29 research outputs found

    Proton irradiation induces persistent and tissue-specific DNA methylation changes in the left ventricle and hippocampus

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    Measures, completers, and wave of investigations. Figure S1. Controlling for IQ in the final model. Latent factors EF, ToM, ASD, and ADHD were regressed on IQ in the full final model (Figure A), nonsignificant paths were represented by dotted lines. Figure S2. Model including only measures from collected from the adolescents at the age of 14–16 years old. (DOCX 488 kb

    Descriptive statistics for key demographic variables and past depression history for the total sample and cases and non-cases separately.

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    <p>Descriptive statistics for key demographic variables and past depression history for the total sample and cases and non-cases separately.</p

    Descriptive statistics for relationship and non-relationship life events, for the total sample and for cases and non-cases separately.

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    <p>Descriptive statistics for relationship and non-relationship life events, for the total sample and for cases and non-cases separately.</p

    The estimated hazard ratios (instantaneous relative risks) for relationship and non-relationship life events and the potential confounders.

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    <p>The estimated hazard ratios (instantaneous relative risks) for relationship and non-relationship life events and the potential confounders.</p

    Table1_On the risks of secure attachment in infancy: Childhood irritability and adolescent depression predicted by secure attachment and high approach behaviours at 14-months towards a caregiver living with inter-parental violence.docx

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    IntroductionThe secure infant turns to a caregiver for comfort when distressed or threatened. Does this level of openness create vulnerability where the caregiver is unsupportive or aggressive? In this study we examined prospectively whether secure attachment in infancy, and approach behaviours on reunion with a parent, were associated with childhood emotional dysregulation (irritability) and adolescent depression among children exposed to inter-parental violence.MethodsWe followed 219 families recruited from the general population during pregnancy (members of the Wirral Child Health and Development Study; WCHADS), with attachment assessments (Strange Situation Procedure; SSP) at 14 months, maternal interviews about inter-parental violence at 2.5, 5 and 7 years, and parent and teacher rated irritability at 9 years (CBCL). At age 13 years, 199 young people rated their levels of depression (SMFQ). In addition to the standard SSP classification, a latent variable reflecting approach behaviours during reunions was generated from the SSP dimensional scores and a factor score extracted. Analyses used path analysis using the gsem command in Stata.ResultsThere were interactions between attachment security and inter-parental violence for age 9 irritability (p = .084) and age 13 depression (p = .039) which arose from greater levels of psychopathology among secure children exposed to inter-parental violence. Similarly, higher approach behaviours during SSP reunions among children exposed to inter-parental violence were associated with irritability (interaction term p = .004) and depression (interaction term p ConclusionInfant behaviours characteristic of attachment security in the Strange Situation Procedure may not equip children to deal with exposure to inter-parental violence and associated parental negativity.</p

    Interaction between maternal stroking and prenatal depression on infant distress to limitations.

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    <p>Simple regression lines and 95% confidence envelopes showing the interaction between maternal reports of stroking (median split) and prenatal depression, with infant IBQ distress to limitations at 29 weeks (p = 0.007 from multivariate regression).</p

    Latent variable model for stroking items and IBQ negative emotionality.

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    <p>The figure shows the factor loadings for mothers' reports of stroking at 5 and 9 weeks, and IBQ negative emotionality (Distress to Limitations and Fear) at 29 weeks. The values of λ (direct effect of stroking on IBQ), δ and β (associations of risks and confounders with stroking and IBQ respectively), and γ (interaction between maternal stroking and prenatal maternal depression), are shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0045446#pone-0045446-t004" target="_blank">Table 4</a>.</p

    sj-docx-1-aut-10.1177_13623613231221928 – Supplemental material for No association between alexithymia and emotion recognition or theory of mind in a sample of adolescents enhanced for autistic traits

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-aut-10.1177_13623613231221928 for No association between alexithymia and emotion recognition or theory of mind in a sample of adolescents enhanced for autistic traits by Georgianna Moraitopoulou, Hannah Pickard, Emily Simonoff, Andrew Pickles, Rachael Bedford and Virginia Carter Leno in Autism</p