2 research outputs found

    Emotional Burnout Syndrome Among Mental Health Nurses

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    Maģistra darba tēma – “Emocionālās izdegšanas sindroms garīgās veselības aprūpē strādājošo māsu vidū”. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot sakarības starp emocionālā intelekta līmeni un emocionālā izdegšanas sindroma attīstības pakāpi garīgās veselības aprūpē strādājošajām māsām. Saskaņā ar pētījuma tēmu tika izvirzīta hipotēze – pastāv sakarība starp garīgās veselības aprūpē strādājošo māsu emocionālā intelekta līmeni un emocionālās izdegšanas sindroma attīstības pakāpi. Lai sasniegtu pētījuma mērķi tika izmantota kvantitatīvā pētniecības metode ar pētniecības instrumentu – aptaujas anketu. Pētījuma rezultāti apstiprināja izvirzīto hipotēzi, pierādot, ka garīgās veselības aprūpē strādājošo māsu emocionālā intelekta līmenim ir sakarība ar emocionālās izdegšanas sindroma attīstības pakāpi.The theme of the Master’s Thesis is “Emotional burnout syndrome among mental health nurses”. The aim of this research is to find out the connections between the level of emotional intelligence and the degree of emotional burnout syndrome among mental health nurses. In accordance with the theme of this research the following hypothesis was formulated – “There is a correlation between the level of emotional intelligence of mental health nurses and the degree of emotional burnout syndrome.” In order to achieve the aim of this paper, the research method used was quantitative research with the research tool – questionnaire. The results of the research approved the hypothesis, proving that there is a correlation between the level of emotional intelligence of mental health nurses and the degree of emotional burnout syndrome

    Mathematical Model and Synthetic Data Generation for Infra-Red Sensors

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    A key challenge in further improving infrared (IR) sensor capabilities is the development of efficient data pre-processing algorithms. This paper addresses this challenge by providing a mathematical model and synthetic data generation framework for an uncooled IR sensor. The developed model is capable of generating synthetic data for the design of data pre-processing algorithms of uncooled IR sensors. The mathematical model accounts for the physical characteristics of the focal plane array, bolometer readout, optics and the environment. The framework permits the sensor simulation with a range of sensor configurations, pixel defectiveness, non-uniformity and noise parameters