8 research outputs found

    NCSA Mosaic: a global hypermedia system

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    Supporting "what-if" in touch-screen web applications

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    Surface computing encourages exploratory interaction, and many applications are designed to work this way. In essence, the fluid interaction causes the user to ask "What if?" We suggest this requires support for recording the history of such explorations and allowing reversion to earlier states. There are currently a variety of related mechanisms, but they are either underpowered for the sort of interaction history management we suggest is needed, or are restricted to very specific domains. We present a prototype implementation of an interaction history manager: Ra is a JavaScript library for supporting this exploration and version tracking in web applications. We illustrate the interface for end users seen in augmenting simple web applications; we describe the underlying technical architecture, which uses ES6 Proxy objects to maintain access to the application's model; and we present the API, which allows an existing application to include Ra with minimal code change

    L’impresa significante

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    Since 2008, a research team of Management Department (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) has been conducting various action-research projects to support the strategy reconsideration of many businesses, with the supervision of the author of the present paper. These experiences lead to the Significant Business Manifesto, which aspires to imagine a new entrepreneurial model for all the Italian businesses, but inspiring even for the single one. The proposed model is structured on gradually more actionable levels: vision, mission, strategy, and business model. Such levels should characterize the ideal type of Italian business and should guide the related questions which every actual business needs to answer