3 research outputs found

    Obilježja fraktura kostiju lica i vezane ozljede mekog tkiva: retrospektivna studija na 1007 pacijenata

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    Background: Knowing the severity of a pathology in a population helps to both establish a rapid diagnosis and to prepare medical staff to provide adequate and complete treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the patterns of maxillofacial fractures and their associated soft tissue injuries in order to identify the specific types of maxillofacial fractures with the highest incidence of associated soft tissue injuries. Methods: A 10-year retrospective evaluation of maxillofacial trauma was performed on 1007 patients. All 1007 patients were clinically and paraclinically confirmed to have facial skeletal injuries. Results: The highest incidence of maxillofacial fractures was found in the mandible (62.16%), the mandibular angle being the most frequently involved (28.84%). Most of the fractures were complete (97.82%), displaced (87.98%) and closed (86.30%). Hematoma was the most common associated soft tissue injury (44.79%). In mandibular trauma, the incidence of hematoma and laceration was the highest in angle and simultaneous multiple fracture lines (p=0.002). In the midface, hematoma was more frequently associated with non-comminuted zygomatic bone fractures (p=0.003), while laceration was associated with multiple underlying fracture lines (p=0.002). Conclusions: Patients presenting with hematomas will most frequently have an underlying single closed fracture line, while patients with lacerations will most frequently present underlying multiple and displaced fractures.Pozadina: Poznavanje težine dane patologije u populaciji pomaže u bržem postavljanju dijagnoze i pripremanju medicinskog osoblja na pružanje adekvatnog i kompletnog liječenja. Cilj ove studije bio je odrediti karakteristike maksilofacijalnih fraktura i vezanih ozljeda mekog tkiva kako bi se odredile vrste maksilofacijalnih fraktura s najvišom pojavnosti vezanih ozljeda mekog tkiva. Metode: Provedena je retrospektivna analiza maksilofacijalnih trauma na 1007 pacijenata u razdoblju od 10 godina. Kod svih 1007 pacijenata je klinički i paraklinički potvrđeno prisustvo ozljeda facijalnog skeleta. Rezultati: Najviša pojavnost maksilofacijalnih fraktura nađena je u mandibuli (62,16%), pri čemu je kut mandibule bio najčešće zahvaćen (28,84%). Većina je fraktura bila potpuna (97,82%), dislocirana (87,98%) i zatvorena (86,30%). Hematomi su bila najčešća vezana ozljeda mekog tkiva (44,79%). U mandibularnim traumama je pojavnost hematoma i laceracija bila najviša u kutnim prijelomima i kod simultanih višestrukih linija prijeloma (p=0,002). U srednjem licu, hematomi su bili češći u ne-kominutivnim zigomatičnim frakturama (p=0,003), dok su laceracije bile povezane s višestrukim frakturnim linijama (p=0,002). Zaključci: Pacijenti s hematomima će najčešće imati jednu zatvorenu liniju frakture, dok će pacijenti s laceracijama najčešće imati višestruke i dislocirane frakture

    The Use of Allograft Bone in the Lateral Approach of Sinus Floor Elevation: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies

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    Background and Objectives: The aim of this systematic review was to assess the efficiency of using allografts for sinus lift. Materials and Methods: This systematic review was written under the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and recommendation of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Three electronic databases were screened until October 2023. The risk of bias was assessed according to the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines. Statistical analysis was performed for median bone volume and implant survival rate. Results: From 321 articles retrieved, 7 articles were included in this review. A comparison between freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA) and deproteinized bovine bone (DBB) for mean bone volume indicated a weighted mean difference (WMD) of −0.17 [−0.69, 0.36] (95% confidence interval (CI)), p = 0.53. For implant survival rate, a comparison was made between FDBA and autogenous bone indicating a risk ratio (RR) of 1.00 [0.96, 1.05] (95% CI), p = 1.00. Conclusions: The available evidence suggested that allograft bone can be used in sinus lift procedures. The results obtained are insufficient to compare with other types of bone graft, requiring a longer follow-up time. Future clinical trials are needed in order to evaluate the advantages of using allograft bone


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