53 research outputs found

    Efeitos de um programa prolongado de exercício na tolerância ao esforço de indivíduos com antecedentes de síndrome coronário agudo

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    Objectivos: Este estudo teve por objectivo verificar a influência de um programa prolongado de exercício físico em parâmetros de aptidão física e cardiovasculares avaliados em prova de esforço máximo, em sujeitos com diagnóstico recente de síndrome coronário agudo. Métodos: A amostra, constituída por 50 sujeitos, foi distribuída por um grupo experimental (n=25) e por um grupo controlo (n=25), tendo o grupo experimental ficado sujeito a um programa de exercício físico regular durante 52 semanas. Todos os indivíduos realizaram duas provas de esforço máximas (PEM) em tapete rolante, uma no início e a outra no final do protocolo experimental, tendo a primeira prova sido realizada 2-3 meses após o evento cardíaco. Nas PEM foram registados parâmetros de aptidão física (velocidade máxima, inclinação máxima do tapete e tempo de prova), dos indicadores metabólicos (METs máximo) e parâmetros cardiovasculares (frequência cardíaca repouso e máxima durante a prova, tensão arterial de repouso e máxima durante a prova e o duplo produto máximo e em repouso). Resultados: Comparativamente à primeira prova, na segunda PEM verificou-se no grupo experimental um aumento significativo (p<0,05) dos valores absolutos dos indicadores de aptidão física, com uma percentagem de variação destes parâmetros significativamente superior à do grupo controlo. No entanto, apesar do melhor desempenho físico evidenciado pelo grupo experimental, não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos no que respeita aos parâmetros cardiovasculares. Conclusão: Os resultados permitem concluir que o programa de exercícios se revelou vantajoso para os indivíduos do grupo experimental, tendo-lhes aumentado a tolerância ao esforço físico máximo sem uma aparente sobrecarga cardiovascular adicional.Objective:The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of a prolonged exercise program on the physical performance of patients with recent history of an acute coronary syndrome. Methods: A sample composed by 50 patients diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome was divided into a control group (n=25) and experimental group (n=25), which have participated in a 52-week exercise-training program. All patients underwent two maximal exercising tests in treadmill: the first one after 2 - 3 moths of the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome and the second test one-year latter. The following parameters were assessed in both exercising tests: functional indices (maximal velocity, maximal treadmill inclination and test duration), metabolic indices (max. MET’s) and cardiovascular indices (heart rate, blood pressure, and double product at rest and maximal value during the test). Results: The absolute values of the functional indices revealed a significant increase in the experimental group (p<0.05), from the first to the second test. The experimental group showed a percentage of variation of physical indicators significantly higher compared to the control group. Although the experimental group presented a better functional performance during the second maximal exercising test, the cardiovascular indicators did not show significant differences between groups. Conclusion: These results allow us to conclude that the exercise program was advantageous to the patients of experimental group since it increased their tolerance to maximal effort without additional heart overload compared to the pre-training stage

    Factors that influence adherence to exercise among patients attending a cardiac rehabilitation program

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    The aim of this study was to compare the factors of adherence to physical activity in subjects attending a cardiac rehabilitation program, and subjects who have withdrawal this same program using the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change. We conducted an observational, cross sectional type study, with a sample of 33 individuals (15 currently participating in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program and 18 who no more attended the same program), with the questionnaires being personally delivered or sent by mail. For data analysis, we used the computer program SPSS® version 16.0. The significance level was set at 0.05. There were no significant differences in the states of Change, Self-efficacy, Decisional Balance and Change Processes in both groups. We obtained a high Spearman correlation between States of Change and Self-efficacy (r2 = 0.778) and the Pros (r2 = 0.764) and Againsts (r2 = -0.744) in Decisional Balance. However, there were no significant evidence to affirm that States of Change and experiential processes of change (p = 0.465) andbehavioral (p = 0.300) had a correlation. A relationship was found, in terms of proportions between physical activity incorporated or not in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program and age (p = 0.003), occupation (p = 0.010) and the entity paying the costs of program (p = 0.027). It was concluded that perceived self-efficacy and Pros and Againsts of the Decisional Balance are related to adherence to physical activity. Results also point out that age, profession and the entity paying the costs of the program influences the dropout of Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs

    Aprendizagem gamificada da auscultação pulmonar no 1.º ano do curso de fisioterapia – ESS-P.PORTO

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    A auscultação pulmonar (AP) é fundamental para a fisioterapia respiratória, porém os resultados dependem da experiência e capacidade do examinador para distinguir e interpretar sons respiratórios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Associação entre o nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso dos membros inferiores

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    Objectivo: Verificar a associação entre o nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso dos membros inferiores e a existência de um nível profilático. Métodos: A 49 estudantes, aplicouse o Questionário Internacional Actividade Física, avaliou-se o refluxo venoso pelo ecodoppler e a resistência do tricípite sural por um teste de fadiga local. Resultados: O nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso dos membros inferiores estão associados (p=0,013). Estudantes com menores índices físicos apresentaram piores resultados. Conclusão: O nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso estão associados. Não foi possível inferir acerca do nível de actividade física mais adequado.Objective: Determine if the physical activity level and the venous reflux of lower limbs are related and if there is a prophylactic level. Methods: 49 students answered the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, made an eco-doppler to evaluate the venous reflux and a local fatigue protocol of triceps surae to evaluate the muscular resistance. Results: The physical activity level and the venous reflux of lower limbs are related (p=0,013). Reduced activity levels are verified in students with the worst results. Conclusion: The physical activity level and the venous reflux are related. No conclusions were achieved about the ideal physical activity level

    Relação entre a idade e os efeitos da reabilitação cardíaca em pacientes coronários: efeitos de um programa de reabilitação cardíaca de 2 anos (fase III) em parâmetros avaliados em provas de esforço

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    Analisar a influência da Idade nos efeitos de um Programa de Reabilitação Cardíaca Fase III, em pacientes coronários, analisando Provas de Esforço. Amostra constituída pelo Grupo Meia-idade, <65 anos, e Grupo Idosos, ≥65 anos, tendo sido recolhidos o Índice de Massa Corporal, Velocidade e Inclinação máximas, Tempo de Prova, VO2 máximo teórico, Tensão Arterial basal, máxima e de recuperação, Frequência Cardíaca máxima, Percentagem da Frequência Cardíaca máxima teórica, Duplo Produto máximo e Tempo de Recuperação. RESULTADOS: Sem diferenças significativas, entre os dois grupos, em nenhum parâmetro. A Idade não influenciou os efeitos do Programa de Reabilitação Cardíaca.Analyze the influence of Age on the effects of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Phase III, in coronary patients, examining Stress Testing’s. The sample consists in a Middle Age Group, <65 years, and Elderly Group, ≥ 65 years, where were collected the Body mass index, Maximum velocity and inclination, Time trial, Theoretical maximum VO2 , Basal, maximum and recovery blood pressure, Maximum heart rate, Percentage of theoretical maximum heart rate, Maximum double product and Recovery time. No significant differences between the two groups in any parameter. Age didn’t influence the effects of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program

    Evaluation of ultrasound, ultrasonophoresis and homeopathic mesotherapy on Cellulite treatment

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    Cellulite is a complex architectural disorder with multifactorial etiologies that is prevalent in 98% of the women (1). Nowadays several aesthetic treatments are being used: surgical, cosmetic, physical, mechanical, and thermal. (2) Most treatments lack a substantial proof of efficacyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficacy of low-level laser therapy on scar tissue

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    Physiotherapy has a very important role in the maintenance of the integumentary system integrity. There is very few evidence in humans. Nevertheless, there are some studies about tissue regeneration using low-level laser therapy (LLLT). Aim: To analyze the effectiveness of LLLT on scar tissue. Methods: Seventeen volunteers were stratified by age of their scars, and then randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG) — n = 9 – and a placebo group (PG) – n = 8. Fifteen sessions were conducted to both the groups thrice a week. However, in the PG, the laser device was switched off. Scars’ thickness, length, width, macroscopic aspect, pain threshold, pain perception, and itching were measured. Results: After 5 weeks, there were no statistically significant differences in any variable between both the groups. However, analyzing independently each group, EG showed a significant improvement in macroscopic aspect (p = 0.003) using LLLT. Taking into account the scars’ age, LLLT showed a tendency to decrease older scars’ thickness in EG. The intervention with LLLT appears to have a positive effect on the macroscopic scars’ appearance, and on old scars’ thickness, in the studied sample. However, it cannot be said for sure that LLLT has influence on scar tissue

    Impact of a 10 km race on inflammatory and cardiovascular markers: comparison between trained and untrained recreational adults

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    Previous studies have found that trained athletes had lower changes in circulating levels of inflammatory biomarkers and cardiovascular stress than untrained athletes, upon prolonged or exhausting exercise. Particularly, recreational runners with less training showed higher risk of cardiac injury and dysfunction after a marathon. Presently, we are observing a steadily growing number of young and older adults engaging in running events without having a professional orientation or training, emphasizing the need to assess biochemical markers that allow the evaluation of the acute changes imposed in these recreational athletes. To compare the immediate and 24-hour effects of a 10-km run on inflammatory and cardiovascular biomarkers between recreational athletes, with and without specific running training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of four sessions of aerobic exercise with abdominal radiofrequency in adipose tissue in healthy women: Randomized control trial

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    Abdominal adiposity is a cardiovascular risk factor; it is assumed that the combination of radiofrequency and physical exercise may decrease this excess of adipose tissue. To analyze the effect of four intervention sessions on abdominal adipose tissue. The study analyzes the effect of four sessions of aerobic exercise combined with radiofrequency. Participants were 28 healthy female volunteers, aged 18-28 years, randomly assigned to an experimental group and a placebo group. They were characterized by a sociodemographic questionnaire, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Food Frequency Questionnaire. The groups performed four sessions of abdominal radiofrequency followed by moderate aerobic exercise, assessing body mass, body mass index, fat mass, waist circumference, waist/height ratio, subcutaneous adipose thickness, and horizontal abdominal adipose fold at the first and fourth sessions. In the experimental group, a percentage of potency was used that allowed to maintain the temperature between 40°C and 42°C to the epidermis. In the placebo group, the power of the radiofrequency was 0 W. To compare results, Student's t test was used for a significance level of 0.05. There was a statistically significant decrease in waist circumference, abdominal subcutaneous adipose thickness, and horizontal abdominal fold in the experimental group compared to the placebo group (P < 0.05).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Petrha – Physiotherapy ETraining Re-Habilitation

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    PETRHA (Physiotherapy E-Training Re- Habilitation), é um projeto europeu para desenvolvimento de um jogo sério on-line de casos clínicos virtuais, destinado a ser utilizado por estudantes e profissionais de Fisioterapia no treino de competências clínicas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio