7 research outputs found

    The influence of contact relaxation on underwater noise emission and seabed vibrations due to offshore vibratory pile installation

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    The growing interest in offshore wind leads to an increasing number of wind farms planned to be constructed in the coming years. Installation of these piles often causes high underwater noise levels that harm aquatic life. State-of-the-art models have problems predicting the noise and seabed vibrations from vibratory pile driving. A significant reason for that is the modeling of the sediment and its interaction with the driven pile. In principle, linear vibroacoustic models assume perfect contact between pile and soil, i.e., no pile slip. In this study, this pile-soil interface condition is relaxed, and a slip condition is implemented that allows vertical motion of the pile relative to the soil. First, a model is developed which employs contact spring elements between the pile and the soil, allowing the former to move relative to the latter in the vertical direction. The developed model is then verified against a finite element software. Second, a parametric study is conducted to investigate the effect of the interface conditions on the emitted wave field. The results show that the noise generation mechanism depends strongly on the interface conditions. Third, this study concludes that models developed to predict noise emission from impact pile driving are not directly suitable for vibratory pile driving since the pile-soil interaction becomes essential for noise generation in the latter case

    Vortex-induced vibrations of a freely vibrating cylinder near a plane boundary: experimental investigation and theoretical modelling

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    This work reports on experiments that were performed with a freely vibrating cylinder exposed to currents and placed near a plane boundary parallel to the cylinder axis. It is observed that the proximity of the boundary affects the vertical response of the cylinder in two ways: (i) for gaps between 0.75 and 2 diameters (D), the amplitude of oscillation is reduced; (ii) for gaps smaller than 0.75D, the cylinder impacts the boundary, resulting in an increase of amplitudes and frequencies of oscillations as the flow is accelerated. The in-line force acting on the cylinder is also examined, and the dependency of its harmonic components on the flow velocity and distance to the boundary is evaluated. Besides the typical amplification of the mean component inside the lock-in region, it is also observed that as the cylinder is placed closer to the boundary, the harmonic component with the frequency of the vertical oscillations increases, while the component with twice that frequency decreases in similar amount. Based on the experimental observations, an existing wake-oscillator model for vortex-induced vibrations is enhanced in order to account for the effect of the boundary. The proposed model introduces an effective damper that is activated when the cylinder reaches a certain distance from the boundary, and a damper/spring set representing the rigidity of the boundary and the dissipation of energy due to impact

    In-plane vibration of rotating rings using a high order theory

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    In-plane dynamics of rotating rings on elastic foundation is a topic of continuous research, especially in the field of tire dynamics. When the inner surface of a ring is connected to a stiff foundation, the through-thickness variation of radial and shear stress needs to be accounted for. This effect is often overlooked in the ring models proposed in the literature. In this paper, a new high order theory is developed for the in-plane vibration of rotating rings whose inner surface is connected to an immovable hub by distributed springs while the outer surface is stress-free. The high-order terms are chosen such that the boundary conditions at the inner and outer surfaces are satisfied at all times. Instability, which is usually overlooked in the literature, is predicted using the present model. Resonant speeds are investigated, at which modes appear as a stationary displacement pattern to a space-fixed observer. The exact satisfaction of boundary conditions at the inner and outer ring surfaces together with the through-thickness variation of the radial and shear stresses are shown to be of significant importance when the ring rotates at high speeds or is supported by relatively stiff foundation