35 research outputs found

    Pertanggungjawaban Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2006

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    In the past, the Result of BPK investigation was only reported to The House of Representative. But after the ratification of The Law Number 15/2006, the report is also reported to DPD, DPRD, Central Government, and Local Government according to its authority

    Analisis Yuridis Tentang Kedudukan Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) Setelah Berlakunya Undang-undang Nomor 34 Tahun 2004

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    Indonesia is a country that is the largest in Southeast Asia , therefore, to maintain the defense of the country required a strong and professional institutions. But in history , TNI never been in one institution with POLRI that join the ABRI. In the development of TNI are separated by the Police through Tap No. VI / MPR / 2000 on TNI and POLRI. Then it is manifested by Act No. 34 of 2004 on TNI where TNI is the position , in the deployment and use of military force , TNI positioned under the President . While in terms of defense policy and strategy as well as administrative support , TNI under the coordination of the Ministry of Defence. Impact of the Law No. 34 Year 2004 on TNI is, the separation occurred between TNI and POLRI that have been incorporated in ABRI. While the position of TNI and POLRI are the same, but the soldiers in the field implentasinya TNI was higher position than POLRI so frequent conflicts between the soldier level especially soldiers TNI with POLRI. TNI and POLRI is an important institution in the State of Indonesia, so the alignment of the institutions necessary to find a solution to visit! Conflict in hopes of becoming an institution that has a high professional work

    Pengaruh Training & Development, Motivasi terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan pada PT Pln Persero Kabupaten Sijunjung

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    This research was conducted in the District Sijunjung regarding training & development , motivation on employee performance at PT . PLN Persero Sijunjung district . The purpose of this study was to obtain evidence of the effect of training & development , motivation on employee performance in PT . PLN Persero Sijunjung district .The method used in this research is descriptive and associative . This research is a field , where the use of secondary data . Training & development ( X1 ) , motivation ( X2 ) and job performance ( Y ) is obtained from documentation PT . PLN Persero Sijunjung district . Analysis of the data used in this study is a descriptive analysis and inductive analysis which consists of classical assumption test , multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing .Based on multiple linear regression equation it can be seen that the regression coefficient of training & development ( X1 ) obtained a value of 0.366 with a positive coefficient sign ( + ) , motivation ( X2 ) obtained a value of 0.156 . This means that the training & development , motivation can increase job performance in PT . PLN Persero Sijunjung . Significance value of the variable value of the training and development of 0.000 < 0.05 , and the value of the variable motivational significance of 0.043 < 0.05 It can be concluded that the training & development , motivation jointly affect performance in PT . PLN Persero Sijunjung district .Based on these results , it is suggested that employees of PT . PLN Persero Sijunjung district to be more active in running training & development , and motivation of employees so that performance can be increased .Keywords : Training & Development and Motivation , Job Performanc

    Sintesis Film Tipis Tembaga Oksida dengan Metode Sol-gel Dip-Coating sebagai Solar Selective Absorber

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    Solar selective absorber (SSA) is a thin film at the surface of the collector that absorbs solar radiation selectively and convert it into maximum heat energy. Solar selective absorber can be synthesized using sol-gel dip-coating method. The purpose of this research is to know the effect variation number of dipping-drying cycles to absorptance copper oxyde coating. Piecesof aluminum with size 2cm x 4cm were cleaned using a solution of phosphoric acid 10% at temperature 50oC for 10 minutes. Sol precursor prepared by disolved copper nitrate trihidrate and propionic acid in ethanol. The sol prekursor was stirred for 2 hours at room temperature. The coating was synthesized with 0.3M and the number of dipping-drying cycles 4x, 6x and 8x, then annealed at temperature 550 oC for 1 hour. The results showed that thehighest absorptance value found in coatings which was synthesized using copper oxyde 0.3M at 8x cycles with absorptance (α) = 71.99%, emitance (ε) = 6.63%, XRD test showed of cupric oxide (CuO)

    Hubungan Minat Bekerja di Dunia Usaha/dunia Industri dengan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Produktif Siswa Kelas XII Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Smk Negeri 5 Padang

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    Penelitian ini berawal dari pengamatan yang penulis lakukan saat Praktik Lapangan Kependidikan (PLK) di SMK Negeri 5 Padang. Masih rendahnya hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran kompetensi produktif, tidak terlepas dari berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhinya, salah satunya adalah faktor psikis yaitu minat bekerja di Dunia Usaha/Dunia Industri (DUDI) nantinya. Minat bekerja merupakan salah satu faktor psikis yang bersifat non intelektual. Peranannya dalam hal pemberi semangat, merasa senang dalam melakukan sesuatu, dan penumbuh perhatian semangat untuk belajar yang itu semua adalah untuk bekerja di DUDI. Siswa yang memiliki minat bekerja yang kuat akan punya semangat tinggi untuk melakukan kegiatan belajar. Penelitian ini bersifat korelasional, tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara minat bekerja dengan hasil belajar mata pelajaran produktif siswa Kelas XII Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMK Negeri 5 Padang. Adapun hipotesis yang diajukan adalah sebagai berikut: “Terdapat hubungan antara minat bekerja dengan hasil belajar mata pelajaran produktif siswa kelas XII Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMK Negeri 5 Padang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XII Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMK Negeri 5 Padang yang berjumlah 52 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dari populasi yang awalnya berjumlah 35 orang yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan rumus Taro Yamane, namun menjadi 33 orang karena terdapat 2 orang sampel yang melakukan pengisian data secara tidak benar dalam mengisi instrumen. Data minat bekerja diperoleh dari penyebaran angket sedangkan data hasil belajar siswa diperoleh dari kantor jurusan teknik otomotif. Angket yang digunakan adalah angket yang telah dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Uji coba angket dan penelitian dilakukan tanggal 16 Februari 2013 sampai dengan tanggal 6 Maret 2013. Dari analisis data penelitian diperoleh koefisien korelasi r hitung > r tabel (0,3937 > 0,344) dan untuk uji keberartian korelasi didapat t hitung > t tabel (2,5941 > 2,042) pada taraf signifikan 5%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara minat bekerja dengan hasil belajar mata pelajaran produktif siswa kelas XII TeknikKendaraan Ringan SMK Negeri 5 Padang