7 research outputs found

    Acute appendicitis during pregnancy

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    W latach 2000–2006 w II Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej CMUJ w Krakowie leczono z powodu ostrego zapalenia wyrostka robaczkowego 4 ciężarne — wszystkie metodą laparoskopową. Omówiono trudności diagnostyczne oraz wynikające z tego różnice w poszczególnych trymestrach ciąży. Przedstawiono własne doświadczenia i możliwości zastosowania appendektomii laparoskopowej. Oceniono również wpływ leczenia operacyjnego na dalszy przebieg ciąży oraz rozwój płodu. Nie stwierdzono powikłań wynikających z zastosowanej metody leczenia. Wszystkie ciąże zostały zakończone o czasie: 3 siłami natury, 1 przez cięcie cesarskie z przyczyny położniczej. Wycięcie zmienionego zapalnie wyrostka robaczkowego metodą laparoskopową u kobiet w każdym trymestrze ciąży jest metodą bezpieczną zarówno dla matki, jak i dla płodu.Between 2000–2006, in the 2nd Department of Surgery at the Medical College of the Jagiellonian University, we performed 4 laparoscopic appendectomies in pregnant patients with acute appendicitis. Diagnostic difficulties in relation to the progression of pregnancy are discussed. Our own experience and the use of laparoscopic technique are also presented. We have evaluated the possible influence of operative management on the further development of the fetus. There were no complications related to the operative procedure. All pregnancies developed normally until delivery, which were either natural (3 patients) or cesarean (1 patient, due to obstetrical indications). We conclude, therefore, that laparoscopic appendectomy seems to be a safe approach both for mother and baby during any trimester of pregnancy

    Acute appendicitis during pregnancy

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    W latach 2000–2006 w II Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej CMUJ w Krakowie leczono z powodu ostrego zapalenia wyrostka robaczkowego 4 ciężarne - wszystkie metodÄ… laparoskopowÄ…. Omówiono trudnoÅ›ci diagnostyczne oraz wynikajÄ…ce z tego różnice w poszczególnych trymestrach ciąży. Przedstawiono wÅ‚asne doÅ›wiadczenia i możliwoÅ›ci zastosowania appendektomii laparoskopowej. Oceniono również wpÅ‚yw leczenia operacyjnego na dalszy przebieg ciąży oraz rozwój pÅ‚odu. Nie stwierdzono powikÅ‚aÅ„ wynikajÄ…cych z zastosowanej metody leczenia. Wszystkie ciąże zostaÅ‚y zakoÅ„czone o czasie: 3 siÅ‚ami natury, 1 przez ciÄ™cie cesarskie z przyczyny poÅ‚ożniczej. WyciÄ™cie zmienionego zapalnie wyrostka robaczkowego metodÄ… laparoskopowÄ… u kobiet w każdym trymestrze ciąży jest metodÄ… bezpiecznÄ… zarówno dla matki, jak i dla pÅ‚odu.Between 2000-2006, in the 2nd, Department of Surgery at the Medical College of the Jagiellonian University, we performed 4 laparoscopic appendectomies in pregnant patients with acute appendicitis. Diagnostic difficulties in relation to the progression of pregnancy are discussed. Our own experience and the use of laparoscopic technique are also presented. We have evaluated the possible influence of operative management on the further development of the fetus. There were no complications related to the operative procedure. All pregnancies developed normally until delivery, which were either natural (3 patients) or cesarean (1 patient, due to obstetrical indications). We conclude, therefore, that laparoscopic appendectomy seems to be a safe approach both for mother and baby during any trimester of pregnancy

    WWOX expression in colorectal cancer—a real-time quantitative RT-PCR study

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    The WWOX gene is a tumour suppressor gene affected in various types of malignancies. Numerous studies showed either loss or reduction of the WWOX expression in variety of tumours, including breast, ovary, liver, stomach and pancreas. Recent study demonstrated that breast cancer patients exhibiting higher WWOX expression showed significantly longer disease-free survival in contrast to the group with lower relative WWOX level. This work was undertaken to show whether similar phenomena take place in colon tumours and cell lines. To assess the correlation of WWOX gene expression with prognosis and cancer recurrence in 99 colorectal cancer patients, we performed qRT-PCR analysis. We also performed analysis of WWOX promoter methylation status using MethylScreen method and analysis of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) status at two WWOX-related loci, previously shown to be frequently deleted in various types of tumours. A significantly better disease-free survival was observed among patients with tumours exhibiting high level of WWOX (hazard ratio = 0.39; p = 0.0452; Mantel–Cox log-rank test), but in multivariate analysis it was not an independent prognostic factor. We also found that although in colorectal cancer WWOX expression varies among patients and correlates with DFS, the exact mode of decrease in this type of tumour was not found. We failed to find the evidence of LOH in WWOX region, or hypermethylation in promoter regions of this gene. Although we provide the evidence for tumour-suppressive role of WWOX gene expression in colon, we were unable to identify the molecular mechanism responsible for this