2 research outputs found
Pengembangan Problem Solvingmatematis Siswa Melaluipendekatan Metakognitif Berbasis Masalah Kontekstual di Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan kemampuan problem solving matematis siswa di kelas IX Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 9 orang siswa. Pembelajaran diawali dengan sajian masalah kontekstual dan selanjutnya diberikan bimbingan pertanyaan metakognitif yang diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran dan pengetahuan pada proses dan aktivitas belajarnya. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa persentase rerata skor kemampuan problem solving siswa dalam memahami masalah yang diperolehkelompok(atas, tengah, bawah) adalah 86,5%, 86,5%, 80%, persentase rerata skor kemampuan problem solving siswa dalam menyusun rencana penyelesaian yang diperoleh kelompok (atas, tengah,bawah) adalah 91,6%, 70,8%, 54,2%, dan persentase rerata skor dalam melaksanakan rencana yang diperoleh kelompok (atas, tengah, bawah) adalah 70,8%, 66,6%, 66,6%, selain itu persentase dari rerata skor yang diperoleh kelompok (atas, tengah, bawah) dalam looking back adalah 70,8%, 66,6%, 66,6%. Kata Kunci : Problem Solving, Pendekatan Metakognitif, Masalah Kontekstual Abstact: This research aims to determine growth ability of mathematical problem solving of student in nine grade of Junior High School. The research method that used is descriptive and the research design that used is case study. The study sample is 9 student. Learning begins with a course of contextual problem and further provided guidance metacognitive questions which are expected to generate awareness and knowledge on processes and learning activities. The results of data analysis showed that the percentage of mean score of problem solving ability of students to understand the problems that earned the group (top, middle, bottom) are 86,5%, 86,5%, 80%, the mean percentage score of problem solving ability of students to prepare plans for the completion of which earned the group (top, middle, bottom) was 91.6%, 70.8%, 54.2%, and the mean percentage score obtained in carrying out the plan of the group (top, middle, bottom) was 70.8%, 66.6%, 66.6%, in addition to a percentage of the average score earned the group (top, middle, bottom) in looking back is 70.8%, 66.6%, 66.6%
Pengaruh Fashion Involvement Dan Positive Emotion Terhadap Impulse Buying (Survey Pada Warga Kelurahan Tulusrejo Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang)
This study aims to determine and explain how the influence of Fashion Involvement and Positive Emotion jointly and severally against Impulse Buying. This type of research is an explanatory research using research instruments such as questionnaires distributed to 57 respondents who are residents of the Village Tulusrejo with the majority of respondents aged 17 to 24 years. The results showed that both variables fashion involvement and positive emotion jointly influential on the basis of the results of multiple linear regression analysis with value Fhitung 33.04, while F table at significant level of 0.05 indicates a value of 3.17. While individually also significantly influence the Impulse Buying on the basis of test results of t-test