68 research outputs found

    Analiza factorilor de influenta a activitatii organizatiilor prestatoare de servicii publice, din perspectiva cresterii competitivitatii

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    Directiile de actiune stabilite de Guvern in vederea cresterii eficientei administratiei publice locale, precum descentralizarea administrativa si descentralizarea financiara, dar si alte masuri, printre care si parteneriatul public-privat, in paralel cu aparitia unor unitati de prestare private au condus la disparitia monopolului pe piata in cazul unor categorii de servicii publice si, implicit, la aparitia si intensificarea concurentei. De aceea, obtinerea unui avantaj competitiv a devenit un deziderat al organizatiilor prestatoare de servicii publice. Insa, pentru a deveni mai competitive si mai eficiente, este necesar ca aceste organizatii sa deruleze activitati prin intermediul carora sa identifice factorii ce le pot influenta activitatea, precum si natura si intensitatea acestor influente. Factorul politic se detaseaza cu usurinta din cadrul componentelor macromediului de marketing, deoarece toate deciziile adoptate la nivelul administratiei centrale se rasfrang in mod direct asupra economiei unui stat. De asemenea, angajatii reprezentand verigi de legatura intre clienti si organismele prestatoare de servicii publice au un rol important in cresterea eficientei si a competitivitatii organizatiei. Cunoscand acesti factori de influenta, prestatorii pot opta pentru deciziile optime, in vederea atingerii obiectivelor stabilite.servicii publice, competitivitate, functionari publici, influenta mediului de marketing, public services, competitiveness, public employees, influence of marketing environment

    How Lifestyle, Professional and Financial Criteria Influence Students’ Personal Vision to Become Entrepreneurs. Evidence from Romania

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    A personal vision is a picture of what success looks like, an idea of what people want to achievewith their lives. It influences all areas including family, well-being, leisure, morality and work. Thepurpose of this paper is to investigate different aspects that can define the personal vision of astudent who wants to start his business in the near future. The authors analysed personal visionthrough the prism of some variables identified in 3 sections: lifestyle, professional and financialcriteria, using SPSS 20.0 Software. The results pointed out that there is a relationship between thenumber of hours worked in the maturity phase of a business and the students’ priority, but alsobetween the value of personal investment and the value for the desired profit, while for those whothink that a business supports and cultivates morals, beliefs and standards, family involvement isimportant in their company running

    Factorii de succes ai planificarii strategice de marketing

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    Aceasta lucrare isi propune sa prezinte pe de o parte factorii ce asigura implementarea cu succces a planificarii, dar si modelul multidimensional al acesteia, cu cele trei laturi: analitica, comportamentala si organizationala. De asemenea, sunt dezvoltate sectiunile planului strategic, si anume: directia strategica sau declaratia de misiune; obiectivele, strategiile de crestere si portofoliul de afaceri. Fiecare dintre acestea arata aportul gandirii strategice in domeniul planificarii de marketing. Prin urmare, pentru a atinge obiectivele de marketing, managerii trebuie sa creeze o directie strategica viabila, care conecteaza tendintele pietei cu nevoile si dorintele consumatorilor.marketing, planificare strategica, pozitionare, consumatori, strategic planning, positioning, consumers

    Subjective Global Assessment and Handgrip Strength as Predictive Factors in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

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    Background and Aims. Malnutrition is common in patients with chronic liver disease. We aimed to evaluate malnutrition assessment tools in predicting severity and survival of patients with liver cirrhosis. Material and Methods. We examined patients with liver cirrhosis. Nutritional evaluation was performed on admission, using subjective global assessment (SGA), handgrip strength (HGS), and anthropometry. Patients were followed up for 6 months. Results. We included 100 patients, 72 men, with mean age of 59.2 years. According to disease severity, patients were 23% Child-Pugh A, 46% Child-Pugh B, and 31% Child-Pugh C. SGA and HGS significantly correlated with Child-Pugh, MELD, and MELD-Na scores on admission. At 6 months follow-up, 80.4% (78 of 97) of patients survived, while 3 patients were lost from observation. Survival was predicted by SGA (1 death in 32 patients SGA A, 8 deaths in 46 patients SGA B, and 9 deaths in 19 patients SGA C, p=0.001) and HGS (25.1 ± 8.5 in deceased versus 30.6 ± 10.9 in survivors, p=0.046). The mean BMI and MAMC values did not significantly differ between patients who survived or were deceased at 6 months. Conclusion. HGS and SGA may predict severity and short-term survival in cirrhotic patients

    Catalyzing Change: ESG Integration in the Global Economy for a Resilient and Responsible Future

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    Considering the global state of the current economy we can notice a slowdown across both developed and developing countries, most of them facing the risk of recession. This paper aims to explore the intersection of ESG, and the pressing challenges confronting the global economy. The article will emphasize the significance and urgency of addressing these challenges to foster sustainable growth and resilience. The study seeks to analyze potential benefits that the integration of ESG norms can bring to the global economy and highlight the reasons why it has become so crucial. The research methods employed provide an overview of the key issues with the greatest impact that are shaping the present global economy as well as how ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance factors have emerged as catalysts for change by mitigating risks, capitalizing on opportunities, and driving long-term value. The findings of this study serve as a foundation for developing more viable and resilient practices, enabling informed decision-making, and ensuring the long-term sustainable growth of the global economy overall

    Unlocking new avenues: solid-state synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers

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    Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are established artificial molecular recognition platforms with tailored selectivity towards a target molecule, whose synthesis and functionality are highly influenced by the nature of the solvent employed in their synthesis. Steps towards the "greenification" of molecular imprinting technology (MIT) have already been initiated by the elaboration of green MIT principles; developing MIPs in a solvent-free environment may not only offer an eco-friendly alternative but could also significantly influence the affinity and expected selectivity of the resulting binding sites. In the current study, the first solvent-free mechanochemical synthesis of MIPs via liquid-assisted grinding (LAG) is reported. The successful synthesis of the imprinted polymer was functionally demonstrated by measuring its template rebinding capacity and the selectivity of the molecular recognition process in comparison with the ones obtained by the conventional, non-covalent molecular imprinting process in liquid media. The results demonstrated similar binding capacities towards the template molecule and superior chemoselectivity compared to the solution-based MIP synthesis method. The adoption of green chemistry principles with all their inherent advantages in the synthesis of MIPs may not only be able to alleviate the potential environmental and health concerns associated with their analytical (e.g., selective adsorbents) and biomedical (e.g., drug carriers or reservoirs) applications but might also offer a conceptual change in molecular imprinting technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Skeletal Muscle Stem Cell Niche from Birth to Old Age

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    Stem cells are defined as undifferentiated cells that are able to unlimitedly renew themselves within controlled conditions and to differentiate into a multitude of mature cell types. Skeletal muscle stem cells, represented predominantly by satellite cells, show a variable capability of self-renewal and myogenic differentiation. They were found to be involved not only in the growth of myofibers during neonatal and juvenile life but also in the regeneration of skeletal muscles after an injury. The microenvironment in which stem cells are nourished and maintained dormant preceding division and differentiation is known as “niche.” The niche consists of myofibers, which are believed to modulate the active/inactive state of the stem cells, extracellular matrix, neural networks, blood vessels, and a multitude of soluble molecules. It was observed that changes in the composition of the niche have an impact on the stem cell functions and hierarchy. Furthermore, it seems that its layout is variable throughout the entire life, translating into a decrease in the regenerative capacity of satellite cells in aged tissues. The scope of this chapter is to provide a detailed view of the changes that occur in the skeletal stem cell niche during life and to analyze their implications on tissue regeneration. Future studies should focus on developing new therapeutic tools for diseases involving muscle atrophy

    Current Trends in Advanced Alginate-Based Wound Dressings for Chronic Wounds

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    Chronic wounds represent a major public health issue, with an extremely high cost worldwide. In healthy individuals, the wound healing process takes place in different stages: inflammation, cell proliferation (fibroblasts and keratinocytes of the dermis), and finally remodeling of the extracellular matrix (equilibrium between metalloproteinases and their inhibitors). In chronic wounds, the chronic inflammation favors exudate persistence and bacterial film has a special importance in the dynamics of chronic inflammation in wounds that do not heal. Recent advances in biopolymer-based materials for wound healing highlight the performance of specific alginate forms. An ideal wound dressing should be adherent to the wound surface and not to the wound bed, it should also be non-antigenic, biocompatible, semi-permeable, biodegradable, elastic but resistant, and cost-effective. It has to give protection against bacterial, infectious, mechanical, and thermal agents, to modulate the level of wound moisture, and to entrap and deliver drugs or other molecules This paper explores the roles of alginates in advanced wound-dressing forms with a particular emphasis on hydrogels, nanofibers networks, 3D-scaffolds or sponges entrapping fibroblasts, keratinocytes, or drugs to be released on the wound-bed. The latest research reports are presented and supported with in vitro and in vivo studies from the current literature