155 research outputs found

    Reconfiguration of dominant coupling modes in mild traumatic brain injury mediated by δ-band activity: a resting state MEG study

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    During the last few years, rich-club (RC) organization has been studied as a possible brain-connectivity organization model for large-scale brain networks. At the same time, empirical and simulated data of neurophysiological models have demonstrated the significant role of intra-frequency and inter-frequency coupling among distinct brain areas. The current study investigates further the importance of these couplings using recordings of resting-state magnetoencephalographic activity obtained from 30 mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) subjects and 50 healthy controls. Intra-frequency and inter-frequency coupling modes are incorporated in a single graph to detect group differences within individual rich-club subnetworks (type I networks) and networks connecting RC nodes with the rest of the nodes (type II networks). Our results show a higher probability of inter-frequency coupling for (δ–γ1), (δ–γ2), (θ–β), (θ–γ2), (α–γ2), (γ1–γ2) and intra-frequency coupling for (γ1–γ1) and (δ–δ) for both type I and type II networks in the mTBI group. Additionally, mTBI and control subjects can be correctly classified with high accuracy (98.6%), whereas a general linear regression model can effectively predict the subject group using the ratio of type I and type II coupling in the (δ, θ), (δ, β), (δ, γ1), and (δ, γ2) frequency pairs. These findings support the presence of an RC organization simultaneously with dominant frequency interactions within a single functional graph. Our results demonstrate a hyperactivation of intrinsic RC networks in mTBI subjects compared to controls, which can be seen as a plausible compensatory mechanism for alternative frequency-dependent routes of information flow in mTBI subjects

    Improving the detection of mtbi via complexity analysis in resting - state magnetoencephalography

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    Diagnosis of mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) is difficult due to the variability of obvious brain lesions using imaging scans. A promising tool for exploring potential biomarkers for mTBI is magnetoencephalography which has the advantage of high spatial and temporal resolution. By adopting proper analytic tools from the field of symbolic dynamics like Lempel-Ziv complexity, we can objectively characterize neural network alterations compared to healthy control by enumerating the different patterns of a symbolic sequence. This procedure oversimplifies the rich information of brain activity captured via MEG. For that reason, we adopted neural-gas algorithm which can transform a time series into more than two symbols by learning brain dynamics with a small reconstructed error. The proposed analysis was applied to recordings of 30 mTBI patients and 50 normal controls in δ frequency band. Our results demonstrated that mTBI patients could be separated from normal controls with more than 97% classification accuracy based on high complexity regions corresponding to right frontal areas. In addition, a reverse relation between complexity and transition rate was demonstrated for both groups. These findings indicate that symbolic complexity could have a significant predictive value in the development of reliable biomarkers to help with the early detection of mTBI

    Typical and aberrant functional brain flexibility: lifespan development and aberrant organization in traumatic brain injury and dyslexia

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    Intrinsic functional connectivity networks derived from different neuroimaging methods and connectivity estimators have revealed robust developmental trends linked to behavioural and cognitive maturation. The present study employed a dynamic functional connectivity approach to determine dominant intrinsic coupling modes in resting-state neuromagnetic data from 178 healthy participants aged 8–60 years. Results revealed significant developmental trends in three types of dominant intra- and inter-hemispheric neuronal population interactions (amplitude envelope, phase coupling, and phase-amplitude synchronization) involving frontal, temporal, and parieto-occipital regions. Multi-class support vector machines achieved 89% correct classification of participants according to their chronological age using dynamic functional connectivity indices. Moreover, systematic temporal variability in functional connectivity profiles, which was used to empirically derive a composite flexibility index, displayed an inverse U-shaped curve among healthy participants. Lower flexibility values were found among age-matched children with reading disability and adults who had suffered mild traumatic brain injury. The importance of these results for normal and abnormal brain development are discussed in light of the recently proposed role of cross-frequency interactions in the fine-grained coordination of neuronal population activity

    Greater repertoire and temporal variability of cross-frequency coupling (CFC) modes in resting-state neuromagnetic recordings among children with reading difficulties

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    Cross-frequency, phase-to-amplitude coupling (PAC) between neuronal oscillations at rest may serve as the substrate that supports information exchange between functionally specialized neuronal populations both within and between cortical regions. The study utilizes novel algorithms to identify prominent instantaneous modes of cross-frequency coupling and their temporal stability in resting state magnetoencephalography (MEG) data from 25 students experiencing severe reading difficulties (RD) and 27 age-matched non-impaired readers (NI). Phase coherence estimates were computed in order to identify the prominent mode of PAC interaction for each sensor, sensor pair, and pair of frequency bands (from δ to γ) at successive time windows of the continuous MEG record. The degree of variability in the characteristic frequency-pair PACf1−f2 modes over time was also estimated. Results revealed a wider repertoire of prominent PAC interactions in RD as compared to NI students, suggesting an altered functional substrate for information exchange between neuronal assemblies in the former group. Moreover, RD students showed significant variability in PAC modes over time. This temporal instability of PAC values was particularly prominent: (a) within and between right hemisphere temporo-parietal and occipito-temporal sensors and, (b) between left hemisphere frontal, temporal, and occipito-temporal sensors and corresponding right hemisphere sites. Altered modes of neuronal population coupling may help account for extant data revealing reduced, task-related neurophysiological and hemodynamic activation in left hemisphere regions involved in the reading network in RD. Moreover, the spatial distribution of pronounced instability of cross-frequency coupling modes in this group may provide an explanation for previous reports suggesting the presence of inefficient compensatory mechanisms to support reading

    Aberrant resting-state functional brain networks in dyslexia: Symbolic mutual information analysis of neuromagnetic signals

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    Neuroimaging studies have identified a variety of structural and functional connectivity abnormalities in students experiencing reading difficulties. The present study adopted a novel approach to assess the dynamics of resting-state neuromagnetic recordings in the form of symbolic sequences (i.e., repeated patterns of neuromagnetic fluctuations within and/or between sensors). Participants were 25 students experiencing severe reading difficulties (RD) and 27 agematched non-impaired readers (NI) aged 7-14 years. Sensor-level data were first represented as symbolic sequences in eight conventional frequency bands. Next, dominant types of sensorto- sensor interactions in the form of intra and cross-frequency coupling were computed and subjected to graph modeling to assess group differences in global network characteristics. As a group RD students displayed predominantly within-frequency interactions between neighboring sensors which may reflect reduced overall global network efficiency and cost-efficiency of information transfer. In contrast, sensor networks among NI students featured a higher proportion of cross-frequency interactions. Brain-reading achievement associations highlighted the role of left hemisphere temporo-parietal functional networks, at rest, for reading acquisition and ability

    Classifying children with reading difficulties from non-impaired readers via symbolic dynamics and complexity analysis of MEG resting-state data

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a brain imaging method affording real-time temporal, and adequate spatial resolution to reveal aberrant neurophysiological function associated with dyslexia. In this study we analyzed sensor-level resting-state neuromagnetic recordings from 25 reading-disabled children and 27 non-impaired readers under the notion of symbolic dynamics and complexity analysis. We compared two techniques for estimating the complexity of MEG time-series in each of 8 frequency bands based on symbolic dynamics: (a) Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZC) entailing binarization of each MEG time series using the mean amplitude as a threshold, and (b) An approach based on the neural-gas algorithm (NG) which has been used by our group in the context of various symbolization schemes. The NG approach transforms each MEG time series to more than two symbols by learning the reconstructed manifold of each time series with a small error. Using this algorithm we computed a complexity index (CI) based on the distribution of words up to a predetermined length. The relative performance of the two complexity indexes was assessed using a classification procedure based on k-NN and Support Vector Machines. Results revealed the capacity of CI to discriminate impaired from non-impaired readers with 80% accuracy. Corresponding performance of LZC values did not exceed 55%. These findings indicate that symbolization of MEG recordings with an appropriate neuroinformatic approach, such as the proposed CI metric, may be of value in understanding the neural dynamics of dyslexia

    Data-driven topological filtering based on orthogonal minimal spanning trees: application to multi-group MEG resting-state connectivity

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    In the present study, a novel data-driven topological filtering technique is introduced to derive the backbone of functional brain networks relying on orthogonal minimal spanning trees (OMSTs). The method aims to identify the essential functional connections to ensure optimal information flow via the objective criterion of global efficiency minus the cost of surviving connections. The OMST technique was applied to multichannel, resting-state neuromagnetic recordings from four groups of participants: healthy adults (n = 50), adults who have suffered mild traumatic brain injury (n = 30), typically developing children (n = 27), and reading-disabled children (n = 25). Weighted interactions between network nodes (sensors) were computed using an integrated approach of dominant intrinsic coupling modes based on two alternative metrics (symbolic mutual information and phase lag index), resulting in excellent discrimination of individual cases according to their group membership. Classification results using OMST-derived functional networks were clearly superior to results using either relative power spectrum features or functional networks derived through the conventional minimal spanning tree algorithm

    The Timing and Strength of Regional Brain Activation Associated with Word Recognition in Children with Reading Difficulties

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    The study investigates the relative degree and timing of cortical activation across parietal, temporal, and frontal regions during performance of a continuous visual-word recognition task in children who experience reading difficulties (N = 44, RD) and typical readers (N = 40, NI). Minimum norm estimates of regional neurophysiological activity were obtained from magnetoencephalographic recordings. Children with RD showed bilaterally reduced neurophysiological activity in the superior and middle temporal gyri, and increased activity in rostral middle frontal and ventral occipitotemporal cortices, bilaterally. The temporal profile of activity in the RD group, featured near-simultaneous activity peaks in temporal, inferior parietal, and prefrontal regions, in contrast to a clear temporal progression of activity among these areas in the NI group. These results replicate and extend previous MEG and fMRI results demonstrating atypical, latency-dependent attributes of the brain circuit involved in word reading in children with reading difficulties

    Explorations of object and location memory using fMRI

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    Content-specific sub-systems of visual working memory (VWM) have been explored in many neuroimaging studies with inconsistent findings and procedures across experiments. The present study employed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and a change detection task using a high number of trials and matched stimulus displays across object and location change (what vs. where) conditions. Furthermore, individual task periods were studied independently across conditions to identify differences corresponding to each task period. Importantly, this combination of task controls has not previously been described in the fMRI literature. Composite results revealed differential frontoparietal activation during each task period. A separation of object and location conditions yielded a distributed system of dorsal and ventral streams during the encoding of information corresponding to bilateral inferior parietal lobule (IPL) and lingual gyrus activation, respectively. Differential activity was also shown during the maintenance of information in middle frontal structures bilaterally for objects and the right IPL and left insula for locations. Together, these results reflect a domain-specific dissociation spanning several cortices and task periods. Furthermore, differential activations suggest a general caudal-rostral separation corresponding to object and location memory, respectively
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