public health implication for the prevention of chronic diseases among night shift workers. Initiatives promoting physical activity addressed in particular to the night shift workers are recommended