66 research outputs found

    Planetesimal Formation with Particle Feedback

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    Proposed mechanisms for the formation of km-sized solid planetesimals face long-standing difficulties. Robust sticking mechanisms that would produce planetesimals by coagulation alone remain elusive. The gravitational collapse of smaller solids into planetesimals is opposed by stirring from turbulent gas. This proceeding describes recent works showing that "particle feedback," the back-reaction of drag forces on the gas in protoplanetary disks, promotes particle clumping as seeds for gravitational collapse. The idealized streaming instability demonstrates the basic ability of feedback to generate particle overdensities. More detailed numerical simulations show that the particle overdensities produced in turbulent flows trigger gravitational collapse to planetesimals. We discuss surprising aspects of this work, including the large (super-Ceres) mass of the collapsing bound cluster, and the finding that MHD turbulence aids gravitational collapse.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in ``Extreme Solar Systems'', D. Fischer, F. Rasio, S. Thorsett and A. Wolszczan (eds), ASP Conf. Ser., 200

    Structure and Evolution of Internally Heated Hot Jupiters

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    Hot Jupiters receive strong stellar irradiation, producing equilibrium temperatures of 1000βˆ’2500Β Kelvin1000 - 2500 \ \mathrm{Kelvin}. Incoming irradiation directly heats just their thin outer layer, down to pressures of $\sim 0.1 \ \mathrm{bars}.InstandardirradiatedevolutionmodelsofhotJupiters,predictedtransitradiiaretoosmall.Previousstudieshaveshownthatdeeperheatingβˆ’βˆ’atasmallfractionoftheheatingratefromirradiationβˆ’βˆ’canexplainobservedradii.HerewepresentasuiteofevolutionmodelsforHD209458bwherewesystematicallyvaryboththedepthandintensityofinternalheating,withoutspecifyingtheuncertainheatingmechanism(s).Ourmodelsstartwithahot,highentropyplanetwhoseradiusdecreasesastheconvectiveinteriorcools.Theappliedheatingsuppressesthiscooling.Wefindthatveryshallowheatingβˆ’βˆ’atpressuresof. In standard irradiated evolution models of hot Jupiters, predicted transit radii are too small. Previous studies have shown that deeper heating -- at a small fraction of the heating rate from irradiation -- can explain observed radii. Here we present a suite of evolution models for HD 209458b where we systematically vary both the depth and intensity of internal heating, without specifying the uncertain heating mechanism(s). Our models start with a hot, high entropy planet whose radius decreases as the convective interior cools. The applied heating suppresses this cooling. We find that very shallow heating -- at pressures of 1 - 10 \ \mathrm{bars}βˆ’βˆ’doesnotsignificantlysuppresscooling,unlessthetotalheatingrateis -- does not significantly suppress cooling, unless the total heating rate is \gtrsim 10\%oftheincidentstellarpower.Deeperheating,at of the incident stellar power. Deeper heating, at 100 \ \mathrm{bars},requiresheatingatonly, requires heating at only 1\%ofthestellarirradiationtoexplaintheobservedtransitradiusof of the stellar irradiation to explain the observed transit radius of 1.4 R_{\rm Jup}after5Gyrofcooling.Ingeneral,moreintenseanddeeperheatingresultsinlargerhotJupiterradii.Surprisingly,wefindthatheatdepositedat after 5 Gyr of cooling. In general, more intense and deeper heating results in larger hot Jupiter radii. Surprisingly, we find that heat deposited at 10^4 \ \mathrm{bars}βˆ’βˆ’whichisexteriorto -- which is exterior to \approx 99\%$ of the planet's mass -- suppresses planetary cooling as effectively as heating at the center. In summary, we find that relatively shallow heating is required to explain the radii of most hot Jupiters, provided that this heat is applied early and persists throughout their evolution.Comment: Accepted at ApJ, 14 pages, 10 figure

    The Exoplanet Census: A General Method, Applied to Kepler

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    We develop a general method to fit the planetary distribution function (PLDF) to exoplanet survey data. This maximum likelihood method accommodates more than one planet per star and any number of planet or target star properties. Application to \Kepler data relies on estimates of the efficiency of discovering transits around Solar type stars by Howard et al. (2011). These estimates are shown to agree with theoretical predictions for an ideal transit survey. Using announced \Kepler planet candidates, we fit the PLDF as a joint powerlaw in planet radius, down to 0.5 R_Eart, and orbital period, up to 50 days. The estimated number of planets per star in this sample is ~ 0.7 --- 1.4, where the broad range covers systematic uncertainties in the detection efficiency. To analyze trends in the PLDF we consider four planet samples, divided between shorter and longer periods at 7 days and between large and small radii at 3 R_Earth. At longer periods, the size distribution of the small planets, with index \alpha = -1.2 \pm 0.2 steepens to \alpha = -2.0 \pm 0.2 for the larger planet sample. For shorter periods, the opposite is seen: smaller planets follow a steep powerlaw, \alpha = -1.9 \pm 0.2 that is much shallower, \alpha = -0.7 \pm 0.2 at large radii. The observed deficit of intermediate-sized planets at the shortest periods may arise from the evaporation and sublimation of Neptune and Saturn-like planets. If the trend and explanation hold, it would be spectacular observational confirmation of the core accretion and migration hypotheses, and allow refinement of these theories.Comment: Submitted to Ap
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