5 research outputs found

    Polymer Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Applications

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    In the present comprehensive review we have specifically focused on polymer nanocomposites used as photocatalytic materials in fine organic reactions or in organic pollutants degradation. The selection of the polymer substrates for the immobilization of the active catalyst particles is motivated by several advantages displayed by them, such as: Environmental stability, chemical inertness and resistance to ultraviolet radiations, mechanical stability, low prices and ease availability. Additionally, the use of polymer nanocomposites as photocatalysts offers the possibility of a facile separation and reuse of the materials, eliminating thus the post-treatment separation processes and implicitly reducing the costs of the procedure. This review covers the polymer-based photocatalytic materials containing the most popular inorganic nanoparticles with good catalytic performance under UV or visible light, namely TiO2, ZnO, CeO2, or plasmonic (Ag, Au, Pt, Pd) NPs. The study is mainly targeted on the preparation, photocatalytic activity, strategies directed toward the increase of photocatalytic efficiency under visible light and reuse of the hybrid polymer catalysts

    Photopolymerization Pattern of New Methacrylate Cellulose Acetate Derivatives

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    Polymeric photocrosslinked networks, of particular interest in the design of materials with targeted characteristics, can be easily prepared by grafting light-sensitive moieties, such as methacrylates, on polymeric chains and, after photochemical reactions, provide materials with multiple applications via photopolymerization. In this work, photopolymerizable urethane–methacrylate sequences were attached to free hydroxyl units of cellulose acetate chains in various proportions (functionalization degree from 5 to 100%) to study the properties of the resulting macromolecules and the influence of the cellulosic material structure on the double bond conversion degree. Additionally, to manipulate the properties of the photocured systems, the methacrylate-functionalized cellulose acetate derivatives were mixed with low molecular weight dimethacrylate derivatives (containing castor oil and polypropylene glycol flexible chains), and the influence of UV-curable composition on the photopolymerization parameters being studied. The achieved data reveal that the addition of dimethacrylate comonomers augmented the polymerization rates and conversion degrees, leading to polymer networks with various microstructures

    Exploring the Influence of Synthesis Parameters on the Optical Properties for Various CeO2 NPs

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    Cerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles were synthesized with a chemical precipitation method in different experimental conditions using cerium nitrate hexahydrate (Ce(NO3)3·6H2O) as a precursor, modifying the solution pH, the reaction time, and Co atoms as dopants, in order to tune the band gap energy values of the prepared samples. The physical characteristics of the synthesized ceria nanoparticles were evaluated by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV–Vis analyses and photoluminescence measurements. XRD data revealed a pure cubic fluorite structure of CeO2 NPs, the estimation of crystallite sizes by Scherrer’s formula indicates the formation of crystals with dimensions between 11.24 and 21.65 nm. All samples contain nearly spherical CeO2 nanoparticles, as well as cubic, rhomboidal, triangular, or polyhedral nanoparticles that can be identified by TEM images. The optical investigation of CeO2 samples revealed that the band gap energy values are between 3.18 eV and 2.85 eV, and, after doping with Co atoms, the Eg of samples decreased to about 2.0 eV. In this study, we managed to obtain CeO2 NPs with Eg under 3.0 eV by only modifying the synthesis parameters. In addition, by doping with Co ions, the band gap energy value was lowered to 2.0 eV. This aspect leads to promising results that provide an encouraging approach for future photocatalytic investigations