32 research outputs found

    High precision real-time location estimates in a real-life barn environment using a commercial ultra wideband chip

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    Structural changes lead to an increase in the number of dairy cows and dry sows kept per group. This has consequences in how easily a farmer can supervise his herd and may be detrimental to animal welfare, specifically regarding social relations, time budget and area of residence. An automated tracking system can support the farmer in his management activities and can provide the foundation for a scientific assessment of the welfare consequences of large groups. In this study, a relatively simple and inexpensive real time location system (RTLS) was developed with the aim of achieving precise localization of several tags (animals) in real time and in a real barn environment. The RTLS was based on the ultra-wideband (UWB) technology provided by DecaWave and was adapted for a time difference of arrival (TDoA) procedure to estimate the tags’ positions. The RTLS can handle up to a hundred tags simultaneously using a Pure ALOHA random access method at 1-second intervals. The localization of the tags was estimated in 2D on a given fixed height using a constrained Gauss-Newton algorithm to increase accuracy and stability. The performance of the overall system was evaluated in two different dairy barns. To determine the precision of the system, static and dynamic positions measured at withers height of a cow (1.5 m) and closer to the ground mimicking a lying cow were compared with a reference system (theodolite). The 2D deviations between the systems were used as a measure of precision. In addition, the scalability in respect to the number of tags and the size of the observed area was examined in situations with ten tags and the situation with 100 tags was simulated with a ten-fold increase in sampling rate. According to the field test, the system as developed can be used for the individual localization of animals. At withers height, most of the measured locations deviated less than 0.5 m from the localizations as measured by the theodolite. At lower heights, and closer to the corners of the observed area, some localization estimates were somewhat larger. This was also the case close to large metal barn infrastructure. The measured collision rate of 11% for 100 tags was low. In spite of its low price, the system as a whole is therefore promising and ready for a next step, which should include the observation of large groups of real animals on working farms

    Advances in the floristics of the Swiss flora (vascular plants) (with consideration of the regions bordering Switzerland)

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    Die vorliegende 71. Folge der «Fortschritte» enthĂ€lt 265 Fundmeldungen, die in der Zeitperiode Juli bis Dezember 2005 bearbeitet wurden. Meldungen aus frĂŒheren Jahren werden z.T. ebenfalls berĂŒcksichtigt, da die Bearbeitung einer zeitlichen Verschiebung unterliegt und Meldungen spĂ€ter als im Fundjahr eintreffen können.Aus PlatzgrĂŒnden und weil jedes Jahr unterschiedliche Mengen an Fundmeldungen eintreffen und bearbeitet werden können, werden nur die wichtigsten Fundmeldungen publiziert. In der Regel sind es Neufunde fĂŒr KartierflĂ€chen des Verbreitungsatlas, es können aber auch BestĂ€tigungsfunde publiziert werden, insbesondere zu Taxa, welche seit lĂ€ngerer Zeit in einer bestimmten FlĂ€che nicht mehr gemeldet worden sind (typischerweise Herbar- und Literaturangaben des Atlas; mit «Herb.» und «Lit.» gekennzeichnet). BestĂ€tigungsfunde können auch genauere taxonomische Information mit sich bringen, z.B. bei Taxa welche im Atlas zu einer Karte zusammengefasst wurden (mit «PrĂ€zisierung» gekennzeichnet). Die Meldungen erscheinen zudem in der PrioritĂ€t ihrer Bearbeitung und ihres Einganges. SĂ€mtliche eingehenden Fundmeldungen werden in die Datenbank aufgenommen und dienen in Zukunft bei der Erstellung neuer Verbreitungskarten, Roter Listen usw. als wichtige Grundlage

    Progress in the floristic of Swiss flora (vascular plants) (with consideration of the areas on the Swiss border)

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    Die vorliegende 70. Folge der «Fortschritte» enthĂ€lt 316 Fundmeldungen, die in der Zeitperiode Juli 2004 bis Juni 2005 bearbeitet wurden. Meldungen aus frĂŒheren Jahren werden ebenfalls berĂŒcksichtigt, da die Bearbeitung einer zeitlichen Verschiebung unterliegt und Meldungen spĂ€ter als im Fundjahr eintreffen können. Aus PlatzgrĂŒnden und weil jedes Jahr unterschiedliche Mengen an Fundmeldungen eintreffen und bearbeitet werden können, werden nur die wichtigsten Fundmeldungen publiziert. In der Regel sind es Neufunde fĂŒr KartierflĂ€chen des Verbreitungsatlas, es können aber auch BestĂ€tigungsfunde publiziert werden, insbesondere zu Taxa, welche seit lĂ€ngerer Zeit in einer bestimmten FlĂ€che nicht mehr gemeldet worden sind (typischerweise Herbarund Literaturangaben des Atlas). Die Meldungen erscheinen zudem in der PrioritĂ€t ihrer Bearbeitung und ihres Einganges. Alle eingehenden Fundmeldungen werden aber in die Datenbank aufgenommen und dienen in Zukunft bei der Erstellung neuer Verbreitungskarten, Roter Listen etc. als wichtige Grundlage

    65th Swiss Floristic Notes (2002)

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    The 65th Swiss Floristic Notes contain essentially observations communicated to the Centre of the Swiss Floristic Network during 2002. The most important of them were selected, revising all endangered species and checking the Atlas' distribution gaps. The minimal floristic information expected by the Centre is also given

    Nationwide revisitation reveals thousands of local extinctions across the ranges of 713 threatened and rare plant species

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    Despite increasing awareness of global biodiversity loss, we lack quantitative data on local extinctions for many species. This is especially true for rare species, which are typically assessed on the basis of expert judgment rather than data. Revisiting previously assessed populations enables estimation of local extinction rates and the identification of species characteristics and habitats with high local extinction risk. Between 2010 and 2016, in a nationwide revisitation study, 420 volunteer botanists revisited 8,024 populations of the 713 rarest and most threatened plant species in Switzerland recorded between 1960 and 2001. Of the revisited 8,024 populations, 27% had gone locally extinct. Among critically endangered species, the local extinctions increased to 40%. Species from ruderal and freshwater habitat types showed the highest proportion of local extinctions. Our results provide compelling evidence for rapid and widespread local extinctions and suggest that current conservation measures are insufficient. Local extinctions precede and provide early warnings for global extinctions. The ongoing loss of populations suggests that we will lose species diversity unless we scale up species‐targeted conservation and restoration measures, especially in anthropogenic landscapes

    66th Swiss Floristic Notes (2002, 2nd part; 2003, 1st part)

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    The 66th Swiss Floristic Notes contain essentially observations communicated to the Centre of the Swiss Floristic Network essentially during 2002 and the beginning of 2003. The most important of them were selected, revising all endangered species and checking the Atlas' distribution gaps. The minimal floristic information expected by the Centre is also given. In addition to the floristic notes, eight new and up-to-date distribution maps of rare and endangered species are presented

    Fortschritte in der Floristik der Schweizer Flora (GefĂ€ĂŸpflanzen)

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    As part of the Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland (BDM), comprehensive records of vascular plant species are made along 2.5-km transects and on 10-m(2) plots distributed regularly over the entire surface of Switzerland (www.biodiversitymonitoring.ch). Here we analyse data from 2001-2003 for 275 transects and 773 plots (70'287 floristic records). A comparison with the distribution atlas of vascular plants (based on data from 1982-1994) shows that 3'481 records of indigenous taxa from the BDM were new, i.e. species that had not been found in the corresponding mapping unit previously. Alien species (mostly of non-European origin) represented 2.11% of the 2.5-km transect records and 1.01 % of the 10-m(2) plot records. Red list species (critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable) represented 0.26% of the transect records and 0.06% of the plot records. These percentages are low, given that in 2002, the Swiss flora included 17.5% of alien species and 31.5% of red list species. In accordance with its purpose and methodology, the BDM mainly shows the distribution of widespread species, whereas other monitoring approaches are needed for rare species

    Fortschritte in der Floristik der Schweizer Flora (GefĂ€ĂŸpflanzen). (Mit BerĂŒcksichtigung der an die Schweiz angrenzenden Gebiete). 58. Folge (Berichtsjahr 1998-1999, 1. Teil)

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    Mit der vorliegenden Zusammenstellung gehen die „Fortschritte" in die 58. Folge. Darin sind Fundmeldungen erfaßt, die in der Zeitperiode 1998 (November-Dezember) bis 1999 (Mai) an eine unserer Zentralstellen geschickt wurden. Meldungen aus frĂŒheren Jahren wurden mitberĂŒcksichtigt. Es wurden noch viele Ă€ltere Fundmeldungen aufgenommen.The 58th Swiss Floristic Notes contain essentially observations communicated to the Centre of the Swiss Floristic Network during the years 1998-1999. The most important of them were selected, revising all endangered species and checking the Atlas' distribution gaps. The minimal floristic information expected by the Centre are also given