34 research outputs found

    Arthroscopic repair of subscapularis tendon tears

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    Cilj: prezentacija principa, tehnike i rezultata artroskopskog liječenja oÅ”tećene tetive subskapularisa. Ispitanici i metode: u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2015. do 1. siječnja 2019. učinili smo 289 operacija ramena zbog oÅ”tećenja tetiva rotatorne manžete. Lezije tetive subskapularisa podijelili smo po Lafosseu i liječili artroskopski ili artroskopski asistirano. Analizirali smo rezultate isključivo artroskopskog liječenja 31 dostupnog pacijenta s lezijom tetive subskapularisa kojima je od operacije do procjene proÅ”lo 6 i viÅ”e mjeseci. Pacijenti su ispitani o prije i poslijeoperacijskim mogućnostima i tegobama po upitnicima Oxford shoulder score (OSS) i Subjective shoulder value (SSV). Rezultati: kod 89 slučajeva (30,79 %) naÅ”li smo oÅ”tećenje tetive subkapularisa od kojih 8 izoliranih (2,76 % svih lezija manžete) i 81 udružen s oÅ”tećenjem ostalih tetiva manžete. Kod 72 pacijenta (80,9 %) učinili smo artroskopsku operaciju, a u 17 slučajeva otvorenu uz artroskopsku asistenciju. 31 dostupan pacijent iz grupe artroskopski operiranih procijenjen je 17,96 Ā± 8,25 mjeseci od operacije upitnicima Oxford shoulder score i Subjective shoulder value (odziv 43,05 %). Oxford shoulder score značajno se povećao s 14,19 preoperativno na 36,74 postoperativno (p = 0,002). Subjective shoulder value također se značajno povećao s 27,32 na 82,33 (p << 0,001). Zaključak: artroskopsko liječenje oÅ”tećenja tetive subskapularisa, izolirano ili udruženo s ostalim lezijama manžete, predstavlja siguran i efikasan način liječenja s odličnim rezultatima.Aim: presentation of principles, techniques and results of arthroscopic subscapularis tendon repairs. Patients and methods: In the period from 1st January 2015 until 1st January 2019 we performed 289 rotator cuff repair surgeries. The subscapularis tendon lesions were found, and sorted according to Lafosse classification and operated arthroscopically or arthroscopically assisted. After a minimum of 6 months after surgery we assessed and analysed the results of all arthroscopic treatments of 31 available patients with a subscapularis tendon lesion. The patients were examined for preoperative and postoperative capabilities and difficulties according to the Oxford shoulder score and Subjective shoulder value questionnaires. Results: In 89 cases (30.79%) we found subscapularis tendon tears from which 8 isolated (2.76% of all cuff tears) and 81 combined with other rotator cuff tears. In 72 cases (80.9%) we performed all arthroscopic repair and in 17 cases (19.1%) an open surgery with or without arthroscopic assistance. From all arthroscopic groups of patients, 31 of them were evaluated 17.96 Ā± 8.25 months postoperatively with patient-based Oxford shoulder score and Subjective shoulder value (response rate 43.05%). Oxford shoulder score improved significantly from 14.19 preoperatively to 36.74 postoperatively (p=0.002). Subjective shoulder value also increased significantly from 27.32 to 82.33 (p<<0.001). Conclusion: Arthroscopic repair of a subscapularis tendon tear, isolated or combined with other rotator cuff tears, represents a safe and effective a surgical method with an excellent outcome

    Bone Quality Assessment in Individuals of Different Age, Gender and Body Constitution

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    The concept of bone quality describes the sets of the characteristics of the osseous tissue that influence bone strength. The aim was to explore the influence of anthropometric parameters and age on the parameters of the bone architecture and bone mineral properties in the lumbar vertebral bone of men and women. Vertebral bone samples underwent bone histomorphometry, bone densitometry and atomic absorption spectrometry. Men have greater values of the bone volume and thicker bone trabeculae in relation to women, which indicates that vertebral bone architecture is better preserved in men than in women. Age is the best predictor of changes that affect bone architecture and bone mineral properties. Bone mineral density value and calcium concentration are both negatively predicted by age, but positively predicted by boda mass index. Such result supports the opinion that low body mass index is associated with conditions of bone deficit such are osteopenia and osteoporosis


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    Cilj rada bio je utvrditi u kolikoj mjeri tegobe uzrokovane kroničnom venskom insuficijencijom (KVI) utječu na kvalitetu života bolesnika. Ispitivanje je provedeno od 1. ožujka do 30. lipnja 2016. godine na skupini od 102 pacijenta, 18,6% muÅ”karaca i 81,3% žena čiji je medijan dobi iznosio 67 godina. Testiranim se bolesnicima prethodno postavila Ā­dijagnoza prema fleboloÅ”koj klasifikaciji CEAP koja uključuje kliničke znakove i simptome (C), etiologiju (E), anatomsku distribuciju (A) i patofiziologiju (P) bolesti. Kao mjerni instrument upotrijebljen je upitnik za samoprocjenu kvalitete života bolesnika s kroničnom venskom insuficijencijom (engl. Chronic Venous Insufficiency Questionnaire ā€“ CIVIQ-20) koji se sastoji od 20 pitanja kojima se ispituje kvaliteta života oboljelih testiranjem osjećaja boli, fizičkog, psihičkog i socijalnog funkcioniranja pogođenih osoba. 50% ispitanika imalo je na nogama promjene srednje teÅ”kog stupnja bolesti (C2 ā€“ C3). Deskriptivnim statističkim metodama opisani su rezultati. Rezultati globalnog indeksnog zbroja (engl. Global Index Score ā€“ GIS) upozorili su na znatan utjecaj KVI na biopsihofizičko i socijalno funkcioniranje bolesnika te da je kvaliteta života žena znatno niža u odnosu prema muÅ”karcima (t = 3,98; p < 0,001). Također je uočeno da osobe koje imaju viÅ”i GIS imaju i teži stupanj bolesti određen prema kriterijima CEAP-a (Spearmanov r = 0,44; p < 0,001)The aim of this paper was to determine to what degree the difficulties produced by chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) influence the patientsā€™ quality of life. The study was carried out on 102 patients between March 1st and June 30th 2016. Out of 102 patients there were 18.6% males and 81.3% females. The average age of respondents was 67 years. For each patient the diagnosis was made according to the well known phlebology classification for venous diseases, which Ā­includes clinical signs and symptoms (C), etiology (E), anatomical distribution (A), and pathophysiology (P) of illness (CEAP). Chronic Venous Insufficiency Questionnaire (CIVIQ-20) was used as the measure instrument for self evaluation of the quality of life among patients with CVI. CIVIQ-20 consists of twenty points that examine quality of life testing the sense of pain, physical, psychic and social functioning of affected people. 50% of respondents suffered middle-level changes on their legs (C2-C3 gradus). Results are reported in descriptive statistical manner. Global Index Score (GIS) indicates a significant impact of CVI to bio-psycho-physical and social functioning among patients, as well as womanā€™s quality of life that is notably lower than in man (t=3.98, p<0.001). Also,patients with higher GIS have a higher degree of illness Ā­according to CEAP criteria (Spearman r=0.44, p<0,001)

    ERP spektroskopija suprahiperfinog međudjelovanja bakarnog paramagnetskog centra u kristalima citozin monohidrata

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    The planar complex of Cu(II) with two cytosine bases was formed by gamma irradiation of the cytosine monohydrate crystal, containing copper impurities. The paramagnetic complex was probably formed by trapping the radiation-induced migrating holes by Cu(I), that is originally present in the crystal lattice. The structure of the complex was analyzed from the superhyperfine pattern of its EPR spectra. The experimentally evaluated tensor elements of the three 14N couplings and the observation of an additional proton coupling unequivocally confirm the structure. The ab initio B3LYP density functional method calculations are in good agreement with the experiments. Both experiments and the calculations demonstrate large spin delocalization in the cytosine ring plane.Gama ozračivanjem kristala citozin monohidrata, koji je sadržavao bakarne nečistoće, pripremali smo planarni kompleks Cu(II) s dvije citozinske baze. Paramagnetski se kompleks vjerojatno stvarao vezanjem zračenjem proizvedenih Å”upljina i Cu(I) koji je prvotno bio u kristalnoj reÅ”etci. Proučavali smo strukturu kompleksa analizirajući suprahiperfinu strukturu njegovog EPR spektra. Eksperimentalno određeni elementi tenzora triju vezanja 14N i opažanje dodatnog protonskog vezanja pouzdano potvrđuju strukturu. Ab initio B3LYP računi metodom funkcionala gustoće u dobrom su slaganju s mjerenjima. Eksperimenti i računi pokazuju jaku delokalizaciju spina u ravnini citozinskog prstena


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    Background: Invasive neurosurgical treatment or minimally invasive neurosurgical treatment are methods of choice for the treatment of patients with drug resistant epilepsy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of neurosurgical treatment and the quality of life of patients with drug resistant epilepsy and to determine what are the potential predictors of quality of life of patients with drug resistant epilepsy one year after neurosurgical treatment. Subjects and methods: The research was performed at the Referral Centre for Epilepsy, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb from February 2015 to February 2020 with Ethics commitee approval. The study included 96 patients with drug resistant epilepsy who were examined for the quality of life before and one year after neurosurgical treatment using the form questionnaire "Quality of life in epilepsy" (QOILE-31) validated Croatian 1.0 version and the questionnaire to assess the degree of depression "Beck Depression Inventory I" (BDI-I) validated Croatian version. Results: Of 96 patients with drug resistant epilepsy one year after neurosurgical treatment 46 (47.9%) patients remained completely free from epileptis seizures. Wilcoxon equivalent pair test showed that the number of epileptic seizures one year after neurosurgical treatment was significantly lower (median before neurosurgical treatment is 10; and after neurosurgical treatment is 1, p<0.001). The most informative potential statistically significant predictor variables of quality of life based on the criterion variables QOLIE-31 and BDI-I are: total disease duration in years (p=0.034), patient age (p=0.042), number of antiepileptics one year after neurosurgical treatment (p=0.001), the number of epileptic seizures per month (p=0,016), and social welfare rights (p=0.045). Conclusion: Neurosurgical treatment of patients with drug resistant epilepsy significantly reduces the number of epileptic seizures which significantly improves their overall quality of life one year after neurosurgical treatment


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    Background: Invasive neurosurgical treatment or minimally invasive neurosurgical treatment are methods of choice for the treatment of patients with drug resistant epilepsy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of neurosurgical treatment and the quality of life of patients with drug resistant epilepsy and to determine what are the potential predictors of quality of life of patients with drug resistant epilepsy one year after neurosurgical treatment. Subjects and methods: The research was performed at the Referral Centre for Epilepsy, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb from February 2015 to February 2020 with Ethics commitee approval. The study included 96 patients with drug resistant epilepsy who were examined for the quality of life before and one year after neurosurgical treatment using the form questionnaire "Quality of life in epilepsy" (QOILE-31) validated Croatian 1.0 version and the questionnaire to assess the degree of depression "Beck Depression Inventory I" (BDI-I) validated Croatian version. Results: Of 96 patients with drug resistant epilepsy one year after neurosurgical treatment 46 (47.9%) patients remained completely free from epileptis seizures. Wilcoxon equivalent pair test showed that the number of epileptic seizures one year after neurosurgical treatment was significantly lower (median before neurosurgical treatment is 10; and after neurosurgical treatment is 1, p<0.001). The most informative potential statistically significant predictor variables of quality of life based on the criterion variables QOLIE-31 and BDI-I are: total disease duration in years (p=0.034), patient age (p=0.042), number of antiepileptics one year after neurosurgical treatment (p=0.001), the number of epileptic seizures per month (p=0,016), and social welfare rights (p=0.045). Conclusion: Neurosurgical treatment of patients with drug resistant epilepsy significantly reduces the number of epileptic seizures which significantly improves their overall quality of life one year after neurosurgical treatment


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    Background: Neurosurgical treatment is one of important way to cure drug resistant epilepsy. After invasive EEG monitoring and the invasive neurosurgical treatment (resective surgery) there are possible complications (intracranial haemorrhage, cortic al lesions and infections), however there are possible neuropsyhologic outcomes such as memory outcomes, language outcomes and psychiatric outcomes. The quality of life in epilepsy (QOLIE-31) scale is a self-completed questionnaire which contains seven subscales which address the following aspects: emotional well-being, social functioning, energy/fatigue, cognitive functioning, seizure worry, medication effects and overall quality of life. Our study aimed to examine the quality of life in patients with drug resistant epilepsy who had undergone invasive EEG monitoring and resective neurosurgical treatment through the application of t he QOLIE-31 scale. Subjects and methods: The study included 9 patients with drug resistant epilepsy who had undergone invasive EEG monitoring followed by resective neurosurgical treatment in the period from 2010 to 2016, and the control group of 15 patients with drug resistant epilepsy who had not undergone neurosurgical procedures. Clinical variables of interest for this study were obtained through phone contact, and the QOLIE-31 scale was applied. Results: In the domaine of seizure worry, patients in the examined group were more concerned about the seizures (54.7) compared to the examined group (80), as well as in the overal quality of life (examined group 57.5; control group 77.5). Patien ts in the control group complained more in the domain of antiepileptic therapy (score 70.7) than patients in the examined group (scor e 100). In the other domains: emotional well-being, energy/fatigue, cognitive functioning, and social functioning there were mino r deviations between the examined and control groups. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference between individual QOLIE-31 questionnaires, as well as between the two groups of respondents

    The enrolment to higher education institutions at the University of Rijeka before and after the introduction of the State Graduation Exam

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    Cilj: Željeli smo utvrditi kako su se uvođenje državne mature i odabir kriterija bodovanja odrazili na strukturu upisanih studenata i uspjeÅ”nost svladavanja gradiva iz fizike. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje smo proveli na SveučiliÅ”tu u Rijeci na studentima Medicinskog fakulteta i Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija. Obuhvatili smo ukupno 779 studenata medicine, 237 fizioterapije i 100 radioloÅ”ke tehnologije u razdoblju od 2008./2009. do 2014./2015. akademske godine (ak. g.). Za usporedbu su koriÅ”teni neparametrijski testovi Kruskal-Wallisova ANOVA i Hi-kvadrat test. Rezultati: Nakon uvođenja državne mature promijenio se omjer broja studenata iz Primorsko-goranske i ostalih županija. Zastupljenost studenata iz Primorsko-goranske županije na studiju medicine iz godine u godinu sve je manja, pa je tako u ak. g. 2012./2013. iznosila samo 19,4 %. Kod fizioterapije taj postotak se izjednačio, dok se na radioloÅ”ku tehnologiju oduvijek upisivao veći broj studenata koji dolaze izvan naÅ”e županije. Nakon uvođenja državne mature na studiju medicine udio studenata iz medicinskih Å”kola pao je na približno 5 %. Na fizioterapiji je uočen porast broja studenata iz medicinskih Å”kola koji u posljednje dvije ak. g. iznosi 75 % i 78 %. Na radioloÅ”koj tehnologiji udio studenata iz medicinskih Å”kola prije državne mature ak. g. 2008./2009. i 2009./2010. iznosio je 100 % i 93 %, a nakon uvođenja državne mature postotak je varirao s obzirom na promjenu kriterija upisa u intervalu od 0 % ak. g. 2014./2015. do 66 % ak. g. 2012./2013. Zaključak: Rezultati su pokazali da se odabir kriterija pri upisu odražava na probir kao i na uspjeh studenata na ispitima. No budući da je ovo istraživanje provedeno samo na kolegijima iz fizike, za donoÅ”enje konačnog zaključka analizu je neophodno proÅ”iriti i na ostale kolegije.Aim: The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of the introduction of the State Graduation Exam and selected entrance criteria on the structure of enrolled students and their achievements in the acquisition of knowledge in physics. Subjects and methods: The investigation was conducted at the University of Rijeka and included students of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Studies. The total of 779 medical students, 237 students of physiotherapy and 100 students of radiological technology in the period from the academic year 2008/2009 to 2014/2015 participated in the study. Non-parametric tests Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and the chi-square (c2) test were used for comparison. Results: Upon the introduction of the State Graduation Exam, the ratio of students from the Primorsko-goranska County and other counties has changed. The prevalence of students from Primorsko-goranska County enrolled in the study of medicine has been decreasing steadily, and it accounted for 19.4 % in the academic year 2012/2013. In the study of physiotherapy this percentage became equal, whereas the number of students enrolled in the study of radiological technology coming from other counties has always prevailed. Upon the introduction of the State Graduation Exam, in the study of medicine, the proportion of students who have completed secondary medical school was reduced to approximately 5 %. In the study of physiotherapy the number of students coming from the secondary medical school increased, and it amounted to 75 % and 78 % in the last two academic years respectively. The percentage of students enrolled in the study of radiological technology who have completed secondary medical schools before the State Graduation Exam was 100 % and 93 %, in the academic years (2008/2009, 2009/2010), but after the introduction of the State Graduation Exam the proportions varied depending on the changes in the entrance criteria in the range of 0 % in the academic year 2014/2015 to 66 % in the academic year 2012/2013. Conclusion: Our results showed that the selection and the achievements of students in exams depended significantly on the selection of entrance criteria. However, this study was conducted only in the physics courses and a further analysis involving other courses is needed to reach the final conclusion