276 research outputs found

    Regionalno sodelovanje med univerzami, raziskovalnimi institucijami in industrijo

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    Due to the fact that Slovenia is a small country in every aspect, we should cooperate at all levels of society in order to succeed among the global competition – to turn our smallness into an advantage. Thanks to this smallness everybody knows almost everybody else, which gave us a basis for cooperation in the past. In more recently, various mechanisms have emerged in Slovenia for encouraging more formal ways of cooperation among entities of the society, such as centres of excellence, technology centres, clusters, technology networks and technology platforms. In Slovenia, the players in the area of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have established a solid tradition of collaboration between companies and research and development (R and D) institutions, which is of great importance in the world where development is rapid and where it is of vital importance for R and D companies to produce new products and solutions as quickly as possible if they want to expand. Today, almost all the leading Slovenian companies in the area of ICT are members of the ICT Technology Network (ICT TN), where they can find a place for cooperation and for the successful development, production and sale of integrated and user-friendly solutions and products. In this paper we will present ICT TN and its organisation. Special attention will be given to presentation of the four projects that members of ICT TN work on. The Centre of Excellence for Information and Communication Technologies (CE ICT), the Next Generation Network (NGN) Interoperability testing laboratory SINTESIO and the Technology Platforms (TP) are especially interesting projects because it is not just the technological aspect but also the social aspect – in the form of networking and collaboration – which is important.Glede na to da je Slovenija v vseh pogledih majhna dežela, bi morali razviti sodelovanje na vseh družbenih ravneh, če hočemo uspeti v globalni konkurenci – le tako bi našo majhnost spremenili v konkurenčno prednost. Zaradi te majhnosti se skorajda vsi medsebojno poznamo, kar je bilo v preteklosti temelj za sodelovanje. Nedavno tega so se v Sloveniji pojavili različni mehanizmi za spodbujanje bolj formalnih načinov sodelovanja med družbenimi subjekti, kot so centri odličnosti, tehnološka središča, grozdi, tehnološke mreže in tehnološke platforme. V Sloveniji so akterji na področju informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij vzpostavili trdno tradicijo sodelovanja med podjetji in institucijami za raziskave in razvoj, kar je velikega pomena v svetu, kjer se odvija hiter razvoj in kjer je za razvojna in raziskovalna podjetja življenjskega pomena, da kar se da hitro izdelujejo nove izdelke in rešitve, če se hočejo širiti. Danes so skorajda vsa vodilna slovenska podjetja na področju informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij člani informacijske in komunikacijske tehnološke mreže, kjer lahko najdejo prostor za sodelovanje in uspešen razvoj, proizvodnjo in prodajo integriranih in kupcu prijaznih rešitev in izdelkov. V tem prispevku bomo predstavili informacijsko in komunikacijsko tehnološko mrežo in njeno organiziranost. Posebno pozornost smo namenili predstavitvi štirih projektov, na katerih delajo člani informacijske in komunikacijske tehnološke mreže. Središče za odličnost informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij, naslednja generacija mrež, skupna uporabnost testnega laboratorija SINTESIO in pa tehnološke platforme so še posebej zanimivi projekti, kajti pri njih ni pomemben le tehnološki vidik, pač pa tudi družbeni, ki se kaže v obliki mrežnih povezav in sodelovanja

    Introduction to the Artificial Neural Networks

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    The stability of forest areas in Slovenia as a criterion of landscape diversity and durability

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    Stabilnost notranjega okolja gozdov je pomemben kazalec biotske pestrosti na krajinskem nivoju, ko se odločamo o tem, ali bi določene gozdove lahko izkrčili. Zaradi tega smo se odločili, da ocenimo stabilnost notranjega gozdnega okolja v Sloveniji med letoma 1975 in 2012, saj so nam na voljo primerljivo dovolj natančni podatki o gozdni maski za teh 38 let. Štiri vrste sprememb pokrovnosti z gozdom (stabilni negozd, krčitve, zaraščanje in stabilni gozd) pojasnjujemo z empiričnim modelom v obliki odločitvenega drevesa, ki upošteva nadmorsko višino, naklon terena, talni tip, oddaljenost vsake celice na rastrski karti od gozdnega roba v izhodiščnem letu, oddaljenost vsake celice na rastrski karti od najbližjega naselja v izhodišč- nem letu. Pojasnjevalne modele smo zgradili po metodi strojnega učenja (Quinlan, 1986) z orodjem See5 (www.rulequest. com). Natančnost izbranega modela je znašala 74,65 %. V letu 2012 so stabilni gozdovi, katerih površina se od leta 1975 ni spreminjala, pokrivali 53 % Slovenije. Izmed vseh spremenljivk najbolje pojasnjujeta spremembo rabe začetna oddaljenost od gozdnega roba in deloma naklon terena. Oddaljenost od naselij in nadmorska višina nimata opaznega vpliva.The stability of forest core areas is an important indicator of biotic diversity on a landscape level in the process of deciding whether certain forests could be cleared. Consequently, we decided to estimate the stability of forest core areas in Slovenia between 1975 and 2012, as we are in possession of sufficiently accurate data to make a comparison of forest cover for these 38 years. Four types of changes in forest coverage (stable non-forest, deforestations, overgrowing and stable forest) are explained with an empiric model designed as a decision tree, which takes into account the altitude, the slope of the terrain, ground type, the distance of each cell on a raster map from the forest edge in the base year and the distance of each cell on a raster map from the nearest settlement in the base year. Explanatory models were built using the method of machine learning (Quinlan, 1986) using See5 (www.rulequest.com). The accuracy of the chosen model was 74.65%. In 2012, stable forests covered 53 % of Sloveniatheir coverage has remained unchanged since 1975. From all the variables, land-use changes are best explained by the initial distance from the forest edge and partially by the slope of the terrain. The distance from settlements and the altitude, on the other hand, do not play a significant role

    Krajinske spremembe na območju Pivke, Slovenija

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    Spontaneous afforestation is one of the biosystemic landscape change processes affecting landscape functioning. The process of overgrowing is highly dynamic, and the temporal dimension of changes in landscape structure can be of key importance for evaluating habitat suitability. A detailed study was carried out in the area of 19.52 km2 within the Pivka municipality, where land use is a mixture of traditional farmland, forests, and extended areas of abandoned former farmland with natural re-growth. In addition, this area is highly important for two bird species: the Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria) and the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio). Both species are sensitive to forest spreading and prefer a mixture of extensive meadows with shrubs and hedgerows as their most suitable habitat. Digital BW orthophotos from the 1975 - 2000 period and colour digital orthophotos from 2009 have be enused for on screen digitizing of the EUNIS habitat classes. Indicators of landscape changes were derived from temporal based difference in the landscape structure (different structural indicators based on patch size, shape, distances and patch dynamics). All the details obtained were evaluated based on Earth observation data and GIS supported methods. The most valuable parts of the area for both species are, from a biodiversity point of view, the core forest areas and mixture of meadows with shrubs and hedgerows.Spontano zaraščanje je eden izmed biosistemskih procesov sprememb, ki vplivajona delovanje krajine. Zaraščanje je dinamično in časovna dimenzija sprememb v krajinski zgradbi je lahko ključnega pomena za ocenjevanje primernosti habitatov. Podrobnejšo analizo smo izpeljali na 19,52 km2 izbrane površine v občini Pivka, kjer gre za prostor, kjer je raba zemljišč preplet tradicionalnih kmetijskih zemljišč, gozdov in obsežnih predelov zaraščajočih se kmetijskih površin. Poleg tega je to območje zelo pomembno za dve vrst ptic: pisano penico (Sylvia nisoria) in rjavega srakoperja (Lanius collurio). Obe vrsti sta občutljivi za širjenje gozda, saj je njun habitat preplet ekstenzivnih travnikov z grmičevjem in živicami. Za zaslonsko digitalizacijo habitatnih razredov EUNIS smo uporabili digitalne črno-bele ortofoto posnetke iz obdobja 1975 - 2000 in barvni digitalni ortofoto iz leta 2009. Kazalce krajinskih sprememb smo izpeljali iz razlike v zgradbi krajine iz različnih let (različni kazalniki krajinske zgradbe, ki temeljijo na velikosti in obliki zaplat, medsebojnih razdaljah med njimi in časovni dinamiki). Vse pridobljene podatke smo ovrednotili na podlagi daljinsko pridobljenih podatkov v okolju GIS. Najvrednejši deli prostora so jedrne cone gozdov in prepleti travnikov z živicami in grmovjem

    Anaerobno ljepilo za spajanje u vakuumskoj tehnici

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    When developing a new type of high vacuum aluminium valve, we were looking for a simple and reliable technology ensuring the firmness and vacuum tightness of various constituent parts. From the economical point of view, we see that besides welding and brazing, also the use of adhesives becomes interesting for making the joints. The compatibility of joined metal parts and the thermal properties of the materials must be taken into account. We have tested the adhesive strength, degassing and permeation through many non-demountable joints made with different glues. This contribution presents some typical constructions and the results of testing of the proposed joining technology.Pored zavarivanja i lemljenja, također ljepila pružaju mogućnost čvrstog i nepropusnog spajanja vakuumskih dijelova. Usklađenost metalnih dijelova i drugih materijala i njihova toplinska svojstva moraju se pažljivo razmotriti. Ispitali smo čvrstoću lijepljenja, otpuštanje plinova i propusnost mnogih trajnih vakuumskih spojeva lijepljenih različitim ljepilima. Opisuju se tipične konstrukcije i rezultati ispitivanja spojeva

    Incretin System: New Pharmacological Target in Obese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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    Introduction: Obesity is highly prevalent in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It aggravates adverse features of the syndrome. Weight management by lifestyle intervention is often insufficient. We reviewed studies addressing the use of agents mediating through incretin system in obese PCOS


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    In an experimental study on laboratory rats we examined the digestibility of crude protein, dry matter and organic matter after the addition of different sources of fibre in the diet. A control diet was prepared to meet the nutritional requirements of growing rats. In the experimental diets a fraction of starch was replaced with a source of fibre. The apple pectin (Pectin classic AU 701 Herbstreith&Fox, degree of esterification 36-44 %), the guar gum (Fluka 09999) and the wheat bran were used. The protein source in all diets was casein. 20 young male Wistar laboratory rats (five per group) were housed in individual balance cages and fed ad libitum either a control diet, or one of the experimental diets with pectin, guar gum or wheat bran diet. During the experiment the amount of diet consumed and the weight of the animals were registered. At five days intervals urine and the faeces were collected and nitrogen, dry matter and crude ash contents were determined in the collected samples. The apparent and true digestibility of protein were significantly (P >0.05) decreased in the experimental diets as compared to the control. The true digestibility in the control diet was 92.60 %. Among the experimental diets the best value was found for wheat bran (87.93 %), and significantly (P> 0.05) lower in guar gum (84.98 %) and in pectin (84.35 %). Biological value of protein in all groups was similar, between 71.44 % and 74.75 %. The results for the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter were similar to those for crude protein, being significantly (P > 0.05) lower in the experimental groups as compared to the control, but in this case the wheat bran group had significantly (P 0.05) u pokusnim obrocima u usporedbi s kontrolnim obrokom. Prava probavljivost u kontrolnom obroku bila je 92.60%. U pokusnim obrocima najbolja je vrijednost ustanovljena za pšenične posije (87.93%) i znatno niža (P>0.05) za guar gum (84.98%) i pektin (84.35%). Biološka vrijednost bjelančevina u svim je skupinama bila slična, između 71.44% i 74.75%. Rezultati za probavljivost suhe tvari i organske tvari bili su slični rezultatima za sirove bjelančevine, znači značajno niži (P<0.05) u pokusnim skupinama u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, ali u tom je slučaju skupina s pšeničnim posijama imala značajno najnižu (P<0.05) vrijednost. Guar gum i pektin kao izvor topivog vlakna imali su sličan učinak na probavljivost hranjivih tvari, ali s druge strane pšenične posije, što sadrže više netopivog nego topivog vlakna, prouzročile su nešto drugačije reakcije


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    In an experimental study on laboratory rats we examined the digestibility of crude protein, dry matter and organic matter after the addition of different sources of fibre in the diet. A control diet was prepared to meet the nutritional requirements of growing rats. In the experimental diets a fraction of starch was replaced with a source of fibre. The apple pectin (Pectin classic AU 701 Herbstreith&Fox, degree of esterification 36-44 %), the guar gum (Fluka 09999) and the wheat bran were used. The protein source in all diets was casein. 20 young male Wistar laboratory rats (five per group) were housed in individual balance cages and fed ad libitum either a control diet, or one of the experimental diets with pectin, guar gum or wheat bran diet. During the experiment the amount of diet consumed and the weight of the animals were registered. At five days intervals urine and the faeces were collected and nitrogen, dry matter and crude ash contents were determined in the collected samples. The apparent and true digestibility of protein were significantly (P >0.05) decreased in the experimental diets as compared to the control. The true digestibility in the control diet was 92.60 %. Among the experimental diets the best value was found for wheat bran (87.93 %), and significantly (P> 0.05) lower in guar gum (84.98 %) and in pectin (84.35 %). Biological value of protein in all groups was similar, between 71.44 % and 74.75 %. The results for the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter were similar to those for crude protein, being significantly (P > 0.05) lower in the experimental groups as compared to the control, but in this case the wheat bran group had significantly (P 0.05) u pokusnim obrocima u usporedbi s kontrolnim obrokom. Prava probavljivost u kontrolnom obroku bila je 92.60%. U pokusnim obrocima najbolja je vrijednost ustanovljena za pšenične posije (87.93%) i znatno niža (P>0.05) za guar gum (84.98%) i pektin (84.35%). Biološka vrijednost bjelančevina u svim je skupinama bila slična, između 71.44% i 74.75%. Rezultati za probavljivost suhe tvari i organske tvari bili su slični rezultatima za sirove bjelančevine, znači značajno niži (P<0.05) u pokusnim skupinama u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, ali u tom je slučaju skupina s pšeničnim posijama imala značajno najnižu (P<0.05) vrijednost. Guar gum i pektin kao izvor topivog vlakna imali su sličan učinak na probavljivost hranjivih tvari, ali s druge strane pšenične posije, što sadrže više netopivog nego topivog vlakna, prouzročile su nešto drugačije reakcije

    Transbronchial needle aspiration with fiberoptic and rigid bronchoscope in thediagnosis and staging of lung cancer

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