17 research outputs found

    Identificação de locais de teste para melhoramento de soja no Sul do Brasil

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    The objective of this work was to identify core locations in two soybean macroregions in Brazil for the evaluation and selection of soybean (Glycine max) lineages. Twenty-two cultivars were tested in 23 locations in these two macroregions (MR1 and MR2), during four years, from 2012 to 2015. Trials were conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. All analyses were performed using the GGEbiplot software. The genotype main effects plus genotype × location interaction + genotype main effects plus genotype × environment interaction and genotypic effect vs. genotype x environment effect analyses were used to identify core locations, i.e., locations with high representativeness and consistency of results. Chapada, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and Maracaju, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, were the core locations in MR1 and MR2, respectively. These locations were the most representative and consistent over the years, and the genotypic effect explained a high proportion of phenotypic variance.O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar locais-chave de teste em duas macrorregiões sojícolas no Brasil, para avaliação e seleção de linhagens de soja (Glycine max). Foram testadas 22 cultivares em 23 locais, nessas duas macrorregiões (MR1 e MR2), durante quatro anos, de 2012 a 2015. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Todas as análises foram realizadas com uso do programa GGEbiplot. As análises efeito principal de genótipo mais interação genótipo × local + efeito principal de genótipo mais interação genótipo × ambiente e efeito genotípico vs. efeito do genótipo x ambiente foram utilizadas para identificar locais de teste, isto é, locais com alta representatividade e consistência de resultados. Chapada, no Rio Grande do Sul, e Maracaju, no Mato Grosso do Sul, foram os principais locais em MR1 e MR2, respectivamente. Estes locais foram os mais representativos e consistentes ao longo dos anos, e o efeito genotípico explicou uma alta proporção da variância fenotípica

    Yield potential of modern soybean cultivars under high and low input levels

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de rendimento de grãos de cultivares de soja (Glycine max) modernas submetidas a níveis alto e baixo de manejo de insumos, em diferentes datas de semeadura, na região Sudoeste do Paraná, Brasil. O experimento foi realizado nas safras de 2017/2018 e 2018/2019, no município de Itapejara D’Oeste. Cinco cultivares de soja (BMX Zeus IPRO, BMX Ativa RR, BMX Lança IPRO, NS 5445 IPRO e NA 5909 RG) foram avaliadas em quatro ambientes formados pela combinação de nível de manejo de insumos (alto e baixo) e datas de semeadura (primeira e segunda). O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. As características avaliadas foram: potencial de rendimento de grãos (kg ha-1), no estádio fenológico R5; e rendimento de grãos (kg ha-1) e seus componentes, no estádio R8. A cultivar, a época de semeadura e o manejo dos insumos são determinantes para a maximização do potencial produtivo dos grãos. Na primeira data de semeadura, em outubro, a cultivar BMX Zeus IPRO apresenta melhor resposta ao manejo de alto nível, com maior potencial produtivo no estádio R5 (19.682 kg ha-1) e maior produtividade de grãos (8.248 kg ha-1), enquanto NA 5909 RG apresenta os melhores resultados com baixo manejo de insumos.The objective of this work was to evaluate the grain yield potential of modern soybean (Glycine max) cultivars subjected to high- and low-input management levels on different sowing dates, in the southwestern region of the state of Paraná, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 crop seasons in the municipality of Itapejara D’Oeste. Five soybean cultivars (BMX Zeus IPRO, BMX Ativa RR, BMX Lança IPRO, NS 5445 IPRO, and NA 5909 RG) were evaluated in four environments formed by the combination of input management levels (high and low) and sowing dates (first and second). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replicates. The evaluated traits were: grain yield potential (kg ha-1), in the R5 phenological stage; and grain yield (kg ha-1) and its components, in the R8 stage. Cultivar, sowing date, and input management are determinant for maximizing grain yield potential. In the first sowing date, in October, the BMX Zeus IPRO cultivar shows a better response to the high level management, with a higher yield potential in the R5 stage (19,682 kg ha-1) and a higher grain yield (8,248 kg ha-1), whereas NA 5909 RG shows the best results with the low input management

    Desempenho agronômico de cultivares modernas de soja em ensaios multiambientes

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive performance, and the adaptability and stability parameters of modern soybean (Glycine max) cultivars in multi-environment trials, as well as to identify the ideal genotypes for eight growing environments in Brazil. A randomized complete block experimental design was carried out, with three replicates, for the evaluation of 46 soybean cultivars in eight environments, in the microregions of adaptation 102, 201, and 202, in the 2014/2015 crop season. A complex genotype x environment interaction occurred, with changes in the ranking of genotypes among locations. The NA 5909 RG, M6410IPRO, NS 5959 IPRO, NS6823RR, M5917IPRO, NS 6767 RR, and 6563RSF IPRO cultivars showed the highest mean yields. The NA 5909 RG, NS6823RR, M6410IPRO, and NS 5959 IPRO cultivars showed high adaptability and stability and high grain yield, in the evaluated environments, and were ranked next to the ideal genotype for the analyzed environments. There are modern soybean cultivars, which are adapted, stable, and highly productive, for cultivation in the microregions 102, 201, and 202 for soybean crop adaptation in Brazil.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo, a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade de cultivares modernas de soja (Glycine max), em ensaios multiambientes, assim como identificar os genótipos ideais para oito ambientes de cultivo no Brasil. Utilizou-se um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, para a avaliação de 46 cultivares em oito ambientes, nas microrregiões de adaptação 102, 201 e 202, na safra 2014/2015. Ocorreu interação genótipo x ambiente complexa, com alterações do ranqueamento de cultivares entre os locais. As cultivares NA 5909 RG, M6410IPRO, NS 5959 IPRO, NS6823RR, M5917IPRO, NS 6767 RR e 6563RSF IPRO apresentaram as maiores médias produtivas. As cultivares NA 5909 RG, NS6823RR, M6410IPRO e NS 5959 IPRO apresentaram elevada adaptabilidade e estabilidade e alta produtividade de grãos, nos ambientes avaliados, e posicionaram-se próximo do que seria considerado ideal para os ambientes analisados. Há cultivares modernas de soja adaptadas, estáveis e com elevada produtividade, para o cultivo nas microrregiões 102, 201 e 202 de adaptação da cultura da soja no Brasil

    Combining ability of wheat genotypes estimated by multivariate analysis

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar capacidades de combinação de genótipos de trigo por meio de análise multivariada, de modo a identificar cruzamentos com desempenho superior. Foram cruzados oito genitores de trigo, na forma de dialelo completo, sem os recíprocos. Os cruzamentos e o avanço de geração foram realizados em 2007 no esquema de semeadura em linha cheia, e os híbridos foram avaliados em 2008, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância uni e multivariada, análise de componentes principais e análise dialélica parcial e multivariada. Os genitores de melhor desempenho para capacidade geral de combinação para os caracteres do grupo 1 (rendimento de grãos, massa de mil grãos, massa de espiga e número de grãos por espiga) e do grupo 2 (dias da emergência à floração, dias da floração à maturação e estatura de planta) foram as cultivares BRS Guamirim e Fundacep Raízes, respectivamente. Os cruzamentos 'BRS Guamirim' x 'Fundacep Cristalino' (para os caracteres do grupo 1) e 'Abalone' x 'Fundacep Cristalino' e 'Abalone' x 'Fundacep Raízes' (para os caracteres do grupo 2) destacam-se pela capacidade específica de combinação.The objective of this work was to estimate the combining ability of wheat lines using multivariate analysis, in order to identify crossing combinations with superior performance. Eight wheat parental lines were crossed in a complete diallel design without reciprocals. Crosses and advanced generations were obtained in the year 2007 in a full-line sowing system, and the hybrids were evaluated in 2008, in a randomized block design with three replicates. The data were treated using and multivariate , principal component analysis, and partial and multivariate diallel analyses. The cultivar BRS Guamirim was the parental genotype with the best performance for general combining ability for group 1 traits (grain yield, thousand grains weight, spike weight and number of grains per spike), whereas the cultivar Fundacep Raízes was the best for group 2 traits (days from emergence to bloom, days from bloom to maturation, and plant height). 'BRS Guamirim' x 'Fundacep Cristalino' (for group 1 traits) and 'Abalone' x 'Fundacep Cristalino' and 'Abalone' x 'Fundacep Raízes' (for group 2 traits) were the best crossings for specific combining ability

    Resistance pattern of white oat genotypes to crown rust in the definition of crosses

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: determinar o padrão de resistência/suscetibilidade de 20 genótipos de aveia a 40 isolados de Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, coletados em três municípios do Rio Grande do Sul; o padrão de virulência/avirulência desses isolados contra os genótipos de aveia; e indicar genitores para a geração de populações com elevada resistência à ferrugem-da-folha. Os padrões de resistência de Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae e o de virulência/avirulência dos isolados foram determinados pela avaliação da reação desencadeada pela aspersão dos isolados deste fungo em plântulas de genótipos de aveia. A seleção de genitores foi baseada no índice de complementação de cultivares, proposto neste trabalho. Os genótipos que expressaram resistência ao maior número de isolados foram FAPA6, URS20, UPFA20, CFT1 e FAPA5, ao passo que os genótipos UFRGS15, UPF15, UPF18, UPF19 e UPF16 evidenciaram suscetibilidade ao maior número de isolados. Os cruzamentos mais indicados entre os genótipos estudados são: FAPA6 x Albasul, URS22 x FAPA6, CFT1 x URPEL15 e CFT1 x UFRGS19.The objectives of this work were: to determine the resistance/susceptibility pattern of 20 elite oat genotypes to 40 isolates of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae; to determine the pattern of virulence/avirulence of isolates collected in three counties of Rio Grande do Sul to the oat genotypes studied; and to indicate potential parents for the generation of populations with high crown rust resistance. The resistance pattern of oat genotypes and the virulence/avirulence of the fungi were determined by the analysis of the reaction incited by the inoculation of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae isolates into seedlings of oat genotypes. The selection of genitors was based on the cultivar complementation index proposed in this work. Genotypes expressing resistance to the larger number of isolates were FAPA6, URS20, UPFA20, CFT1 and FAPA5, while UFRGS15, UPF15, UPF18, UPF19 and UPF16 were susceptible to a higher number of isolates. The following crosses are indicated: FAPA6 x Albasul, URS22 x FAPA6, CFT1 x URPEL15 and CFT1 x UFRGS19

    Efficiency of Using Tuned Mass Damper to Reduce Damage after Strong Earthquakes

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    The efficiency of applying tuned mass damper is substantiated for reducing the damageability of structures under strong earthquakes. Two models of structure damage accumulation are considered. The first model is elastoplastic one, the damage degree of the model being determined by the work of plastic deformation forces. The second model is a model with degrading rigidity the damage degree of the model is connected with the development of cracks and is determined by the maximum displacement of the structure in its loading history. For the first type of nonlinearity, i.e. the first model there is an amplitude-frequency characteristic and the optimum tuning of the mass damper corresponds to the maximum of this characteristic. For the second model of accumulation of damages there is no frequency response, therefore the mass damper tuning obtained with harmonic action on the elastic system was used. Calculations of the system with mass damper and without it using earthquake accelerograms have been carried out. Accelerograms, the most unfavorable in terms of the spectral composition for the structures under consideration, were chosen taking into account peak accelerations and energy characteristics of the seismic action. It has been established for elastoplastic systems that tuned mass damper reduces the time of the structure being in plastic stage and the work of plastic deformation forces. For systems with degrading stiffness tuned mass damper reduces the maximum movement of the system in its loading history

    Efficiency of Using Tuned Mass Damper to Reduce Damage after Strong Earthquakes

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    The efficiency of applying tuned mass damper is substantiated for reducing the damageability of structures under strong earthquakes. Two models of structure damage accumulation are considered. The first model is elastoplastic one, the damage degree of the model being determined by the work of plastic deformation forces. The second model is a model with degrading rigidity the damage degree of the model is connected with the development of cracks and is determined by the maximum displacement of the structure in its loading history. For the first type of nonlinearity, i.e. the first model there is an amplitude-frequency characteristic and the optimum tuning of the mass damper corresponds to the maximum of this characteristic. For the second model of accumulation of damages there is no frequency response, therefore the mass damper tuning obtained with harmonic action on the elastic system was used. Calculations of the system with mass damper and without it using earthquake accelerograms have been carried out. Accelerograms, the most unfavorable in terms of the spectral composition for the structures under consideration, were chosen taking into account peak accelerations and energy characteristics of the seismic action. It has been established for elastoplastic systems that tuned mass damper reduces the time of the structure being in plastic stage and the work of plastic deformation forces. For systems with degrading stiffness tuned mass damper reduces the maximum movement of the system in its loading history