668 research outputs found

    Bethe Ansatz and the Spectral Theory of affine Lie algebra--valued connections II. The non simply--laced case

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    We assess the ODE/IM correspondence for the quantum g\mathfrak{g}-KdV model, for a non-simply laced Lie algebra g\mathfrak{g}. This is done by studying a meromorphic connection with values in the Langlands dual algebra of the affine Lie algebra g(1){\mathfrak{g}}^{(1)}, and constructing the relevant Ψ\Psi-system among subdominant solutions. We then use the Ψ\Psi-system to prove that the generalized spectral determinants satisfy the Bethe Ansatz equations of the quantum g\mathfrak{g}-KdV model. We also consider generalized Airy functions for twisted Kac--Moody algebras and we construct new explicit solutions to the Bethe Ansatz equations. The paper is a continuation of our previous work on the ODE/IM correspondence for simply-laced Lie algebras.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure. Continuation of arXiv:1501.07421. Minor change in the title. New subsection 5.1 on the action of the Weyl group on the Bethe Ansatz solution

    Bethe Ansatz and the Spectral Theory of affine Lie algebra-valued connections I. The simply-laced case

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    We study the ODE/IM correspondence for ODE associated to g^\hat{\mathfrak g}-valued connections, for a simply-laced Lie algebra g\mathfrak g. We prove that subdominant solutions to the ODE defined in different fundamental representations satisfy a set of quadratic equations called Ψ\Psi-system. This allows us to show that the generalized spectral determinants satisfy the Bethe Ansatz equations.Comment: 27 pages, final and published version. Minor change in the titl

    The molecular landscape of colitis-associated carcinogenesis

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    In spite of the well-established histopathological phenotyping of IBD-associated preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions, their molecular landscape remains to be fully elucidated. Several studies have pinpointed the initiating role of longstanding/relapsing inflammatory insult on the intestinal mucosa, with the activation of different pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-\u3b1, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-\u3b3), chemokines and metabolites of arachidonic acid resulting in the activation of key transcription factors such as NF-\u3baB. Longstanding inflammation may also modify the intestinal microbiota, prompting the overgrowth of genotoxic microorganisms, which may act as further cancer promoters. Most of the molecular dysregulation occurring in sporadic colorectal carcinogenesis is documented in colitis-associated adenocarcinoma too, but marked differences have been established in both their timing and prevalence. Unlike sporadic cancers, TP53 alterations occur early in IBD-related carcinogenesis, while APC dysregulation emerges mainly in the most advanced stages of the oncogenic cascade. From the therapeutic standpoint, colitis-associated cancers are associated with a lower prevalence of KRAS mutations than the sporadic variant. Epigenetic changes, including DNA methylation, histone modifications, chromatin remodeling, and non-coding RNAs, are significantly involved in colitis-associated cancer development and progression. The focus now is on identifying diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, with a view to ultimately designing patient-tailored therapie

    Anisotropic Rheology and Friction of Suspended Graphene

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    Graphene is a powerful membrane prototype for both applications and fundamental research. Rheological phenomena including indentation, twisting, and wrinkling in deposited and suspended graphene are actively investigated to unravel the mechanical laws at the nanoscale. Most studies focused on isotropic set-ups, while realistic graphene membranes are often subject to strongly anisotropic constraints, with important consequences for the rheology, strain, indentation, and friction in engineering conditions

    Experimental multiphase estimation on a chip

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    Multiparameter estimation is a general problem that aims at measuring unknown physical quantities, obtaining high precision in the process. In this context, the adoption of quantum resources promises a substantial boost in the achievable performances with respect to the classical case. However, several open problems remain to be addressed in the multiparameter scenario. A crucial requirement is the identification of suitable platforms to develop and experimentally test novel efficient methodologies that can be employed in this general framework. We report the experimental implementation of a reconfigurable integrated multimode interferometer designed for the simultaneous estimation of two optical phases. We verify the high-fidelity operation of the implemented device, and demonstrate quantum-enhanced performances in two-phase estimation with respect to the best classical case, post-selected to the number of detected coincidences. This device can be employed to test general adaptive multiphase protocols due to its high reconfigurability level, and represents a powerful platform to investigate the multiparameter estimation scenario.Comment: 10+7 pages, 7+4 figure

    The use of cryptocurrencies for hawala in the Islamic finance

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    This paper aims to evaluate where the application of new fintech solutions like blockchain and cryptocurrencies can be considered as an opportunity to build bridges between Islamic and western culture in order to create a trusted money transfer with low commission and a big transparency and trust.  The research question is: Can an Hawala systems based on DLT technologies be considered compliant both with anti-money laundry regulations and with Sharia values?  This is a conceptual paper relying upon an understanding of the literature in the fields of technology, sociology, anthropology, criminology and regulatory, as applied to the topic of Islamic practice known as Hawala and emerging new disruptive technologies like Distributed Ledger Technology.  The research has been conducted by a literature reviewing on Scopus data base by searching the following keywords: Islamic finance, cryptocurrencies, hawala, stablecoin, globalcoin, money laundering, blockchain.  The searching period was set on the last 10 years.  The paper discusses some scenarios to define new fintech Hawala system in an evolving scenario of cryptocurrencies, social network commitments and different type of blockchain where it can be digitally transformed by using new fintech technologies while became compliance with anti-money laundering regulations with the respect of Islamic values.  As practical implications, this paper could help to encourage researcher and entrepreneurs to evaluate and propose a digital transformation approach with the aim to maintain ancient tradition and, at the same time, apply new technology that improve the life of citizens.  As social implications this paper expands upon the understanding of how new fintech solution can be easily be integrated in the real life by using common devices like a mobile phone to be used as wallet for the daily expenses and to receive money from relatives from western countries.  The originality/value of this paper is that it covers the literature gap in the field of new fintech solutions applied to Islamic finance by providing a likely proposal by integrating popular tradition, regulations and new technologies.  The research limitations and implications are related to that this is a conceptual paper; case studies haven’t been treated, so it is not able to say definitively if the outcomes discussed can be defined as an effective solution and can be developed in the real global society, in a future prospective it’ll be possible to continue to make researches in this field of application with fintech technologies and Islamic Finance

    Oligometastatic gastric cancer: an emerging clinical entity with distinct therapeutic implications

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    Gastric cancer (GC) remains responsible for a high burden worldwide being the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Most of patients present at an advanced stage at diagnosis and are thus candidates to standard chemotherapy resulting in median survival of less than 1 year. Oligometastatic gastric cancer is an increasingly recognized clinical entity characterized by limited metastatic spread that has been showing to benefit from aggressive multimodality strategies encompassing chemotherapy and surgery. The ongoing RENAISSANCE/AIO-FLOT5 (NCT02578368) phase III trial is aimed at evaluating if perioperative chemotherapy with FLOT in combination with surgical resection of the primary tumour and metastases could become the new standard of care for oligometastatic GC. In the meantime, in addition to currently available clinical parameters, the emerging predictive/prognostic role of biomarkers such mismatch repair deficiency/microsatellite instability high status needs to be specifically addressed also in this subgroup of GC to assist in patient selection

    Integrated sources of entangled photons at telecom wavelength in femtosecond-laser-written circuits

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    Photon entanglement is an important state of light that is at the basis of many protocols in photonic quantum technologies, from quantum computing, to simulation and sensing. The capability to generate entangled photons in integrated waveguide sources is particularly advantageous due to the enhanced stability and more efficient light-crystal interaction. Here we realize an integrated optical source of entangled degenerate photons at telecom wavelength, based on the hybrid interfacing of photonic circuits in different materials, all inscribed by femtosecond laser pulses. We show that our source, based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion, gives access to different classes of output states, allowing to switch from path-entangled to polarization-entangled states with net visibilities above 0.92 for all selected combinations of integrated devices

    Analysing Molecular Mechanism Related to Therapy- Resistance in In-vitro Models of Ovarian Cancer

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    Ovarian cancer is among the most common cause of cancer death and ranks first in the number of deaths each year in the field of gynaecological malignancies. This is due to its late diagnosis and the development of chemoresistance. Platinum derivates, including cisplatinum and carboplatin in combination with paclitaxel, are the first-line chemotherapeutic agents. Platinum derivates irreversibly intercalates into the DNA and creates inter- and intra-strand DNA cross-links. During cell division, platinum-DNA-adducts block the replication machinery, inducing DNA damage and apoptosis. Nearly all patients respond to first-line chemotherapy before it comes later to recurrence of the disease. At time of recurrence, tumours are usually more aggressive, form metastasis in secondary tissues and acquire resistance to conventional chemotherapeutics. Drug resistance is a common problem in tumour therapy not only restricted to ovarian cancer. It is characterized by gene mutations, increased DNA repair, reduced drug efficacy and enhanced drug clearance and detoxification. Up to now the complex molecular mechanism of chemoresistance is not well understood. Increasing evidence points towards AKT over-expression and alteration of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR cascade as a central mechanistic reason for this resistance

    Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals developmental heterogeneity of blastomeres during major genome activation in bovine embryos

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    Embryonic development is initially controlled by maternal RNAs and proteins stored in the oocyte, until gene products gradually generated by the embryo itself take over. Major embryonic genome activation (EGA) in bovine embryos occurs at the eight-to 16-cell stage. Morphological observations, such as size of blastomeres and distribution of microvilli, suggested heterogeneity among individual cells already at this developmental stage. To address cell heterogeneity on the transcriptome level, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing of 161 blastomeres from 14 in vitro produced bovine embryos at Day 2 (n = 6) and Day 3 (n = 8) post fertilization. Complementary DNA libraries were prepared using the Single-Cell RNA-Barcoding and Sequencing protocol and sequenced. Non-supervised clustering of single-cell transcriptome profiles identified six clusters with specific sets of genes. Most embryos were comprised of cells from at least two different clusters. Sorting cells according to their transcriptome profiles resulted in a non-branched pseudo-time line, arguing against major lineage inclination events at this developmental stage. In summary, our study revealed heterogeneity of transcriptome profiles among single cells in bovine Day 2 and Day 3 embryos, suggesting asynchronous blastomere development during the phase of major EGA
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