16 research outputs found

    Influencia de la masa corporal de los cerdos negros de Eslavonia sobre la calidade del jamón de Eslavonia

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    Tjelesna masa svinja prije klanja je jedan od čimbenika kvalitete butova i suhih šunki. Kvaliteta suhih šunki istraživana je od crnih slavonskih svinja tovljenih do 130 kg tjelesne mase (n = 10) i do 180 kg tjelesne mase (n = 10). Omjer spolova u skupinama bio je jednak. Tehnologija prerade butova sastojala se od usoljavanja (30 dana), hladnog dimljenja (60 dana) i zrenja (12 mjeseci). Teže svinje u odnosu na one lakše, daju masnije šunke, sa značajno (p<0,01) debljim potkožnim masnim tkivom (3,10 cm : 1,84 cm), s mesom intenzivnije crvene boje (CIE a* = 19,02 : 20,44), s više sirove masti (13,80% : 7,67%), a s manje sirovih proteina (25,83% : 29,20%) i pepela (8,53% : 12,46%). Senzorna svojstva šunki (čvrstoća, okus) od težih svinja nešto su bolja u odnosu na ista od šunki lakših svinja. Zbog veće količine potkožne, intermuskularne i intramuskularne masti u šunkama od težih crnih slavonskih svinja (180 kg), a imajući u vidu i ekonomsku učinkovitost tova svinja (veći utrošak hrane za kg prirasta), opravdano je proizvoditi šunke od crnih slavonskih svinja s manjim tjelesnim masama (130 kg), koje daju šunke s manje masnog tkiva, s manje intramuskularne masti, s više sirovih proteina u mesu, a s dobrim senzoričkim svojstvima.Body mass of pigs prior to slaughter is one of the factors influencing the quality of hams and cured hams. The quality of cured hams was examined on BlackSlavonian pigs fattened up to 130 kg body mass (n = 10) and 180 kg body mass (n = 10). Both sexes were equally represented in sample groups. The technology of ham processing involved curing in salt (30 days), cold smoking (60 days) and maturing (12 months). Compared to pigs of lower body mass, heavier pigs produced hams with more fat, significantly (p<0.01) thicker subcutaneous adipose tissue (3.10 cm : 1.84 cm), more intensive red colour of meat (CIE a* = 19.02 : 20.44), a higher level of crude fat (13.80% : 7.67%), and lower crude protein content (25.83% : 29.20%) and ash (8.53% : 12.46%). Sensory properties (firmness, flavour) of hams produced from heavier pigs were slightly better than sensory properties of hams produced from thinner pigs. Due to a higher quantity of subcutaneous, intermuscular and intramuscular fat in hams produced from Black Slavonian pigs of higher body mass (180 kg), and taking into account the economic efficiency of pig fattening (higher food consumption per kg of weight gain), it is justified to produce hams from Black Slavonian pigs of lower body mass (130 kg), as these pigs produce hams with lower level of adipose tissue and intramuscular fat, higher crude protein content in meat, and good sensory properties.Das Gewicht der Schweine vor dem Schlachten zählt zu den Faktoren, die die Qualität von Schweinekeulen und getrockneten Schinken beeinflussen. Die Qualität von getrockneten Schinken wurde bei schwarzen slawonischen Schweinen untersucht, die bis zu einem Gewicht von 130 kg (n = 10) und 180 kg (n = 10) gemästet wurden. Das Verhältnis der Geschlechter in den Gruppen war gleich. Die Verarbeitungstechnologie der Schweinekeulen umfasste das Salzen (30 Tage), das Kalträuchern (60 Tage) und die Reifung (12 Monate). Schweine mit einem größeren Gewicht geben im Vergleich zu Schweinen mit einem geringeren Gewicht fettigere Schinken mit einem bedeutend (p<0,01) dickerem Unterhautfettgewebe (3,10 cm : 1,84 cm), einer intensiveren roten Farbe des Fleischs (CIE a* = 19,02 : 20,44), mit mehr Rohfett (13,80% : 7,67%), aber weniger Rohproteinen (25,83% : 29,20%) und Asche (8,53% : 12,46%). Die sensorischen Eigenschaften (Festigkeit, Geschmack) der Schinken von Schweinen mit einem größeren Körpergewicht sind etwas besser im Vergleich zu den gleichen Eigenschaften des Schinkens von leichteren Schweinen. Aufgrund des höheren subkutanen, inter- und intramuskulären Fettanteils im Schinken des schwarzen slawonischen Schweins mit einem größeren Gewicht (180 kg) ist es gerechtfertigt, berücksichtigt man darüber hinaus auch die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Schweinemast (größerer Verbrauch von Futter pro kg Zuwachs), Schinken von schwarzen slawonischen Schweinen mit einem geringeren Gewicht zu produzieren (130 kg), die Schinken mit weniger Fettgewebe und intramuskulärem Fett, mehr Rohproteinen im Fleisch und guten sensorischen Eigenschaften gebenLa massa corporea di suini prima della macellazione è uno dei fattori che determinano la qualità di cosce e di prosciutti secchi. La ricerca era orientata sulla qualità dei prosciutti secchi provenienti da suini ingrassati fino a una massa corporea di 130 kg (n = 10) e a una massa corporea di 180 kg (n = 10). Il rapporto tra i sessi nei gruppi era uguale. La tecnologia di lavorazione di prosciutti consisteva nella salatura (30 giorni), affumicamento a freddo (60 giorni) e nella maturazione (12 mesi). Da suini più pesanti in confronto con quelli meno pesanti, derivano i prosciutti più grassi con un tessuto adiposo sottocutaneo (p<0,01) considerevolmente più spesso (3,10 cm : 1,84 cm), con la carne avente un colore rosso più intenso (CIE a* = 19,02 : 20,44), con più di grasso crudo (13,80% : 7,67%), e con meno di proteine crude (25,83% : 29,20%) e ceneri (8,53% : 12,46%). Le caratteristiche sensoriali dei prosciutti (consistenza, gusto) derivanti da suini più pesanti sono alquanto migliori in confronto con le medesime derivanti da suini meno pesanti. Data la maggiore quantità di grassi sottocutanei, intermuscolari e intramuscolari nei prosciutti prodotti da suini neri slavonici più pesanti (180 kg), e tenendo conto dell’efficienza economica dell’ingrassamento di suini (maggiore apporto del cibo per avere 1 kg di rendimento), è giustificato produrre prosciutti da suini neri slavonici con masse corporee minori (130 kg), da cui vengono prodotti prosciutti con una quantità minore di tessuto adiposo, minor contenuto del grasso intramuscolare e maggior contenuto di proteine in carne e con buone caratteristiche sensoriali.La masa corporal de los cerdos antes de la matanza es uno de los factores de calidad de los jamones y jamones crudo-curados. La calidad de los jamones crudo-curados fue investigada en los cerdos negros de Eslavonia cebados hasta 130 kg de masa corporal (n = 10) y hasta 180 kg de masa corporal (n = 10). La proporción de los géneros fue igual. La tecnología del procesamiento de los jamones consistía en el salazón (30 días), el ahumado en frío (60 días) y en la maduración (12 meses). De los cerdos más pesados, en comparación con los más delgados, fue obtenido el jamón más grasoso, con el tejido adiposo subcutáneo siginificativamente (p<0,01) más grueso (3,10 cm : 1,84 cm), con la carne del color rojo más intenso (CIE a* = 19,02 : 20,44), con más grasa cruda (13,80% : 7,67%), pero con menos proteínas crudas (25,83% : 29,20%) y cenizas (8,53% : 12,46%). Las características sensoriales de los jamones (la solidez, el sabor) de los cerdos más pesados son un poco mejores que de los cerdos más delgados. Por tener más grasa subcutánea, intermuscular e intramuscular en los jamones que los jamones de los cerdos negros de Eslavonia más gruesos (180 kg) y teniendo en cuenta la eficacia económica del cebado de los cerdos (el consumo mayor por un kg de crecimiento), es justificado producir los jamones de los cerdos negros de Eslavonia con la masa corporal menor (130 kg), por dar los jamones con menos tejido adiposo, menos grasa intramuscular y más proteínas crudas en la carne, con buenas características senoriales

    Divovska kavernozna malformacija s neuobičajeno agresivnim kliničkim tijekom: prikaz slučaja

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    Giant cavernomas (GC) are rare lesions, with less than 50 cases reported so far. Clinical presentation usually involves epileptic seizures and less typically focal neurological deficit, due to repeated hemorrhages and GC mass effect and consequentially increased intracranial pressure. Although individual cases have been reported, due to the rarity and variable imaging appearance, GCs are usually not considered in the differential diagnosis of large hemorrhagic lesions, especially when significant mass effect is present. A 17-year-old boy presented due to severe headache, right-sided weakness, and slurred speech. Symptoms started three days before with occasional headaches, which intensified gradually. Emergency computed tomography revealed a left frontal massive heterogeneous lesion. Soon after, right-sided hemiparesis and speech impairment progressed, and the patient became drowsy with the slightly dilated left pupil. Emergency surgery was performed, and the lobed grayish lesion was entirely removed. Based on the macroscopic appearance, the surgeon assumed it was a metastasis of melanoma. Histopathologic analysis result was cavernoma. GC should be considered as an option in hemorrhagic lesions, especially in the young age population. Emergency surgery for mass lesions is not uncommon in neurosurgery; however, bleeding cavernomas are usually planned for elective surgery due to the specific approach and complications.Divovski kavernomi (DK) su rijetke lezije s manje od 50 dosad opisanih slučajeva. Uobičajena simptomatologija su epileptični napadaji, a rjeđe se manifestiraju žarišnim neurološkim deficitom koji je uzrokovan ponavljanim hemoragijama i posljedičnim povećanjem intrakranijskog tlaka. Iako su objavljeni pojedini slučajevi, zbog rijetke pojavnosti i raznovrsne radiološke prezentacije DK se obično ne razmatraju u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici velikih hemoragičnih ekspanzivnih lezija, pogotovo kada je prisutan značajan kompresivni učinak. Sedamnaestogodišnji dječak se javio liječniku zbog jake glavobolje, blaže desnostrane slabosti i nerazgovijetnog govora. Simtpomi su se javili 3 dana ranije u vidu blagih glavobolja koje su se postupno pojačavale. Hitna kompjutorizirana tomografija je pokazala masivnu hemoragičnu leziju frontalno lijevo. Nedugo zatim desnostrana slabost i nerazgovijetan govor su se pogoršali i bolesnik je postao pospan s blago proširenom lijevom zjenicom. Učinjena je hitna operacija, kružna sivkasta lezija je u cijelosti uklonjena. Na osnovi makroskopskog izgleda kirurg je pomislio da se radi o metastazi melanoma. Histopatološka analiza je pokazala da se radi o kavernomu. DK bi trebalo razmatrati kao mogućnost kod hemoragičnih lezija, pogotovo kod mlađih bolesnika. Hitna operacija kod kompresivnih lezija nije rijetkost u neurokirurgiji, međutim, krvareći kavernomi se obično planiraju za elektivnu operaciju zbog specifičnog pristupa i mogućih komplikacija

    Net blotch (Pyrenophora teres Drechsler): An increasingly significant threat to barley production

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    Pyrenophora teres is a pathogen causing a net blotch disease in cultivated barley, which is present worldwide and can thus significantly reduce barley yields. This fungus also infects wild barley and other plants of the Hordeum genus, as well as barley grass, wheat, oats and plants from various genera, including Agropyron, Bromus, Elymus, Hordelymus and Stipa. Based on the symptoms it causes on the infected barley plants, the pathogen can be divided into two forms: P. teres f. teres, which causes net-like symptoms, and P. teres f. maculata, which causes blotchy symptoms. Infected seeds, stubble and plant debris, and volunteer and weed plants represent primary sources of pathogen inoculum. During the growing season, the pathogen enters a sexual stage, developing pseudothecia with asci and ascospores. This is followed by an asexual stage, during which conidiophores with conidia are formed. The conidial (anamorphic) stage is much more common, whereby conidia is a source of inoculum for secondary infection during the barley growing season. The first symptoms appear at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, often during the tilling phase. The most characteristic symptoms form on barley leaves. Frequently, symptoms of the net form can be mistaken for other diseases occurring on barley, making molecular analysis essential for accurate detection of P. teres, its forms, mating types and hybrids. Current net blotch control measures are based on the combined application of cultural, chemical and biological control methods and the selection of resistant varieties

    Inelastic scattering of fast neutrons from 56

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    The inelastic scattering of fast neutrons on 56Fe was investigated in different manners at the neutron time-of-flight facility nELBE. The scattering cross section was determined via the measurement of the γ-ray production and by means of a kinematically complete double time-of-flight method. In a further measurement the γ-ray angular distribution was determined to correct the measured cross sections for anisotropy. The resulting inelastic scattering cross section determined from the photo production cross sections is in very good agreement with evaluations and previous measurements. In contrast, the result of the double time-of-flight measurement is about 10% lower than these data, giving a hint to neutron-γ-ray angular correlations in the process of inelastic neutron scattering

    High-precision (p,t) reactions to determine reaction rates of explosive stellar processes

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    The aim of my study was to investigate the nuclear structure of 22Mg and 26Si. These two nuclei play a significant role in stellar reaction processes at high temperatures. On base of the obtained nuclear structure we calculated the stellar reaction rates for the following reactions: 18Ne(α,p)21Na, 21Na(p,γ)22Mg, 22Mg(α,p)25Al and 25Al(p,γ)26Si.