29 research outputs found

    Effects of exercise training on the myocardial hypertrophy induced by sympathetic hyperactivity.

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    <p>Panel <b>A</b>, Body weight was evaluated at the end of study. Panel <b>B</b>, Absolute left ventricular (LV) mass of each experimental group. Panel <b>C</b>, LV mass was indexed by body weight of each animal. Panel <b>D</b>, Representative light micrographs of myocardial section stained with haematoxylin–eosin. Arrows indicate the cardiomyocyte nucleus on longitudinal orientation. The graph shows the results for nuclear volume of each experimental group. Panel <b>E</b>, Expression of hypertrophic mRNA markers for each experimental group determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Same letters above bars into graphs indicate values not different in ANOVA. Different letters above bars into graphs indicate significant difference between means.</p

    Collagen content, capillary density and apoptosis are preserved in exercised rats on sympathetic hyperactivity.

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    <p>Panel <b>A–C</b>, Representative polarized light micrographs of tissue stained with picrosirius red (magnification 40×). Panel <b>D–E</b>, Representative electron micrographs for capillaries visualization (magnification 1650×). Panel <b>G–I</b>, TUNEL assay for cardiomyocytes in apoptosis (magnification: 20×) as estimated from cells marked in red (magnification 20×). Quantitative analysis for collagen content, capillary density and positive apoptotic cells are shown in panel <b>J</b>, <b>K</b> and <b>L</b>, respectively. Same letters above bars into graphs indicate values not different in ANOVA. Different letters above bars into graphs indicate significant difference between means.</p

    Exercise modulates key components of the kallikrein-kinin pathway in the myocardial on sympathetic hyperactivity.

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    <p>A significantly up-regulation of gene (Panel <b>A</b>) and protein (Panel <b>B</b>) expression was detected in the trained rats submitted to isoproterenol injection. The kinin B<sub>1</sub> receptor gene was up-regulated in myocardial of sedentary isoproterenol-treated rats, whereas the exercised isoproterenol-treated rats the kinin B<sub>1</sub> receptor gene was normalized (Panel <b>C</b>). Moreover, exercise also increased kinin B<sub>1</sub> receptor in transcriptional level (Panel <b>D</b>). Same letters above bars into graphs indicate values not different in ANOVA. Different letters above bars into graphs indicate significant difference between means.</p

    Representative Low Level Laser Irradiation in joules 4 and 6 and analyzed by flow cytometry.

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    <p>(A) Shows the percentage of sperm with acrosome integrity under the total of living cells. (Newman-Keuls Test * p < 0.05). (B) Shows the percentage of live sperm cells relative to the total cells analyzed. (C) Shows representative plots of the respective conditions when exposed to 7AAD and FITC-PSA. The quadrants indicate: UL—sperm dead (plasmatic membrane injured (MP) and acrosome membrane integrate (MA), RH—live sperm (plasmatic membrane injured (MP) and acrosome membrane integrate); LL—live (plasmatic membrane integrate (MP) and Membrane damaged acrosome (MA); LR—(plasmatic membrane injured (MP) and acrosome membrane integrate (MA), in the control, 4 joule and 6 joules groups.</p

    Evaluation of sperm movement through the Integrated Semen Analysis System in (A) Straightness Index percentage of sperm analysis presenting the non-irradiated control group and groups subjected to irradiation with low-power laser with dose 4:06 joules.

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    <p>Data shown are the mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANOVA and Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis were applied. * p < 0.05 control group vs. 4 Joules group and # p < 0.05. group 6 Joules vs. 4 Joules group. (B) Mobile percentage of progressive sperm analysis presenting the group not irradiated groups and subjected to low-level laser irradiation dose 4 and 6 joules group. Data shown are the mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANOVA and Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis were applied. * p <0.05 control group vs. 4 Joules group. (C) Graphical representation of sperm movement by Integrated Semen Analysis System, The red lines show the movements of the sperm in nm/s and the yellow lines represent the static sperm.</p

    Absolute and percent of changes in the mean blood pressure after 90 minutes of the exercise session.

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    <p>A) Absolute of changes in the mean blood pressure (MBP) after exercise session land- or water-based in all groups. B) Percent of changes in the MBP. Values are presented in mean <i>±</i> SEM. <sup>‡</sup>p<0.05 vs N and TH. <sup>†</sup>p<0.05 vs land-based protocol. (Two-way ANOVA paired by protocol, followed by Bonferroni’s post-hoc test).</p

    Heart rate variability changes at rest and after 90 minutes of recovery from land- and water-based exercise session.

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    <p>In A-B: the low frequency (LF) component, C-D: the high frequency (HF) component and, E-F: their ratio (LF/HF). N: normotensive individuals; TH: treated hypertensive patients; UH: untreated hypertensive patients. Values are mean ± SEM. *p<0.05 vs. rest (Two-way ANOVA paired by groups, followed by Bonferroni’s post-hoc test). <sup>‡</sup>p<0.05 vs N and TH. <sup>†</sup>p<0.05 vs land-based protocol. (Two-way ANOVA paired by protocol, followed by Bonferroni’s post-hoc test).</p