65 research outputs found

    A laminar organization for selective cortico-cortical communication

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    The neocortex is central to mammalian cognitive ability, playing critical roles in sensory perception, motor skills and executive function. This thin, layered structure comprises distinct, functionally specialized areas that communicate with each other through the axons of pyramidal neurons. For the hundreds of such cortico-cortical pathways to underlie diverse functions, their cellular and synaptic architectures must differ so that they result in distinct computations at the target projection neurons. In what ways do these pathways differ? By originating and terminating in different laminae, and by selectively targeting specific populations of excitatory and inhibitory neurons, these “interareal” pathways can differentially control the timing and strength of synaptic inputs onto individual neurons, resulting in layer-specific computations. Due to the rapid development in transgenic techniques, the mouse has emerged as a powerful mammalian model for understanding the rules by which cortical circuits organize and function. Here we review our understanding of how cortical lamination constrains long-range communication in the mammalian brain, with an emphasis on the mouse visual cortical network. We discuss the laminar architecture underlying interareal communication, the role of neocortical layers in organizing the balance of excitatory and inhibitory actions, and highlight the structure and function of layer 1 in mouse visual cortex

    Many Specialists for Suppressing Cortical Excitation

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    Cortical computations are critically dependent on GABA-releasing neurons for dynamically balancing excitation with inhibition that is proportional to the overall level of activity. Although it is widely accepted that there are multiple types of interneurons, defining their identities based on qualitative descriptions of morphological, molecular and physiological features has failed to produce a universally accepted ‘parts list’, which is needed to understand the roles that interneurons play in cortical processing. A list of features has been published by the Petilla Interneurons Nomenclature Group, which represents an important step toward an unbiased classification of interneurons. To this end some essential features have recently been studied quantitatively and their association was examined using multidimensional cluster analyses. These studies revealed at least 3 distinct electrophysiological, 6 morphological and 15 molecular phenotypes. This is a conservative estimate of the number of interneuron types, which almost certainly will be revised as more quantitative studies will be performed and similarities will be defined objectively. It is clear that interneurons are organized with physiological attributes representing the most general, molecular characteristics the most detailed and morphological features occupying the middle ground. By themselves, none of these features are sufficient to define classes of interneurons. The challenge will be to determine which features belong together and how cell type-specific feature combinations are genetically specified

    Stream-related preferences of inputs to the superior colliculus from areas of dorsal and ventral streams of mouse visual cortex

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    Previous studies of intracortical connections in mouse visual cortex have revealed two subnetworks that resemble the dorsal and ventral streams in primates. Although calcium imaging studies have shown that many areas of the ventral stream have high spatial acuity whereas areas of the dorsal stream are highly sensitive for transient visual stimuli, there are some functional inconsistencies that challenge a simple grouping into ‘what/perception’ and ‘where/action’ streams known in primates. The superior colliculus (SC) is a major center for processing of multimodal sensory information and the motor control of orienting the eyes, head and body. Visual processing is performed in superficial layers, whereas premotor activity is generated in deep layers of the SC. As the SC is known to receive input from visual cortex, we asked whether the projections from 10 visual areas of the dorsal and ventral streams terminate in differential depth profiles within the SC. We found that inputs from primary visual cortex (V1) are by far the strongest. Projections from the ventral stream were substantially weaker, whereas the sparsest input originated from areas of the dorsal stream. Importantly, we found that ventral stream inputs terminated in superficial layers, whereas dorsal stream inputs tended to be patchy and either projected equally to superficial and deep layers or strongly preferred deep layers. The results suggest that the anatomically defined ventral and dorsal streams contain areas which belong to distinct functional systems, specialized for the processing of visual information and visually guided action, respectively

    KundenprĂ€ferenzen fĂŒr leistungsrelevante Attribute von Stromprodukten

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    Zusammenfassung: Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, ob die Standard-Stromprodukte fĂŒr private Stromkunden in der Schweiz den KundenprĂ€ferenzen entsprechen. Basierend auf einer Online-Befragung mit Choice Experimenten, die 9420 Wahlentscheidungen von 628 Privatkunden in der Ostschweiz erfasste, beantwortet dieser Beitrag Fragen zum bevorzugten Stromprodukt. Mit Hilfe von hierarchischen Bayes SchĂ€tzungen sind KundenprĂ€ferenzen und die Wichtigkeit einzelner Attribute fĂŒr die Produktwahl bestimmt worden. Daraus können Teilnutzenwerte fĂŒr verschiedene AttributsausprĂ€gungen berechnet und implizite Zahlungsbereitschaften abgeleitet werden. Am wichtigsten sind fĂŒr den Kunden der Strommix, die monatlichen Stromkosten und der Ort der Stromproduktion. Im Vergleich von fĂŒnf untersuchten AusprĂ€gungen des Strommix erreicht der bestehende Schweizer Mix aus vorwiegend Kernenergie und Wasserkraft in der Gunst der Kunden den vorletzten Platz. DemgegenĂŒber stehen Mixes mit Ökostromanteilen bei den Kunden deutlich höher im Kurs. Die Studienergebnisse zeigen somit Handlungsmöglichkeiten fĂŒr die Produktgestaltung und die marketingstrategische Positionierung im liberalisierten Strommarkt au

    Gateways of ventral and dorsal streams in mouse visual cortex

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    It is widely held that the spatial processing functions underlying rodent navigation are similar to those encoding human episodic memory (Doeller et al, 2010). Spatial and nonspatial information are provided by all senses including vision. It has been suggested that visual inputs are fed to the navigational network in cortex and hippocampus through dorsal and ventral intracortical streams (Whitlock et al, 2008), but this has not been shown directly in rodents. We have used cyto- and chemoarchitectonic markers, topographic mapping of receptive fields and pathway tracing to determine in mouse visual cortex whether the lateromedial (LM) and the anterolateral fields (AL), which are the principal targets of primary visual cortex (V1) (Wang and Burkhalter, 2007) specialized for processing nonspatial and spatial visual information (Gao et al, 2006), are distinct areas with diverse connections. We have found that the LM/AL border coincides with a change in type 2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (m2AChR) expression in layer 4 and with the representation of the lower visual field periphery. Our quantitative analyses further show that LM strongly projects to temporal cortex as well as the lateral entorhinal cortex, which has weak spatial selectivity (Hargreaves et al, 2005). In contrast, AL has stronger connections with posterior parietal cortex, motor cortex and the spatially selective medial entorhinal cortex (Haftig et al, 2005). These results support the notion that LM and AL are architecturally, topographically and connectionally distinct areas of extrastriate visual cortex and that they are gateways for ventral and dorsal streams

    Multiple Distinct Subtypes of GABAergic Neurons in Mouse Visual Cortex Identified by Triple Immunostaining

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    The majority of cortical interneurons use GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) as inhibitory neurotransmitter. GABAergic neurons are morphologically, connectionally, electrically and chemically heterogeneous. In rat cerebral cortex three distinct groups of GABAergic interneurons have been identified by the expression of parvalbumin (PV), calretinin (CR) and somatostatin (SOM). Recent studies in mouse cerebral cortex have revealed a different organization in which the CR and SOM populations are partially overlapping. Because CR and SOM neurons derive from different progenitors located in different embryonic structures, the coexpression of CR + SOM suggests that the chemical differentiation of interneurons is regulated postmitotically. Here, we have taken an important first step towards understanding this process by triple immunostaining mouse visual cortex with a panel of antibodies, which has been used extensively for classifying developing interneurons. We have found at least 13 distinct groups of GABAergic neurons which include PV, CR, SOM, CCK (cholecystokinin), CR + SOM, CR + NPY (neuropeptide Y), CR + VIP (vasointestinal polypeptide), SOM + NPY, SOM + VIP, VIP + ChAT (choline acetyltransferase), CCK + NPY, CR + SOM + NPY and CR + SOM + VIP expressing cells. Triple immunostaining with PV, CR and SOM antibodies during postnatal development further showed that PV is never colocalized with CR and SOM. Importantly, expression of SOM and CR + SOM developed after the percentage of CR cells that do not express SOM has reached the mature level, suggesting that the chemical differentiation of SOM and CR + SOM neurons is a postnatal event, which may be controlled by transcriptional regulation

    Network analysis of corticocortical connections reveals ventral and dorsal processing streams in mouse visual cortex

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    Much of the information used for visual perception and visually guided actions is processed in complex networks of connections within the cortex. To understand how this works in the normal brain and to determine the impact of disease, mice are promising models. In primate visual cortex, information is processed in a dorsal stream specialized for visuospatial processing and guided action and a ventral stream for object recognition. Here, we traced the outputs of 10 visual areas and used quantitative graph analytic tools of modern network science to determine, from the projection strengths in 39 cortical targets, the community structure of the network. We found a high density of the cortical graph that exceeded that previously shown in monkey. Each source area showed a unique distribution of projection weights across its targets (i.e. connectivity profile) that was well-fit by a lognormal function. Importantly, the community structure was strongly dependent on the location of the source area: outputs from medial/anterior extrastriate areas were more strongly linked to parietal, motor and limbic cortex, whereas lateral extrastriate areas were preferentially connected to temporal and parahippocampal cortex. These two subnetworks resemble dorsal and ventral cortical streams in primates, demonstrating that the basic layout of cortical networks is conserved across species

    Parallel input channels to mouse primary visual cortex

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    It is generally accepted that in mammals visual information is sent to the brain along functionally specialized parallel pathways, but whether the mouse visual system uses similar processing strategies is not known. It is important to resolve this issue because the mouse brain provides a tractable system for developing a cellular and molecular understanding of disorders affecting spatiotemporal visual processing. We have used single unit recordings in mouse primary visual cortex to study whether individual neurons are more sensitive to one set of sensory cues than another. Our quantitative analyses show that neurons with short response latencies have low spatial acuity and high sensitivity to contrast, temporal frequency and speed, whereas neurons with long latencies have high spatial acuity, low sensitivities to contrast, temporal frequency and speed. These correlations suggest that neurons in mouse V1 receive inputs from a weighted combination of parallel afferent pathways with distinct spatiotemporal sensitivities

    Distinct balance of excitation and inhibition in an interareal feedforward and feedback circuit of mouse visual cortex

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    Mouse visual cortex is subdivided into multiple distinct, hierarchically organized areas that are interconnected through feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) pathways. The principal synaptic targets of FF and FB axons that reciprocally interconnect primary visual cortex (V1) with the higher lateromedial extrastriate area (LM) are pyramidal cells (Pyr) and parvalbumin (PV)-expressing GABAergic interneurons. Recordings in slices of mouse visual cortex have shown that layer 2/3 Pyr cells receive excitatory monosynaptic FF and FB inputs, which are opposed by disynaptic inhibition. Most notably, inhibition is stronger in the FF than FB pathway, suggesting pathway-specific organization of feedforward inhibition (FFI). To explore the hypothesis that this difference is due to diverse pathway-specific strengths of the inputs to PV neurons we have performed subcellular Channelrhodopsin-2-assisted circuit mapping in slices of mouse visual cortex. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained from retrobead-labeled FF(V1→LM)- and FB(LM→V1)-projecting Pyr cells, as well as from tdTomato-expressing PV neurons. The results show that the FF(V1→LM) pathway provides on average 3.7-fold stronger depolarizing input to layer 2/3 inhibitory PV neurons than to neighboring excitatory Pyr cells. In the FB(LM→V1) pathway, depolarizing inputs to layer 2/3 PV neurons and Pyr cells were balanced. Balanced inputs were also found in the FF(V1→LM) pathway to layer 5 PV neurons and Pyr cells, whereas FB(LM→V1) inputs to layer 5 were biased toward Pyr cells. The findings indicate that FFI in FF(V1→LM) and FB(LM→V1) circuits are organized in a pathway- and lamina-specific fashion

    Hierarchical and nonhierarchical features of the mouse visual cortical network

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    Neocortical computations underlying vision are performed by a distributed network of functionally specialized areas. Mouse visual cortex, a dense interareal network that exhibits hierarchical properties, comprises subnetworks interconnecting distinct processing streams. To determine the layout of the mouse visual hierarchy, we have evaluated the laminar patterns formed by interareal axonal projections originating in each of ten areas. Reciprocally connected pairs of areas exhibit feedforward/feedback relationships consistent with a hierarchical organization. Beta regression analyses, which estimate a continuous hierarchical distance measure, indicate that the network comprises multiple nonhierarchical circuits embedded in a hierarchical organization of overlapping levels. Single-unit recordings in anaesthetized mice show that receptive field sizes are generally consistent with the hierarchy, with the ventral stream exhibiting a stricter hierarchy than the dorsal stream. Together, the results provide an anatomical metric for hierarchical distance, and reveal both hierarchical and nonhierarchical motifs in mouse visual cortex
