79 research outputs found

    Common corporate tax base (CCTB) and effective tax burdens in the EU member states

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    The article assesses the impact of a Common Corporate Tax Base (CCTB) as promoted by the European Commission and the related Working Groups on the effective tax burdens of companies in all 27 EU member states. The results shall help to evaluate the economic consequences of introducing a harmonized set of tax accounting rules for EU-based companies. The proposals for a CCTB covered here include depreciation on intangibles, machinery, buildings, furniture and fixture, simplified valuation of inventories, determination of production costs for stocks, treatment of costs for R&D as part of production costs, provisions for future pension payments, provisions for legal obligations, avoidance of double taxation regarding dividend income, and loss relief. The proposed options for a CCTB are applied for average EU-27 corporations of different size as well as for model companies belonging to different economic sectors. --European Taxation,Tax Harmonization,Tax Accounting,Effective Tax Burdens

    Tax Harmonisation in Europe : The Determination of Corporate Taxable Income in the EU Member States

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    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we want to examine whether and if so, to what extent, the concept of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) meets the requirements of a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) for the EU-wide activities of multinationals as proposed by the European Commission. Second, we estimate the consequences on the effective levels of company tax burdens in selected EU member states if IFRS are considered as a tool for defining the tax base. Our analysis reveals that IFRS could provide elements of a common and harmonised European tax base in certain areas. In particular, tax accounting still has to follow the realisation principle. Therefore, IFRS “fair value-accounting” cannot be adopted for tax purposes. A transition to tax accounting on the basis of IFRS has only minor effects on the effective tax burdens of companies

    Common corporate tax base (CCTB) and effective tax burdens in the EU member states

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    The article assesses the impact of a Common Corporate Tax Base (CCTB) as promoted by the European Commission and the related Working Groups on the effective tax burdens of companies in all 27 EU member states. The results shall help to evaluate the economic consequences of introducing a harmonized set of tax accounting rules for EU-based companies. The proposals for a CCTB covered here include depreciation on intangibles, machinery, buildings, furniture and fixture, simplified valuation of inventories, determination of production costs for stocks, treatment of costs for R&D as part of production costs, provisions for future pension payments, provisions for legal obligations, avoidance of double taxation regarding dividend income, and loss relief. The proposed options for a CCTB are applied for average EU-27 corporations of different size as well as for model companies belonging to different economic sectors


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    The appearance of Phylloxera is undoubtedly one of the most serious events in the history of world viticulture; not only because of its destructive effects but also because of the changes it brought about and the new trends it prompted. This paper attempts to provide an outline for the study of Phylloxera, using the Murcia Region as an example, always compared to other major wine regions, particularly the old Province of Logroño (Rioja).La aparición de la filoxera es, sin duda, uno de los sucesos más importantes en la historia vitivinícola mundial. No sólo por sus efectos destructivos, sino también por los cambios que provoca y las tendencias que marca. Este articulo pretende establecer esquemáticamente unas bases para el estudio de la filoxera, aplicándolas al caso de la Región de Murcia. Siempre en comparación con otras regiones vitivinícolas importantes, particularmente la antigua provincia de Logroño


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    Algunos aspectos de la historia del sector vitivinícola riojano, 1860-1915

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