54 research outputs found

    Giant volume magnetostriction in the Y 2

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    An investigation of the Y2Fe17 compound belonging to the class of intermetallic alloys of rare-earth and 3d-transition metals is presented. The magnetization, magnetostriction, and thermal expansion of the Y2Fe17 single crystal were studied. The forced magnetostriction and magnetostriction constants were investigated in the temperature range of the magnetic ordering close to the room temperature. The giant field induced volume magnetostriction was discovered in the room temperature region in the magnetic field up to 1.2 T. The contributions of both anisotropic single-ion and isotropic pair exchange interactions to the volume magnetostriction and magnetostriction constants were determined. The experimental results were interpreted within the framework of the Standard Theory of Magnetostriction and the Landau thermodynamic theory. It was found out that the giant values of the volume magnetostriction were caused by the strong dependence of the 3d-electron Coulomb charge repulsion on the deformations and width of the 3d-electron energy band


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    The electric field strength calculations inside porous alumina barrier layer during electrochemical anodizing in aqueous solutions of oxalic acid at a forming voltage of 90 to 250 V have been performed. The configuration of porous alumina cells with a porosity from 1 to 10 % have been used as the input data for calculations. It is found that the value of electric field strength inside porous alumina reaches 1010-1011 V/m. New phenomena and effects, appeared during alumina anodizing process with high forming voltages, have been analyzed.Представлены результаты расчета электрического поля в пористом оксиде алюминия при электрохимическом анодировании в электролитах на основе водных растворов щавелевой кислоты при напряжениях от 90 до 250 В. Для расчета использовались конфигурации ячеек пористых оксидов алюминия с пористостью от 1 до 10 %. Рассмотрены новые явления и эффекты, возникающие в процессе пористого анодирования алюминия при высоких напряжениях, когда напряженность электрического поля внутри пористого оксида алюминия достигает величин 1010-1011 В/м


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    Aim. To estimate risk factors and comorbidity structure, cardiovascular diseases outcomes, evaluate their diagnostics and treatment quality in real outpatient practice using a register of patients with arterial hypertension (HT), ischemic heart disease (IHD), chronic heart failure (CHF) and atrial fibrillation (AF) in the Ryazan Region – the territorial subject ofRussian Federation with high cardiovascular mortality rate.Material and methods. The total of 1000 HT, IHD, CHF, AF patients, applied for general practitioners or cardiologists of theRyazan outpatient clinics in March-May of 2012 were sequentially enrolled in the outpatient REgister of CardioVAscular diseases (RECVASA).Results. According to outpatient cards data HT, IHD, CHF and AF were diagnosed in 99.0%; 70.9%; 74.8% and 13.7% of the 1000 cases, respectively. 820 (82%) patients revealed a concomitant cardiovascular pathology (cardiac comorbidity), at that the most frequent was combination of HT with IHD and CHF (50.4%). Diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in 209 (20.9%) patients. 770 (77%) patients were assessed on their total cholesterol level; smoking status and family history of heart diseases were estimated in 28 (2.8%) and 49 (4.9%) patients, respectively. Exercise tolerance test (stress-test) was carried out in 2% of the patients (including 2.8% of the IHD patients), 24-hour blood pressure (BP) and ECG monitoring – in 0.7% and 5.5%, respectively; echocardiography and ultrasound of brachiocephalic arteries (BCA) – in 25.6% and 8.6%, respectively; coronary angiography – in 1.6% (which includes 2.3% of the IHD patients). The following drug groups were prescribed most frequently: antiplatelet agents – in 60.4% of the cases (584 patients received acetylsalicylic acid and 20 – clopidogrel), ACE inhibitors – in 62.9%, β-blockers – in 43.9% of the patients. Target BP level was achieved in 245 of 956 cases (25.6%). 50.6% of IHD patients and 51.1% of hypercholesterolemic patients received statins.Conclusion. The pilot stage of the RECVASA study revealed a high incidence rate of cardiac comorbidity (82%) in patients with hypertension, IHD, CHF and AF, insufficient estimation of cardiovascular risk factors, inadequate frequency of stress-tests, 24-hour BP and ECG monitoring, echocardiography, BCA sonography, coronary angiography use, as well as a scarce prescription of warfarin in AF and statins in hypercholesterolemic patients. Improvement of correspondence to national guidelines is the main reserve for enhancement of diagnostics and treatment quality in patients with HT, IHD, CHF, AF and hypercholesterolemia

    Модифицированный дельфийский анализ положений и критериев качества методических рекомендаций Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов» «Применение неинвазивной вентиляции легких»

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    АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: Необходимость независимой оценки рекомендаций перед их плановым пересмотром на основе стороннего мнения компетентных специалистов не вызывает сомнений. Данный анализ позволяет адаптировать реализацию рекомендаций на рабочих местах с учетом особенностей оснащения и знаний специалистов. ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Провести анализ эффективности, безопасности и доступности выполнения в клинической практике методических рекомендаций «Применение неинвазивной вентиляции легких» с помощью модифицированного метода Дельфи. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Экспертная оценка была проведена по инициативе комитета по рекомендациям и организации исследований Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов» и состояла из трех этапов. Подготовительный этап заключался в анализе координатором экспертизы методической рекомендации «Применение неинвазивной вентиляции легких» и оформлении анкеты-опросника, состоящей из трех разделов: оценка тезис-рекомендаций; оценка критериев качества медицинской помощи и общая оценка методической рекомендации. На основном этапе разослана анкета, и респондентам предложено оценить положения по десятибалльной шкале Р. Лайкерта. Аналитический этап заключался в расчете средневзвешенной оценки, медианы и моды. При оценке положений и критериев качества оказания медицинской помощи учитывались значение медианы или моды любого положения, средневзвешенная оценка; значение медианы или моды критериев качества оказания медицинской помощи, средневзвешенная оценка. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: В экспертизе приняли участие 15 специалистов. Основные замечания и дополнения заключались в уточнении терминологии, конкретизации отдельных положений и стилистики. Участники дельфийского анализа определили возможность реализации в клинической практике положений методической рекомендации. Дефицит оборудования делает ограниченно выполнимыми лечебные мероприятия. Этот факт подтверждает низкие результаты cредневзвешенной оценки критериев качества оказания медицинской помощи. ВЫВОДЫ: Достигнут консенсус по 20 из 21 тезис-рекомендации, по 4 из 8 критериев качества оказания медицинской помощи и измененным формулировкам отдельных положений. Дельфийский анализ позволил посмотреть на реализацию методической рекомендации с позиции практикующих врачей — анестезиологов-реаниматологов, в том числе в структурных подразделениях с низким уровнем материально-технической оснащенности

    Long-term outcomes in patients after COVID-19: data from the TARGET-VIP registry

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    Aim. To assess long-term outcomes within 12 months after hospital treatment of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as part of a prospective registry.Material and methods. Outcomes in the posthospital period were assessed in 827 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 (age, 58,0±14,8 years; men, 51,3%). For periods of 30-60 days, 6 and 12 months after discharge from the hospital, cases of death, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke, hospitalization, acute respiratory viral infections/influenza were assessed. The follow-up period was 13,0±1,5 months.Results. During the follow-up period, 35 (4,2%) patients died, 6 (0,73%) and 4 (0,48%) cases of MI and stroke were registered. In addition, 142 (17%) patients were hospitalized, while 217 (26,2%) patients had acute respiratory viral infections/ influenza. Factors of age and length of intensive care unit stay were significantly associated (p<0,001) with the risk of all-cause death (hazard ratio (HR)=1,085 per 1 year of life and HR=6,98, respectively), with the risk of composite endpoint (death, non-fatal MI and stroke): HR=1,081 per 1 year of life and HP=4,47. Of the 35 deaths, 11 (31%) were within the first 30 days of follow-up, and 19 (54%) — 90 days after discharge from the hospital. A higher probability of hospitalization was associated with older age (odds ratio (OR)=1,038; p<0,001), while a higher probability of acute respiratory viral infections/influenza was associated with younger age (OR=0,976 per 1 year of life; p<0,001) and female sex (OR=1,414; p=0,03).Conclusion. A prospective follow-up of 827 patients in the TARGET-VIP registry revealed that 12-month mortality was 4,2%, while more than half of the deaths (54%) were registered in the first 90 days, including 31% — for the first month after discharge from the hospital. The most common events were hospitalizations (17,0%) and acute respiratory viral infections/influenza (26,2%), while the rarest were myocardial infarction (0,73%) and stroke (0,48%). The key factors associated with 12-month mortality in the post-COVID-19 period were older age and intensive care unit stay during the reference hospitalization. A higher readmission rate during the follow-up period was associated with older age, and the prevalence of acute respiratory viral infections /influenza during the follow-up period was associated with younger patients and female sex

    Модифицированный дельфийский анализ положений и критериев качества методических рекомендаций «Седация пациентов в отделениях анестезиологии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии»

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    АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: Подходы к седации в отделениях анестезиологии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии за последние 20 лет изменились. В 2020 г. в рубрикаторе клинических рекомендаций были размещены методические рекомендации «Седация пациентов в отделениях анестезиологии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии». ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Способствовать повышению качества планового обновления рекомендаций с помощью модифицированного дельфийского анализа положений и критериев качества текущей версии документа, размещенного в рубрикаторе клинических рекомендаций Минздрава России. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Мы использовали модифицированный метод Дельфи с двумя раундами анкетирования для выработки единого мнения. Достижение согласия специалистов было проведено в три этапа: подготовительный этап, этап обсуждений и этап выработки консенсусного заключения. Для проведения оценки был создан опросник, состоящий из 3 блоков: оценка положений методических рекомендаций; оценка критериев качества методических рекомендаций; общая оценка методических рекомендаций. Оценку производили на основании шкалы Лайкерта. Рассчитывали медиану, моду и средневзвешенную оценку. Если при оценке положений и критериев качества методических рекомендаций значение медианы или моды любого положения было менее 7, средневзвешенной оценки — менее 70 %; значение медианы или моды критериев качества менее 7,5, средневзвешенной оценки — менее 75 %, то это положение (критерий качества) должно быть рекомендовано для переработки. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Оценка положений и критериев была проведена в первом круге обсуждения. На втором круге обсуждения были окончательно выработаны предложения и рекомендации для разработчиков методических рекомендаций. Консенсус был достигнут в ходе двух раундов модифицированного анализа Дельфи. В результате проведенного анализа 16 из 21 положения и 5 из 6 критериев качества были согласованы, остальным требовалась редакция формулировки текста положения и комментария. ВЫВОДЫ: В результате независимой оценки независимыми специалистами 5 положений и 1 критерий качества были рекомендованы для редакции. Также были согласованы комментарии к этим положениям и критерию качества методических рекомендаций «Седация пациентов в отделениях анестезиологии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии»

    Prehospital Period in Patients with COVID-19: Cardiovascular Comorbidity and Pharmacotherapy During the First Epidemic Wave (Hospital Registry Data)

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    Aim. Based on the data from the register of patients with COVID-19 and community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), analyze the duration of the prehospital period, cardiovascular comorbidity and the quality of prehospital pharmacotherapy of concomitant cardiovascular diseases (CVD).Material and methods. Patients were included to the study which admitted to the FSBI "NMHC named after N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 and/or CAP. The data for prehospital therapy, information from medical histories and a patients’survey in the hospital or by telephone contact 1-2 weeks after discharge were study. The duration of the prehospital stage was determined from the date of the appearance of clinical symptoms of coronavirus infection to the date of hospitalization.Results. The average age of the patients (n=1130; 579 [51.2%] men and 551 [48.8%] women) was 57.5±12.8 years. The prehospital stage was 7 (5,0; 10,0) days and did not differ significantly in patients with the presence and absence of CVD, but was significantly less in the deceased than in the surviving patients, as well as in those who required artificial lung ventilation (ALV). 583 (51.6%) patients had at least one CVD. Cardiovascular comorbidity was registered in 222 (42.7%) patients with hypertension, 210 (95.5%) patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), 104 (91.2%) patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). The inclusion of non-cardiac chronic diseases in the analysis led to an increase in the total proportion of patients with concomitant diseases to 65.8%. Approximately a quarter of hypertensive patients did not receive antihypertensive therapy, a low proportion of patients receiving antiplatelet agents and statins for CHD was revealed – 53% and 31.8%, respectively, anticoagulants for AF – 50.9%.Conclusion. The period from the onset of symptoms to hospitalization was significantly shorter in the deceased than in the surviving patients, as well as in those who required ALV. The proportion of people with a history of at least one CVD was about half of the entire cohort of patients. In patients with CVD before COVID-19 disease, a low frequencies of prescribing antihypertensive drugs, statins, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants (in patients with AF) were recorded at the prehospital stage

    Clinical and Anamnestic Characteristics, Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy and Long-term Outcomes in Multimorbid Patients after COVID-19

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    Aim. To study the clinical and anamnestic characteristics, pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and long-term outcomes in post-COVID-19 patients with cardiovascular multimorbidity (CVMM), enrolled in the prospective hospital registry.Material and methods. In patients with confirmed COVID-19 included in the TARGET-VIP registry, the CVMM criterion was the presence of two or more CVDs: arterial hypertension (AH), coronary heart disease (CHD), chronic heart failure (CHF), atrial fibrillation (AF). There were 163 patients in the CVMM group and 382 – in the group without CVD. The information was obtained initially from hospital history sheet, and afterwards – from a telephone survey of patients after 30-60 days, 6 and 12 months, from electronic databases. The follow-up period was 13.0±1.5 months.Results. The age of post-COVID patients with CVMM was 73.7±9.6 years, without CVD – 49.4±12.4 years (p<0.001), the proportion of men was 53.9% and 58.4% (p=0.34). In the group with CVMM the majority of patients had AH (92.3-93.3%), CHD (90.4-91.4%), and minority – CHF (42.7-46.0%) and AF (42.9-43.4%). The combination of 3-4 CVDs prevailed (58.9-60.3%). The proportion of cases of chronic non-cardiac pathologies was higher in the CVMM group (80.9%) compared to the group without CVD (36.7%; p<0.001). The frequency of proper cardiovascular pharmacotherapy during the follow-up period decreased from 56.8% to 51.3% (p for trend = 0.18). The frequency of anticoagulant therapy in AF decreased significantly: from 89.1% at the discharge from the hospital to 56.4% after 30-60 days (p=0.001), 57.1% and 53.6% after 6 and 12 months of monitoring (p for a trend <0.001). There were no other significant changes in the frequency of other kinds of the proper cardiovascular pharmacotherapy (p>0.05). There were higher rate of all-cause mortality among patients with CMMM (12.9% vs 2.9%, p<0.001) as well as rates of hospitalization (34.7% and 9.9%, p<0.001) and non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) – 2.5% vs 0.5% (p=0.048). The proportion of new cases of CVD in the groups with CVMM and without CVD was 5.5% and 3.7% (p=0.33). The incidence of acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI)/influenza was higher in the group without CVD – 28.3% vs 19.0% (p=0.02). The proportion of cases of recurrent COVID-19 in groups with CVMM and without CVD was 3.7 % and 1.8% (p=0.19).Conclusion. Post COVID-19 patients with CVMM were older and had the bigger number of chronic non-cardiac diseases than patients without CVD. The quality of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy in patients with CVMM was insufficient at the discharge from the hospital with following non-significant decrease during 12 months of follow-up. The frequency of anticoagulant therapy in AF decreased by 1.6 times after 30-60 days and by 1.7 times during the year of follow-up. The proportion of new cases of CVD was 5.5% and 3.7% with no significant differences between compared groups. The rate of all-cause mortality, hospitalizations and non-fatal MI was significantly higher in patients with CVMM, but the frequency of ARVI/influenza was significantly higher in patients without CVD. Recurrent COVID-19 was registered in 3.7% and 1.8% of cases, there were no significant differences between compared groups

    Patients with a Combination of Atrial Fibrillation and Chronic Heart Failure in Clinical Practice: Comorbidities, Drug Treatment and Outcomes

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    Aim. To assess in clinical practice the structure of multimorbidity, cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and outcomes in patients with a combination of atrial fibrillation (AF) and chronic heart failure (CHF) based on prospective registries of patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD).Materials and Methods. The data of 3795 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) were analyzed within the registries RECVASA (Ryazan), RECVASA FP (Moscow, Kursk, Tula, Yaroslavl), REGION-PO and REGION-LD (Ryazan), REGION-Moscow, REGATA (Ryazan). The comparison groups consisted of 3016 (79.5%) patients with AF in combination with CHF and 779 (29.5%) patients with AF without CHF. The duration of prospective observation is from 2 to 6 years.Results. Patients with a combination of AF and CHF (n=3016, age was 72.0±10.3 years; 41.8% of men) compared with patients with AF without CHF (n=779, age was 70.3±12.0 years; 43.5% of men) had a higher risk of thromboembolic complications (CHA2DS2-VASc – 4.68±1.59 and 3.10±1.50; p<0.001) and hemorrhagic complications (HAS-BLED – 1.59±0.77 and 1.33±0.76; p<0.05). Patients with a combination of AF and CHF significantly more often (p<0.001) than in the absence of CHF were diagnosed with arterial hypertension (93.9% and 83.8%), coronary heart disease (87.9% and 53,5%), myocardial infarction (28.4% and 14.0%), diabetes mellitus (22.4% and 7.7%), chronic kidney disease (24.8% and 16.2%), as well as respiratory diseases (20.1% and 15.3%; p=0.002). Patients with AF in the presence of CHF, compared with patients without CHF, were more often diagnosed with a permanent form of arrhythmia (49.3% and 32.9%; p<0.001) and less often paroxysmal (22.5% and 46.2%; p<0.001) form  of  arrhythmia.  Ejection  fraction  ≤40%  (9.3%  and  1.2%;  p<0.001),  heart  rate  ≥90/min  (23.7% and 19.3%; p=0.008) and blood pressure ≥140/90 mm Hg (59.9% and 52.2%; p<0.001) were recorded with AF in the presence of CHF more often than in the absence of CHF. The frequency of proper cardiovascular pharmacotherapy was higher, albeit insufficient, in the presence of CHF (64.9%) than in the absence of it (56.1%), but anticoagulants were prescribed less frequently when AF and CHF were combined (38.8% and  49, 0%; p<0.001). The frequency of unreasonable prescription of antiplatelet agents instead of anticoagulants was 52.5% and 33.3% (p<0.001) in the combination of AF, CHF and coronary heart disease, as well as in the combination of AF with coronary heart disease but without CHF. Patients with AF and CHF during the observation period compared with those without CHF had higher mortality from all causes (37.6% and 30.3%; p=0.001), the frequency of non-fatal cerebral stroke (8.2% and 5.4%; p=0.032) and myocardial infarction (4.7% and 2.5%; p=0.036), hospitalizations for CVD (22.8% and 15.5%; p<0.001).Conclusion. Patients with a combination of AF and CHF, compared with the group of patients with AF without CHF, were older, had a higher risk of thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications, they were more often diagnosed with other concomitant cardiovascular and chronic noncardiac diseases, decreased left ventricular ejection fraction, tachysystole, failure to achieve the target blood pressure level in the presence of arterial hypertension. The frequency of prescribing proper cardiovascular pharmacotherapy was higher, albeit insufficient, in the presence of CHF, while the frequency of prescribing anticoagulants was less. The  incidence of mortality from all causes, the development of non-fatal myocardial infarction   and cerebral stroke, as well as the incidence of hospitalizations for CVDs were higher in AF associated with CHF