44 research outputs found

    Patient recruitment: 120 patients with an initial diagnosis of a PUL were recruited to the study and grouped according to final pregnancy outcomes.

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    <p>Patient recruitment: 120 patients with an initial diagnosis of a PUL were recruited to the study and grouped according to final pregnancy outcomes.</p

    ADAM12 levels in sera collected from women at first presentation with a PUL, categorised according to final pregnancy outcome.

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    <p>Definite ectopic pregnancy (dEP: n = 17), probable ectopic pregnancy (pEP: n = 8), definite viable intrauterine pregnancy (dVIUP: n = 28), definite nonviable intrauterine pregnancy (dNVIUP: n = 26), spontaneously resolving PUL (srPUL: n = 27), treated persistent PUL (tpPUL: n = 3) and not pregnant (NP: n = 11). A ROC curve was generated (‘ROC of ADAM12’) to compare serum ADAM12 concentrations in patients with a dEP versus all other outcomes. The analysis was repeated (‘ROC of ADAM12 -PUL Data’) after ‘ambiguous’ pregnancy outcomes (srPUL, tpPUL and pEP) were excluded.</p

    All TGF-β ligands are expressed in peritoneal fluid from women with and without endometriosis.

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    <p>TGF-β1 was significantly increased in peritoneal fluid from women with endometriosis compared to women without. Levels of TGF-β2 do not change between women with and without endometriosis. TGF-β3 levels appear to increase in women with endometriosis however this is not a significant change. Cultured HPMCs secreted TGF-β1 protein in-vitro. <i>n = 12 peritoneal fluid, n = 3 HMPC (*p<0.05).</i></p

    Venn diagram displaying significant changes in gene expression of TGF-β signalling target in the 3 comparisons made between women with and without endometriosis.

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    <p>Venn diagram displaying significant changes in gene expression of TGF-β signalling target in the 3 comparisons made between women with and without endometriosis.</p

    Primers used for qRT-PCR including primer sequence.

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    <p>All primers were pre-validated and supplied by Primer Design.</p><p>Primers used for qRT-PCR including primer sequence.</p

    TGF-β1, TGF-βR1, TGF-βR2, and pSmad 2/3, are localized to the mesothelial cells of the peritoneum of women without endometriosis at contol sites and prone sites.

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    <p>TGF-β1, TGF-βR1, TGF-βR2, and pSmad 2/3, are localized to the mesothelial cells of the peritoneum of with endometriosis at sites disteal and ajacent to endometriosis lesions. No staining was observed in the negative control sections. <i>n = 8.</i></p

    Table displays gene expression including fold change and p value of TGF-β signalling target genes in peritoneal biopsies from women with endometriosis at sites ajacent compared to sites distal to endometriosis lesions.

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    <p><i>n = 6.</i></p><p>Table displays gene expression including fold change and p value of TGF-β signalling target genes in peritoneal biopsies from women with endometriosis at sites ajacent compared to sites distal to endometriosis lesions.</p

    <i>TGFB1</i> mRNA expression was significantly increased in the peritoneum adjacent to endometriosis lesions compared to peritoneum distal to lesions in women with endometriosis (B).

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    <p>There was no signifianct difference in TGFB1 expression between women with and without endometriosis, nor was there a difference in expression between control and prone sites of peritoneum in women without endometriosis. There is no significant change in mRNA expression for <i>TGFBR1, TGFBR2</i> and <i>SMAD3</i> in all comparisons made (A, C–L). <i>n = 35 (*p<0.05).</i></p