10,413 research outputs found

    A characterization of arithmetical invariants by the monoid of relations

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    The investigation and classification of non-unique factorization phenomena have attracted some interest in recent literature. For finitely generated monoids, S.T. Chapman and P. Garcia-Sanchez, together with several co-authors, derived a method to calculate the catenary and tame degree from the monoid of relations, and they applied this method successfully in the case of numerical monoids. In this paper, we investigate the algebraic structure of this approach. Thereby, we dispense with the restriction to finitely generated monoids and give applications to other invariants of non-unique factorizations, such as the elasticity and the set of distances

    Model-independent calculation of SU(3)fSU(3)_f violation in baryon octet light-cone distribution amplitudes

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    In this work we present a minimal parametrization of the light-cone distribution amplitudes of the baryon octet including higher twist contributions. Simultaneously we obtain the quark mass dependence of the amplitudes at leading one-loop accuracy by the use of three-flavor baryon chiral perturbation theory (BChPT), which automatically yields model-independent results for the leading SU(3)SU(3) flavor breaking effects. For that purpose we have constructed the nonlocal light-cone three-quark operators in terms of baryon octet and meson fields and have carried out a next-to-leading order BChPT calculation. We were able to find a minimal set of distribution amplitudes (DAs) that do not mix under chiral extrapolation towards the physical point and naturally embed the Λ\Lambda baryon. Additionally they are chosen in such a way that all DAs of a certain symmetry class have a similar quark mass dependence (independent of the twist of the corresponding amplitude), which allows for a compact presentation. The results are well-suited for the extrapolation of lattice data and for model building.Comment: We have updated the text to match the version published in JHE

    Higgs Boson pair production merged to one jet

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    We develop a Monte Carlo event generator for Higgs Boson pair production merged to exact one-jet matrix elements. The matrix elements are generated with OpenLoops and event generation is performed with the HERWIG++ general-purpose event generator. This allows us to simulate fully-exclusive hadronic final states with accurate description of the kinematics of the leading jet in conjunction with a parton shower. We use the implementation to examine in detail the systematic uncertainties which result from the merging procedure. We assess the magnitude of the impact of the merging on experimental searches of Standard Model di-Higgs production that aim to constrain the Higgs boson self-coupling. We find that the use of a merged sample can reduce theoretical systematic uncertainties in the efficiencies of cuts on certain observables. This constitutes the most accurate simulation of the process available to date. The Monte Carlo event generator developed for this project is available as an add-on to the HERWIG++ event generator at http://www.itp.uzh.ch/~andreasp/hhComment: 19 pages, 10 figures, updated UR

    Emergent Leadership Detection Across Datasets

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    Automatic detection of emergent leaders in small groups from nonverbal behaviour is a growing research topic in social signal processing but existing methods were evaluated on single datasets -- an unrealistic assumption for real-world applications in which systems are required to also work in settings unseen at training time. It therefore remains unclear whether current methods for emergent leadership detection generalise to similar but new settings and to which extent. To overcome this limitation, we are the first to study a cross-dataset evaluation setting for the emergent leadership detection task. We provide evaluations for within- and cross-dataset prediction using two current datasets (PAVIS and MPIIGroupInteraction), as well as an investigation on the robustness of commonly used feature channels (visual focus of attention, body pose, facial action units, speaking activity) and online prediction in the cross-dataset setting. Our evaluations show that using pose and eye contact based features, cross-dataset prediction is possible with an accuracy of 0.68, as such providing another important piece of the puzzle towards emergent leadership detection in the real world.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Observation Centric Sensor Data Model

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    Management of sensor data requires metadata to understand the semantics of observations. While e-science researchers have high demands on metadata, they are selective in entering metadata. The claim in this paper is to focus on the essentials, i.e., the actual observations being described by location, time, owner, instrument, and measurement. The applicability of this approach is demonstrated in two very different case studies

    Progressive Taxation and Tax Morale

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    As the link between tax compliance and tax morale is found to be robust, finding the determinants of tax morale can help to understand and fight tax evasion. In this paper we analyze the effect of progressive taxation on tax morale in a cross-country approach – which has not been investigated before. Our theoretical analysis leads to two testable predictions. First, an individual’s tax morale is higher, the more progressive the tax schedule is. Second, the impact of tax progressivity on tax morale is declining in income. In our empirical analysis, we make use of a unique dataset of tax progressivity measures and follow most of the tax morale literature by employing the World Values Survey to measure tax morale. Controlling for a wide range of variables, we confirm both hypotheses in our empirical analysis.tax morale, tax compliance, progressivity, taxation, redistribution

    Progressive Taxation and Tax Morale

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    As the link between tax compliance and tax morale is found to be robust, finding the determinants of tax morale can help to understand and fight tax evasion. In this paper we analyze the effect of progressive taxation on tax morale in a cross-country approach - which has not been investigated before. Our theoretical analysis leads to two testable predictions. First, an individual's tax morale is higher, the more progressive the tax schedule is. Second, the impact of tax progressivity on tax morale is declining in income. In our empirical analysis, we make use of a unique dataset of tax progressivity measures and follow most of the tax morale literature by employing the World Values Survey to measure tax morale. Controlling for a wide range of variables, we confirm both hypotheses in our empirical analysis.Tax Morale, Tax Compliance, Progressivity, Taxation, Redistribution