194 research outputs found

    Exercise and Physical Activity in the Therapy of Substance Use Disorders

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    Exercise and physical activity are constantly gaining attention as adjuvant treatment for substance use disorders, supplementing classical pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches. The present work reviews studies addressing the therapeutic effects of exercise in alcohol abuse/dependence, nicotine abuse/dependence, and illicit drug abuse/dependence. In the field of smoking cessation, evidence is strong for exercise as an effective adjuvant treatment, whereas no generalizable and methodologically strong studies have been published for alcohol and drug treatment so far, allowing only preliminary conclusions about the effectiveness of exercise in these disorders. A couple of potential mechanisms are discussed, by which exercise may act as an effective treatment, as well as future directions for studies investigating exercise as a treatment strategy for substance use disorders

    Breastfeeding woman are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency than non-breastfeeding women - insights from the German VitaMinFemin study

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    Background: Despite increased awareness of the adverse health effects of vitamin D deficiency, only a few studies have evaluated the vitamin D status (25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OHD)]) of breastfeeding women and up to now, no information exits for German breastfeeding women. Therefore, the aim of study was to determine the vitamin D status of breastfeeding women compared to non-pregnant and non-breastfeeding (NPNB) women. Methods: This cross-sectional study investigated 124 breastfeeding women and 124 age and season matched NPNB women from the German "Vitamin and mineral status among German women" study. The study participants were recruited from April 2013 to March 2015 and did not take vitamin D supplements. Serum 25(OH)D was analyzed by chemiluminescent immunoassay. Results: Vitamin D deficiency (<25.0 nmol/L) was prevalent in 26.6% of the breastfeeding women. The majority of women (49.2%) showed 25(OH)D concentration between 25.0 and 49.9 nmol/L. In multiple binary logistic regression analysis, breastfeeding women had a 4.0-fold higher odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.8, 8.7) for vitamin D deficiency than NPNB women. For breastfeeding women, the risk of vitamin D deficiency was higher in the winter and spring months (OR: 2.6, 95% CI 1.1, 6.3) and increased with lower longitude per one unit (OR 0.7, 95% CI 0.6, 0.9). Conclusion: Breastfeeding women in Germany had a higher risk of deficient vitamin D levels than NPNB women. In further studies, the optimal vitamin D status for breastfeeding women should be investigated and also the required vitamin D doses to ensure this vitamin D status. Trial registration: German Clinical Trial Register (identification number: DRKS00004789 ).Rottapharm Madaus GmbHMeda A

    Über die Begriffe 'Zufall' und 'absolute Willensfreiheit' aus ontologischer Perspektive

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    In dieser geisteswissenschaftlichen Arbeit wird der Frage nachgegangen, was man sich unter den Begriffen (absoluter/ontischer) „Zufall“ und „absolute Willensfreiheit“ aus ontologischer Sicht konkret vorzustellen hat. Damit ist gemeint: Was müsste eigentlich realiter geschehen, sodass man zu Recht behaupten könnte, dass in den zeitlich strukturierten Sphären des Physischen und/oder Mentalen ein genuiner Akt indeterministischer Kausalität stattgefunden hätte? Das Ergebnis dieser ontologischen Untersuchung besagt, dass die einem Menschen (aktuell) zur Verfügung stehenden Denkkategorien respektive ontologischen Intuitionen nicht dafür geeignet sind, ontische Zufälle oder absolut freie Entscheidungen sinnvoll darzustellen. In Bezug auf den Begriff ontischer Zufall ergibt sich des Weiteren, dass er ein „ontisch negativer“ Begriff ist, was bedeutet, dass er ausschließlich für das Fehlen von etwas (einer ontisch realen Ursache) steht und daher aus kausaler Sicht über keinerlei Wirkmacht verfügt, weswegen er als Kausalerklärung gänzlich untauglich ist. Eine Kausalerklärung, die auf einen ontischen Zufall rekurriert, ist folglich nur eine Scheinerklärung, da sie sich auf nichts ontisch Reales bezieht.This philosophical work has the topic, what it concrete means from an ontological perspective, if you talk about absolute randomness/chance or absolute freedom of will. What would have to happen, if in the temporally structured physical and/or mental sphere a genuine act of indeterministic causality took place? The result of the ontological research is that the think-categories respectively the ontological intuitions, which human beings (at the moment) have, are not capable of displaying absolute/ontic randomness or absolute free decisions. In reference to the notion "ontic randomness/chance" it further occurs that ontic randomness/chance is an "ontic negative" notion. That means that "ontic randomness/chance" refers only to the missing of something ontic real and thus this notion only seems to be a reasonable explanation, but actually it is totally useless and misleading, if it is used as a causal explanation

    Psychological Effects of Whole-body Electromyostimulation Training: a Controlled Pilot Study in Healthy Volunteers

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    Background: Whole-body electromyostimulation (WB-EMS) training is used in popular and health sports to improve muscular performance. Little is known about the possible psychological effects of WB-EMS training. The aim of the study is therefore to investigate the possible psychological effects of WB-EMS training on subjective well-being, relaxation, mood, and perceived stress. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five healthy subjects underwent conventional WB-EMS training and Sham training (without the application of electrical stimulation) as part of a randomized, controlled pilot study in a crossover design. Subjective well-being and subjective relaxation were assessed using visual analog scales, the current state of mood was assessed with Multidimensional Mood State Questionnaires (MDBF), and the current level of stress was assessed with Recovery-Stress Questionnaires/Erholungs-Belastungs-Fragebogen (RESTQEBF) before and after training. Results: WB-EMS training has a statistically significant positive effect on subjective well-being and subjective relaxation, as well as on the awake subscale of the MDBF. No significant main effect of sequence and no interaction effects were found. Also, compared to a Sham training session, a single WB-EMS training session had no significant effect on mood, nervousness, or the current level of stress. Conclusion: Besides physiological effects, WB-EMS might also have a strong psychological impact. WB-EMS could be beneficial for people who, due to their limitations, have problems training on a regular basis and with adequate training intensity

    Evidence for a hijacked brain reward system but no desensitized threat system in quitting‐motivated smokers: An fMRI study

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    Background and aims: Several aspects of how quitting-motivated tobacco use disorder (TUD) subjects and never-smokers differ in terms of reward and threat processing remain unresolved. We aimed to examine aberrant reward and threat processes in TUD and the association with smoking characteristics. Design: A between- and within-subjects functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment with a 2 (groups) × 4 (stimulus type) factorial design. The experimental paradigm had four conditions: pictures of (1) cigarettes served as drug-related-positive cues, (2) food as alternative reward cues, (3) long-term consequences of smoking as drug-related-negative cues and (4) neutral pictures as control. Setting/participants: Adult participants (n = 38 TUD subjects and n = 42 never-smokers) were recruited in Berlin, Germany. Measurements: As contrasts of primary interest, the interactions of group × stimulus-type were assessed. Significance threshold correction for multiple testing was carried out with the family-wise error method. Correlation analyses were used to test the association with smoking characteristics. Findings: The 2 × 2 interaction of smoking status and stimulus type revealed activations in the brain reward system to drug-related-positive cues in TUD subjects (between-subjects effect: P-values ≤ 0.036). As a response to drug-related-negative cues, TUD subjects showed no reduced activation of the aversive brain network. Within the TUD group, a significant negative association was found between response of the aversive brain system to drug-related-negative cues (within-subjects effect: P-values ≤ 0.021) and the number of cigarettes smoked per day (right insula r = -0.386, P = 0.024; left insula r = -0.351, P = 0.042; right ACC r = -0.359, P = 0.037). Conclusions: Moderate smokers with tobacco use disorder appear to have altered brain reward processing of drug-related-positive (but not negative) cues compared with never smokers

    Changes in Electric Brain Response to Affective Stimuli in the First Week of Antidepressant Treatment: An Exploratory Study

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    Introduction: Asymmetrical alpha and frontal theta activity have been discussed as neurobiological markers for antidepressant treatment response. While most studies focus on resting-state EEG, there is evidence that task-related activity assessed at multiple time points might be superior in detecting subtle early differences. Methods: This was a naturalistic study design assessing participants in a psychiatric in- and outpatient hospital setting. We investigated stimulus-related EEG asymmetry (frontal and occipital alpha-1 and alpha-2) and power (frontal midline theta) assessed at baseline and 1 week after initiation of pharmacological depression treatment while presenting affective stimuli. We then compared week 4 responders and nonresponders to antidepressant treatment. Results: Follow-up analyses of a significant group x emotion x time interaction (p < 0.04) for alpha-1 asymmetry showed that responders differed significantly at baseline in their asymmetry scores in response to sad compared to happy faces with a change in this pattern 1 week later. Nonresponders did not show this pattern. No significant results were found for alpha-2, occipital alpha-1, and occipital alpha-2 asymmetry or frontal midline theta power. Discussion: Our study addresses the gap in comparisons of task-related EEG activity changes measured at two time points and supports the potential value of this approach in detecting early differences in responders versus nonresponders to pharmacological treatment. Important limitations include the small sample size and the noncontrolled study design

    Effects of mineral waters on acid–base status in healthy adults

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    Background: The ‘Western diet’ typically consumed in industrialized countries is characterized by high amounts of processed cereal grains and animal products while being low in vegetables, tubers, and fruits. This dietary behavior leads to imbalances of acid–base status in favor of the acids and may cause low-grade metabolic acidosis (LGMA) that is associated with negative effects on health in the long run, including urolithiasis, bone loss, and even cardiometabolic diseases. Therefore, it has become of great interest to find dietary strategies that can be used to neutralize the acid load associated with Western diets. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the diet-dependent net acid load can be reduced by the daily consumption of mineral waters with different bicarbonate content and different potential renal acid load (PRAL). Methods: A single-centered, randomized trial including 129 healthy men and women aged from 18 to 75 years was conducted. Participants consumed 1,500–2,000 mL of one of four mineral waters with different bicarbonate content and different PRAL values daily for 4 weeks: low bicarbonate, high PRAL (LBHP, HCO3 −: 403.0 mg/L, PRAL: 10.7); medium-high bicarbonate, medium PRAL (MBMP, HCO3 − : 1816.0 mg/L, PRAL: −10.8); high bicarbonate, low PRAL (HBLP, HCO3 −: 2451.0 mg/L, PRAL: −19.3); medium-high bicarbonate, low PRAL (MBLP, HCO3 −: 1846.0 mg/L, PRAL: −22.1). Throughout the study, participants were asked to maintain their usual dietary habits. The primary outcome was the net acid excretion (NAE) measured in the 24-h urine output. Results: Consumption of the three mineral waters: MBMP, HBLP, and MBLP led to a significant decrease in NAE values. Within the MBMP group, the NAE could be reduced by 48% (P = 0.001), while consumption of HBLP led to a reduction of 68% (P < 0.001) and MBLP to a reduction of 53% (P = 0.001). Moreover, a slight increase in serum bicarbonate could also be observed in the groups that drank HBLP (P = 0.057) and MBLP (P = 0.001). Conclusion: Daily consumption of at least 1,500–2,000 mL of mineral water rich in bicarbonate (>1800.0 mg/L) with medium or low PRAL (<−11 mEq/L) can effectively reduce the NAE level by reducing the dietary acid load under free-living conditions in healthy adults

    Aversive drug cues reduce cigarette craving and increase prefrontal cortex activation during processing of cigarette cues in quitting motivated smokers

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    Aversive drug cues can be used to support smoking cessation and create awareness of negative health consequences of smoking. Better understanding of the effects of aversive drug cues on craving and the processing of appetitive drug cues in abstinence motivated smokers is important to further improve their use in cessation therapy and smoking-related public health measures. In this study, 38 quitting motivated smokers underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning while performing a novel extended cue-reactivity paradigm. Pictures of cigarettes served as appetitive drug cues, which were preceded by either aversive drug cues (e.g., smokers' leg) or other cues (neutral or alternative reward cues). Participants were instructed to rate their craving for cigarettes after presentation of drug cues. When aversive drug cues preceded the presentation of appetitive drug cues, behavioural craving was reduced and activations in prefrontal (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and paralimbic (dorsal anterior cingulate cortex [dACC] and anterior insulae) areas were enhanced. A positive association between behavioural craving reduction and neurofunctional activation changes was shown for the right dACC. Our results suggest that aversive drug cues have an impact on the processing of appetitive drug cues, both on a neurofunctional and a behavioural level. A proposed model states that aversive drug-related cues activate control-associated brain areas (e.g., dACC), leading to increased inhibitory control on reward-associated brain areas (e.g., putamen) and a reduction in subjective cravings

    Longitudinal changes in anxiety and psychological distress, and associated risk and protective factors during the first three months of the COVID‐19 pandemic in Germany

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is related to multiple stressors and therefore may be associated with psychological distress. The aim of this study was to longitudinally assess symptoms of (un-)specific anxiety and depression along different stages of the pandemic to generate knowledge about the progress of psychological consequences of the pandemic and to test the role of potential risk and resilience factors that were derived from cross-sectional studies and official recommendations. Methods: The present study uses a longitudinal observational design with four waves of online data collection (from March 27 to June 15, 2020) in a convenience sample of the general population in Germany. A total of N = 2376 participants that completed at least two waves of the survey were included in the analyses. Findings: Specific COVID-19-related anxiety and the average daily amount of preoccupation with the pandemic decreased continuously over the four waves. Unspecific worrying and depressive symptoms decreased on average but not on median level. Self-efficacy, normalization, maintaining social contacts, and knowledge, where to get medical support, were associated with fewer symptoms relative to baseline. Suppression, unhealthy habits, and a longer average daily time of thinking about the pandemic were correlated with a relative increase of symptoms. Interpretation: Our findings provide insight into the longitudinal changes of symptoms of psychological distress along the first three months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Furthermore, we were able to reaffirm the anticipated protective and risk factors that were extracted from previous studies and recommendations