7 research outputs found
L'Auto-vélo : automobilisme, cyclisme, athlétisme, yachting, aérostation, escrime, hippisme / dir. Henri Desgranges
27 avril 19111911/04/27 (A12,N3846)
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of GPER mediates the angiocrine actions induced by IGF1 through the HIF-1ĂŽÄ…/VEGF pathway in the breast tumor microenvironment
GPER and IGF1R co-expression in luminal breast cancer cell lines. (PDF 167 kb
Additional file 9: Figure S9. of GPER mediates the angiocrine actions induced by IGF1 through the HIF-1ĂŽÄ…/VEGF pathway in the breast tumor microenvironment
VEGFR2 inhibition prevents endothelial tube formation. (PDF 457 kb
Additional file 2: Figure S2. of GPER mediates the angiocrine actions induced by IGF1 through the HIF-1ĂŽÄ…/VEGF pathway in the breast tumor microenvironment
Estrogen receptor expression and densitometric analysis of western blotting. (PDF 1130 kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Enhanced response rate to pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in high grade serous ovarian carcinomas harbouring BRCA1 and BRCA2 aberrations
Sum of squares differences (SSD) between our SNV spectrum and the fresh frozen TCGA SNV spectrum at various allele frequency threshold for variant filtering. (DOCX 53 kb
Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Intermittent energy restriction induces changes in breast gene expression and systemic metabolism
Changes in gene expression due to CER are also changed in approximately half of the IER participants, but are not clearly correlated with lymphocytes. The heatmap colours show log2 fold change in gene expression of the baseline samples relative to the post-diet samples (green = downregulated, red = upregulated, black = no change). The arrows show subjects predicted to have an energy restriction (orange = CER, blue = IER) or unchanged profiles (grey). Similar results were obtained when considering all probe sets on the array. (XLSX 268 kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Intermittent energy restriction induces changes in breast gene expression and systemic metabolism
Dietary intake at baseline and after four to five weeks of IER, during restricted and unrestricted days of IER (n = 23). Table S2. a LCMS+ changes in identified serum metabolites after four to five weeks of IER, on restricted and unrestricted days of IER. b LCMS– changes in identified serum metabolites after four to five weeks of IER on restricted and unrestricted days of IER. c GCMS changes in identified serum metabolites after four to five weeks of IER on restricted and unrestricted days of IER. d GC-MS changes in identified urine metabolites after four to five weeks of IER on restricted and unrestricted days of IER. Table S3 Comparison of baseline characteristics, physical and metabolic changes between the molecular responders and non-responders identified by breast tissue gene expression following IER. Table S4 Percentage change in body weight, BMI, adiposity, lipid and hormone levels with four to five weeks of IER in comparison with four to five weeks of 60 % continuous energy restriction. (PPTX 233 kb