2 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Table S3. of Diversity and regulatory impact of copy number variation in the primate Macaca fascicularis

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    Quantitative genotypes for all 15,183 inferred CNV regions (CNVRs). chr represents the chromosome on which the CNVR is located, while start and end indicate the coordinates of the first respectively last CGH probe contained in the CNVR. length_kb is the estimated CNVR length in kilobases. CNV_detection_status indicates whether a CNVR contains only deletions (del), duplications (dup) or both (cnv) and eqtl_mapping indicates whether a given CNVR was detected in at least two individuals and was therefore used for cis-eQTL mapping (1) or not (0). The columns thereafter are the quantitative genotypes defined as an individual’s median log2-ratio of all CGH probes within a given CNVR. (XLSX 5415 kb