68 research outputs found

    Absolute risk, absolute risk reduction and relative risk

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    This article illustrates the epidemiological concepts of absolute risk, absolute risk reduction and relative risk through a clinical example. In addition, it emphasizes the usefulness of these concepts in clinical practice, clinical research and health decision-making process

    Riesgo absoluto, reducción absoluta de riesgo y riesgo relativo.

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    This article illustrates the epidemiological concepts of absolute risk, absolute risk reduction and relative risk through a clinical example. In addition, it emphasizes the usefulness of these concepts in clinical practice, clinical research and health decision-making process.Resumen. Este artículo ilustra, a través de un ejemplo clínico, los conceptos epidemiológicos de las medidas de riesgo más empleadas: riesgo absoluto, reducción absoluta de riesgo y riesgo relativo. Recalca adicionalmente la utilidad de estas medidas de riesgo en la práctica clínica, en el proceso de investigación y en la toma de decisiones en salud

    Retos de la divulgación científica en las revistas universitarias

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    Las revistas especializadas, de carácter científico y académico, son instrumentos fundamentales para la divulgación, acceso y validación por pares académicos de los resultados de los procesos de investigación, uno de los conceptos básicos de universidad. En Colombia, el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación considera y sostiene que es necesario que las revistas de divulgación científica cumplan con indicadores y estándares de calidad científica reconocidos y aceptados a nivel internacional con el propósito de propender por la difusión del conocimiento en los circuitos científicos dispuestos para este fin

    Editorial: The path of the Revista Facultad Ciencias de la Salud

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    The path of the Faculty Health Sciences Journal (RFCS) takes new directions. Thankfully, we are pleased to announce that in this issue, number 1 volume 16, our publication has been indexed again by Colciencias as a Publindex C classification. It has been a shared effort between the editorial team, the authors with their contributions and the directives of the Faculty

    Editorial: El camino de la Revista Facultad Ciencias de la Salud

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    The path of the Faculty Health Sciences Journal (RFCS) takes new directions. Thankfully, we are pleased to announce that in this issue, number 1 volume 16, our publication has been indexed again by Colciencias as a Publindex C classification. It has been a shared effort between the editorial team, the authors with their contributions and the directives of the Faculty.El camino de la Revista Facultad Ciencias de la Salud (RFCS) toma rumbos novedosos. Gratamente, nos complace anunciar que en éste, el numero 1 volumen 16, nuestra publicación ha sido nuevamente indexada por Colciencias como clasificación Publindex C. Ha sido un esfuerzo compartido entre el equipo editorial, los autores con sus contribuciones y las directivas de la Facultad

    Cumulative incidence of postoperative severe pain at Hospital Universitario San Jose, Popayan. Preliminar report

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    Introduction: Postoperative pain remains as a problem. National studies report incidences of 31% for moderate and 22% for severe pain. Inadequate analgesia is related to dissatisfaction and adverse outcomes. The aim of this study was to describe the incidence and characteristics of the postoperative pain in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) at Hospital Universitario San José of Popayán (HUSJ) in patients undergoing general anesthesia during the first postoperative hour. Methods: Cohort study. We recruited patients attending PACU and undergoing procedures using general anesthesia, between 18 and 70 years. Using a standardized collection form medical history, demographic data, medical history, anesthetic management, intraoperative analgesia and postoperative pain assessment by verbal and numerical pain scale (1-10) were recorded. Postoperative outcome data were also collected in the PACU. Results: The incidence of severe postoperative pain at 10 minutes was 12.3% 95%CI [7.1-18.2] (19 patients). Within 30 minutes of assessment 4.5% 95%CI [1.3-8.4] (7 patients) and 1.9% 60 minutes 95%CI [0-4.5] (3 patients). 48.7% required rescue analgesic at PACU. Incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) was significantly different in patients requiring rescue analgesic. Conclusion: The incidence of severe postoperative pain in the first postoperative hour at HUSJ is close to 12% and it decreases as time goes by. Patients requiring rescue analgesic have a higher incidence of postoperative complications such as PONV

    Pacientes y profesionales de la salud colombianos frente al final de la vida

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    El final de la vida, la muerte y el morir siempre han sido temas de reflexión en diferentes épocas y culturas. En el mundo contemporáneo, estas reflexiones se han transformado de la mano de la tecnología y la atención médica altamente sofisticada. Cada día, más personas mueren en los hospitales, rodeadas de dispositivos de alta tecnología; al mismo tiempo, las personas están más solas y expropiadas de sí mismas que nunca, situaciones exacerbadas por la pandemia Covid-19. Esto ha dado como resultado en el surgimiento de discursos que enfatizan la importancia de brindar la oportunidad de tener un proceso de morir único, personal y trascendental, con la dignidad, solemnidad y respeto que realmente se merece

    Fluids in the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis in children:A systematic review

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    Aim: To determine the comparative effectiveness of fluid schemes for children with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Methods: We conducted a systematic review with an attempt to conduct network meta-analysis (NMA). We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, Epistemonikos, Virtual Health Library, and gray literature from inception to July 31, 2022. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in children with DKA evaluating any intravenous fluid schemes. We planned to conduct NMA to compare all fluid schemes if heterogeneity was deemed acceptable. Results: Twelve RCTs were included. Studies were heterogeneous in the population (patients and DKA episodes), interventions with different fluids (saline, Ringer's lactate (RL), and polyelectrolyte solution-PlasmaLyte®), tonicity, volume, and administration systems. We identified 47 outcomes that measured clinical manifestations and metabolic control, including single and composite outcomes and substantial heterogeneity preventing statistical combination. No evidence was found of differences in neurological deterioration (main outcome), but differences were found among interventions in some comparisons to normalize acid-base status (∼2 h less with low vs. high volume); time to receive subcutaneous insulin (∼1 h less with low vs. high fluid rate); length of stay (∼6 h less with RL vs. saline); and resolution of the DKA (∼3 h less with two-bag vs. one-bag scheme). However, available evidence is scarce and poor. Conclusions: There is not enough evidence to determine the best fluid therapy in terms of fluid type, tonicity, volume, or administration time for DKA treatment. There is an urgent need for more RCTs, and the development of a core outcome set on DKA in children.</p

    Observational research and the STROBE statement

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    Observational research is the source of the largest amount of evidence in health care. Their proper use depends on several factors, among them a complete reporting. This article presents the STROBE Statement (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) and its influence on complete research reporting. We recommended the use of the STROBE Statement and their checklist in order to improve the completeness of reporting of observational research and increase its usability

    El reporte de la investigación observacional y la declaración STROBE

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    Observational research is the source of the largest amount of evidence in health care. Their proper use depends on several factors, among them a complete reporting. This article presents the STROBE Statement (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) and its influence on complete research reporting. We recommended the use of the STROBE Statement and their checklist in order to improve the completeness of reporting of observational research and increase its usability.La investigación observacional es fuente de la mayor cantidad de evidencias en ciencias de la salud. Su utilización apropiada depende de diversos factores entre ellos un reporte completo. Este artículo presenta e ilustra los puntos de mayor importancia del reporte adecuado y completo e introduce la declaración STROBE (Strenghtening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology). Se recomienda la utilización de la declaración STROBE y sus listas de chequeo para mejorar la completitud del reporte de la investigación observacional e incrementar su utilidad