14 research outputs found

    Chaperonins keeping a lid on folding proteins

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    Two classes of chaperonins are known in all groups of organisms to participate in the folding of newly synthesized proteins. Whereas bacterial type I chaperonins use a reversibly binding cofactor to temporarily sequester folding substrate proteins within the cylindrical chaperonin cavity, type II chaperonins in archaea and the eukaryotic cytosol appear to have evolved a built-in lid for this purpose. Not entirely surprisingly, this has consequences for the folding modes of the two types of chaperonins

    High salt-induced conversion of Escherichia coli GroEL into a fully functional thermophilic chaperonin

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    The GroE chaperonin system can adapt to and function at various environmental folding conditions. To examine chaperonin-assisted protein folding at high salt concentrations, we characterized Escherichia coli GroE chaperonin activity in 1.2 M ammonium sulfate. Our data are consistent with GroEL undergoing a conformational change at this salt concentration, characterized by elevated ATPase activity and increased exposure of hydrophobic surface, as indicated by increased binding of the fluorophore bis-(5,5′)-8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid to the chaperonin. The presence of the salt results in increased substrate stringency and dependence on the full GroE system for release and productive folding of substrate proteins. Surprisingly, GroEL is fully functional as a thermophilic chaperonin in high concentrations of ammonium sulfate and is stable at temperatures up to 75 °C. At these extreme conditions, GroEL can suppress aggregation and mediate refolding of non-native proteins

    Some assembly required: dedicated chaperones in eukaryotic proteasome biogenesis

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    The 26S proteasome is the key eukaryotic protease responsible for the degradation of intracellular proteins. Protein degradation by the 26S proteasome plays important roles in numerous cellular processes, including the cell cycle, differentiation, apoptosis, and the removal of damaged or misfolded proteins. How this 2.5-MDa complex, composed of at least 32 different polypeptides, is assembled in the first place is not well understood. However, it has become evident that this complicated task is facilitated by a framework of protein factors that chaperone the nascent proteasome through its various stages of assembly. We review here the known proteasome-specific assembly factors, most only recently discovered, and describe their potential roles in proteasome assembly, with an emphasis on the many remaining unanswered questions about this intricate process of assisted self-assembly

    Assembly of proteasome subunits into non-canonical complexes in vivo

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    Proteasomes exist in all domains of life. In general, they are comprised of a compartmentalized protease whose activity is modulated by one or more regulatory complexes with which it interacts. The quaternary structure of this compartmentalized protease, called the 20S proteasome, is absolutely conserved and consists of four heptameric rings stacked coaxially. The rings are made of structurally related α and β subunits. In eukaryotes, assembly factors chaperone the α and β subunits during 20S biogenesis. Here we demonstrate that proteasome subunits can assemble into structures other than the canonical 20S proteasome in vivo. Specifically, the yeast α4 subunit forms high molecular weight complexes whose abundance increases when proteasome function is compromised. Results from a disulfide crosslinking approach are consistent with these complexes being ring-shaped. Though several eukaryotic α subunits can form rings when expressed recombinantly in bacteria, this is the first evidence that such non-canonical complexes exist in vivo

    Alpha-ring independent assembly of the 20S proteasome

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    Archaeal proteasomes share many features with their eukaryotic counterparts and serve as important models for assembly. Proteasomes are also found in certain bacterial lineages yet their assembly mechanism is thought to be fundamentally different. Here we investigate α-ring formation using recombinant proteasomes from the archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis. Through an engineered disulfide cross-linking strategy, we demonstrate that double α-rings are structurally analogous to half-proteasomes and can form independently of single α-rings. More importantly, via targeted mutagenesis, we show that single α-rings are not required for the efficient assembly of 20S proteasomes. Our data support updating the currently held "α-ring first" view of assembly, initially proposed in studies of archaeal proteasomes, and present a way to reconcile the seemingly separate bacterial assembly mechanism with the rest of the proteasome realm. We suggest that a common assembly network underpins the absolutely conserved architecture of proteasomes across all domains of life

    Molecular chaperones of the Hsp70 family assist in the assembly of 20S proteasomes

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    The eukaryotic 26S proteasome is a large protease comprised of two major sub assemblies, the 20S proteasome, or core particle (CP), and the 19S regulatory particle (RP). Assembly of the CP and RP is assisted by an expanding list of dedicated assembly factors. For the CP, this includes Ump1 and the heterodimeric Pba1–Pba2 and Pba3–Pba4 proteins. It is not known how many additional proteins that assist in proteasome biogenesis remain to be discovered. Here, we demonstrate that two members of the Hsp70 family in yeast, Ssa1 and Ssa2, play a direct role in CP assembly. Ssa1 and Ssa2 interact genetically and physically with proteasomal components. Specifically, they associate tightly with known CP assembly intermediates, but not with fully assembled CP, through an extensive purification protocol. And, in yeast lacking both Ssa1 and Ssa2, specific defects in CP assembly are observed

    Putting it all together: intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms governing proteasome biogenesis

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    Background The 26S proteasome is at the heart of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, which is the key cellular pathway for the regulated degradation of proteins and enforcement of protein quality control. The 26S proteasome is an unusually large and complicated protease comprising a 28-subunit core particle (CP) capped by one or two 19-subunit regulatory particles (RP). Multiple activities within the RP process incoming ubiquitinated substrates for eventual degradation by the barrel-shaped CP. The large size and elaborate architecture of the proteasome have made it an exceptional model for understanding mechanistic themes in macromolecular assembly. Objective In the present work, we highlight the most recent mechanistic insights into proteasome assembly, with particular emphasis on intrinsic and extrinsic factors regulating proteasome biogenesis. We also describe new and exciting questions arising about how proteasome assembly is regulated and deregulated in normal and diseased cells. Methods A comprehensive literature search using the PubMed search engine was performed, and key findings yielding mechanistic insight into proteasome assembly were included in this review. Results Key recent studies have revealed that proteasome biogenesis is dependent upon intrinsic features of the subunits themselves as well as extrinsic factors, many of which function as dedicated chaperones. Conclusion Cells rely on a diverse set of mechanistic strategies to ensure the rapid, efficient, and faithful assembly of proteasomes from their cognate subunits. Importantly, physiological as well as pathological changes to proteasome assembly are emerging as exciting paradigms to alter protein degradation in vivo

    A Conserved 20S Proteasome Assembly Factor Requires a Cterminal HbYX Motif for Proteasomal Precursor Binding

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    Dedicated chaperones facilitate the assembly of the eukaryotic proteasome, but how they function remains largely unknown. Here we show that a yeast 20S proteasome assembly factor, Pba1–Pba2, requires a previously overlooked C-terminal hydrophobic-tyrosine-X (HbYX) motif for function. HbYX motifs in proteasome activators open the 20S proteasome entry pore, but Pba1–Pba2 instead binds inactive proteasomal precursors. We discovered an archaeal ortholog of this factor, here named PbaA, that also binds preferentially to proteasomal precursors in a HbYX motif–dependent fashion using the same proteasomal α-ring surface pockets as are bound by activators. PbaA and the related PbaB protein can be induced to bind mature 20S proteasomes if the active sites in the central chamber are occupied by inhibitors. Our data are consistent with an allosteric mechanism in which the maturation of the proteasome active sites determines the binding of assembly chaperones, potentially shielding assembly intermediates or misassembled complexes from nonproductive associations until assembly is complete

    YPL260W, a high-copy suppressor of a copper-sensitive phenotype in yeast, is linked to DNA repair and proteasome function

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    The ubiquitin–proteasome system directly impacts the metabolism of heavy metals and yeast has become an important model in understanding this interplay. We demonstrate that yeast mutants with defects in proteasome function are able to tolerate elevated levels of copper. In the course of our analysis, we isolate a yeast mutant that not only negates this copper tolerance in proteasome mutants, but renders yeast exquisitely sensitive to this metal. To better understand the nature of the defect, we carry out a plasmid-based genetic screen to identify high-copy suppressors of this strong copper sensitivity. We identify four genes not previously known to be associated with copper metabolism: CDC53, PSP1, YNL200C, and YPL260W. The latter is a highly conserved fungal gene of no known function. Here, we undertake the first characterization of YPL260W. We demonstrate YPL260W to have a role in bleomycin tolerance with links to DNA repair and proteasome function

    Examining Proteasome Assembly with Recombinant Archaeal Proteasomes and Nondenaturing PAGE: The Case for a Combined Approach

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    Proteasomes are found in all domains of life. They provide the major route of intracellular protein degradation in eukaryotes, though their assembly is not completely understood. All proteasomes contain a structurally conserved core particle (CP), or 20S proteasome, containing two heptameric β subunit rings sandwiched between two heptameric α subunit rings. Archaeal 20S proteasomes are compositionally simpler compared to their eukaryotic counterparts, yet they both share a common assembly mechanism. Consequently, archaeal 20S proteasomes continue to be important models for eukaryotic proteasome assembly. Specifically, recombinant expression of archaeal 20S proteasomes coupled with nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) has yielded many important insights into proteasome biogenesis. Here, we discuss a means to improve upon the usual strategy of coexpression of archaeal proteasome α and β subunits prior to nondenaturing PAGE. We demonstrate that although rapid and efficient, a coexpression approach alone can miss key assembly intermediates. In the case of the proteasome, coexpression may not allow detection of the half-proteasome, an intermediate containing one complete α-ring and one complete β-ring. However, this intermediate is readily detected via lysate mixing. We suggest that combining coexpression with lysate mixing yields an approach that is more thorough in analyzing assembly, yet remains labor nonintensive. This approach may be useful for the study of other recombinant multiprotein complexes